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How to File a Complaint About The Law Enforcement at WNF


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Some of us as well as other people we have talked to down there have had some serious issues with one of the Rangers, Foresty Ofiicers or who ever he is patrolling the trails down at Wayne NF. So i sent this email to the general email.


Could you please direct me to the proper channels to where I can file an official complaint about one of your atv trail law enforcement officers. The name, phone number, and email address of a supervisor or superior would be appreciated...thank you in advance.



and this is the reply I received............


I have cc'ed the supervisor of the Forest Service Law Enforcement officers on the Wayne. Some of our officers are not full time law enforcement and may work for other people and some are actually conservation officers that work for the State of Ohio- but he may be able to determine if whoever you have an issue with was one of our officers or not.
His name is Tony McGallicher and his phone number is 740-753-0578. If it isn't one of his officers, he'll be able to help you, or tell you who to talk to.

I hope this helps.

Teena Ligman
Wayne and Hoosier National Forests
811 Constitution Avenue
Bedford, IN 47421




So if we want to voice our concerns there where we start.


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  On 5/6/2014 at 2:41 AM, Casper said:

Have there been more issues with that guy?

Yup 2 weekends ago he came into Wiliams camp ground at various times of the day(very early and very late) because he was looking for someone that he says ran from him, and in a nut shell interrogating everyone he cam across. Along with the other times he had basicly harassed us for no reason at all.

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  On 5/6/2014 at 2:55 AM, Isaac said:

Need more information. Where's the juicy stuff? :(

We can tell the long stories in person sometime im not that good at typing. But in a nut shell, this dude is basically on a ego trip with a badge, He thinks everyone is guilty of something at any given time and in his Barney Fife attitude he's going to pin something on you if you did it or not. He blocks trail heads and checks EVERYONE that goes buy, and is just in most of our opinions  harasses and interrogates people that are playing by the rules and trying to have a good time.  I have talked to a few people that said they will never go back because of him.

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Run it up the chain at ODNR. In my experience they are very image focused and pay attention to user feedback. If enough complaints get to this guy's boss' boss' boss, his professional life will become very unpleasant and might yield a behavior modification.

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  On 5/6/2014 at 11:41 AM, bloodninja420 said:

Run it up the chain at ODNR. In my experience they are very image focused and pay attention to user feedback. If enough complaints get to this guy's boss' boss' boss, his professional life will become very unpleasant and might yield a behavior modification.

That's what we are hoping for.
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Tried to call the guy today, only got a voicemail. and the voicemail said his name was Joseph not Tony. But here is the big long title he had on his voicemail.

Patrol Captain Joseph McGallicher US Forestry Service Law Enforcement Investigation, South Central Zone.

I'll update more if he calls me back and what he says

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Ok talked to guy for about a half an hour, we have the right man he is the dudes boss.  I expressed my/our concerns, told him of the personal encounters, and shared some of the second hand stories i have heard. I hope I'm wrong but i don't think anything is going to change. I'll fill you guys in more when i talk to you this weekend. But one of the things he said that could be good is that he was concerned about all the second hand info i was providing and welcomes other to contact him with their concerns. And he said he would talk to him about all the things I wanted to relay which in a nut shell were 1. Lighten up    2. Be more of a people person. 3. Don't assume everyone is guilty or involved.  He also said this is the first time he has heard any complaints about this officer and he is a normally a outstanding officer. I never ask but, he never volunteered to give me his name, but knew who i was talking about by my description. He told me that keeping alcohol, drugs and illegal guns off the trail is their number one concern and he can not and will not ask any officer not to do that job. And it's their job to dig that's what thy are told to do. So i think they will have a talk about it but like i said i don't think it's going to do any good.  

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  On 5/7/2014 at 12:57 AM, Tonik said:

What guns are illegal on the trail?

Think he was getting at people that carry them that are not supposed to be and or illegally concealed. I prob worded that wrong.


But he is a supporter of concealed carry and a said he applauds me for doing so out on the trails. 

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  On 5/7/2014 at 1:01 AM, 2talltim said:

Think he was getting at people that carry them that are not supposed to be and or illegally concealed. I prob worded that wrong.

But he is a supporter of concealed carry and a said he applauds me for doing so out on the trails.

Darn, thought me and a few dozen friends were gonna get to have a picnic out there.

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I wonder if you guys are talking about them same officer I am thinking about. I would love to call and support this so this officer either changed his attitude or doesn't have duty at WNF anymore and moves somewhere else.

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  On 5/7/2014 at 2:17 AM, 400exc said:

I wonder if you guys are talking about them same officer I am thinking about. I would love to call and support this so this officer either changed his attitude or doesn't have duty at WNF anymore and moves somewhere else.

One we are talking about is a Black feller and he is of foreign decent. (no way to relay that with out sounding racist I guess):dunno:

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