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Ok, never done the track. Don't know the deal, at all. I am asking to learn...not accuse above riders of anything.  But you can't have mirrors right?...so how the heck can you see someone on the inside of you at 150 mph as you dive into a corner......and if I am passing a guy into a corner I don't think I would EVER go inside knowing he has no mirrors. I mean you can't head check can you....at that speed you would be a mile down the track in that split second.


So how does this work. School me please.

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The person doing the passing is responsible to make a clean pass. Typically we don't look back but you can, it's not advised as you should look where you are going. This was novice of all places, this should have never happened as it's suppose to be a controlled group.

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The person doing the passing is responsible to make a clean pass. Typically we don't look back but you can, it's not advised as you should look where you are going. This was novice of all places, this should have never happened as it's suppose to be a controlled group.



Pretty much what I was typing out.


In this situation,1.5 laps in during an early season novice trackday, it should still be follow the leader with no passing

Edited by RHill
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It wasn't a wise move for early session in any group.......but looks like the rookie when in too hot, then used rear brake upsetting bike making it stand up in the corner.


It seems like at every trackday you have someone riding above there abilities in just about all groups, which is fine just don't crash your track buddies doing it.....Craig tried that move on me once and got smoke in his eyes so I'll bet when you were in preschool your carpet square was never big enough either???? 

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To answer Tonik's question... what Craig said, plus if you're gonna go for a pass up the inside of someone, you better make damn sure you can get at least up along side him before he turns in so he knows you're there. Without mirrors that's all we have. As the passer, you have this responsibility, and you basically better have made your pass before the other guy hits the apex. Luckily the guys I race with are pretty damn good about this. There's only a select few who I feel a little sketchy about shooting up the inside of me and taking me out... the rest will have made their pass cleanly, or will be on the brakes in a controlled manner so that I never even knew they were there.

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We never had any crashing in novice in my track adventures, but what I will say , is that it always seems there is a couple of people that don't want to follow the "no passing "in the early sessions. I've not quite understood the reasoning behind this. It appears to me that the guy being towed by the control rider panicked and was in too deep before he realized and stood the bike up....

Edited by oldschoolsdime92
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My question is : How do you crash in Novice?

The one's I did were very controlled and a little on the slow side.

It does look like the CR was towing a guy who "claims" that he's a racer,guess he wasn't !

Sucks for the CR !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Taft was taken out at Nelson too.......towing someone.


Something I don't understand....these people never get called out in riders meetings, seems that just the ones that maybe a few inches too close get yelled at in riders meeting and never the ones that deserve it?????

Edited by Chuck Clay
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You find and whoop their ass back in the paddock.


OK, that would probably be my first reaction if I got crashed and it wasn't my fault.


OTOH, if I fucked up and crashed someone else, I'd offer to pay for damages.


Is it just a risk you take?  Are there unwritten rules? 

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My first track day at Putnam I was passed on the inside in turn 8. Scared the sh!t out of me (was not a control rider) I ended up going off track. I did not go down an rode back onto the track. It took a few laps to shake it off.

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Proper etiquette is to find the guy in the pits after the incident, make sure he's ok, and apologize. If he tells you to get the fuck out of his sight, you get the fuck out of his sight. If he's not too crazy mad at you, you offer to drop what you're doing and help him fix his bike. This includes grabbing any parts that you have that might be needed to fix his bike. This is generally just what ive seen and my opinion. I have never seen anyone pay for, or offer to pay for, another guys damages. Its kind of just part of the risk we all take I guess. Luckily, I have yet to see a straight upfist fight because of something like this either... but I haven't been around THAT long and I'm sure it's happened at some point.

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I won't really get into the action itself other than.. it's always the job of the person behind to make the safe clean pass.. and make it as fast and smoothly as possible... During a track day and definitely in novice. Never make a pass after a turn in. Other than that.. he was being towed.. so it seems he was out of his comfort zone by a large margin.

As far as repairs and whatnot Hollywood hit it on the head.. and I've never seen a fist fight. Couple of heavy screaming matches.. but mostly hey I messed up. What I do to help get ya back in track. And so on..

No offering to pay as its the inherent risk we take

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