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a glimpse into the mind of a radical feminist

Gixxus Christ!

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Wow.....I have so many comments for "Radical Wind",  that I don't know where to start.


Obviously, someone was not hugged enough as a child, and is taking her daddy issues out via the internet instead of the pole(probably because no one wants to see her naked).


I do like the reply from "Jim Goad", much better person than I.  Their response only included one expletive, whereas mine would have been loaded with 'em.

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I just don't get it....why do these women have to ascribe every hurdle they face in life to 'male oppression'? I could see maybe 50 yrs ago, but not today. It boggles the mind that they have the audacity to tell other women what's good for them. "No, you don't actually enjoy sex, you just think you do because you've been conditioned to let men rape you". Bullshit, almost all the women I've had sex thoroughly enjoyed it, and I know this for a fact because most of them didn't mace me or scratch at my eyes.

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Wow! All I can think is...what a hateful, misdirected, single-minded, unhappy bitch. I actually had to look up PIV, guess I'm a little behind the curve on my acronyms.

It's very reckless to go around describing consensual heterosexual sex as rape. She obviously doesn't understand the true meaning of such a vile act.

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"If we look at the act in more detail (skip this parag if you can’t take it), PIV is a man mounting on a woman to thrust a large member of himself into her most intimate parts, often forcing her to be entirely naked, banging himself against her with the whole weight of his body and hips, shaking her like he would stuff a corpse, then using her insides as a receptacle for his penile dejection. How is this a normal civilised, respectful way to treat anyone? Sorry for the explicit picture, but this is what it is and it’s absolutely revolting and violating."


Wow...  I had no idea that there were "women" in the world that actually think like this...  Could this person possibly be anymore fucked-up-in-the-head?  How sad.

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"If we look at the act in more detail (skip this parag if you can’t take it), PIV is a man mounting on a woman to thrust a large member of himself into her most intimate parts, often forcing her to be entirely naked, banging himself against her with the whole weight of his body and hips, shaking her like he would stuff a corpse, then using her insides as a receptacle for his penile dejection."

So what if my wife initiates it, and she is on top? Am I supposed to feel bad? I think I kind of like it. Maybe I should seek therapy.

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If you don't like sex, fine. You don't have to try to ruin it for the rest of us.

As a big-time proponent of gender related rights myself, I groan to see this sort of thing. It's deleterious to the cause of women because all it does is make people think we're all hate-filled bitches. That's a lot, that's exactly how I want people to view me...

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This is probably a case of "I don't get enjoyment out of it, so nobody else possibly can (or should) either" ... I don't think the world would be a worse place if she abstained.

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So what is it called when her girl friend is finger banging her? FIV?

And if any of this was true dildos would not have such high sales.

It is obvious she does not know her role, she is to shut up, stay in the kitchen and make sammiches.

I come out of the kitchen only when permitted and I do not blog without written permission.

Edited by snot
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"If you tasted something and it tasted disgusting, why on earth would you force yourself to eat or drink it again and again until your taste buds are so numbed you no longer feel the disgust, and come to believe you enjoy it? This is pure torture. So is PIV."

This is by far the worst comparison to bad sex, or to not enjoying it in general. I think what she meant here is like asking, "why is everyone else having sex all the time like it's their favorite food?" hmmm... Probably because most people do not share this insane point of view, clearly she thinks her experiences and beliefs are absolute and universal for all regardless of ones own personal feelings. While the rest of us are off enjoying the sweet foods of life, this lady is working on unloading this theory (sorry, FACT) that recreational sex is again human nature. bullshit. Im not even defending men here, im just annoyed how our society is producing more and more people with ridiculous beliefs who try to force it upon others like religion. No body can be right just because they want to be. I bet she doesn't like chocolate either.

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"If you tasted something and it tasted disgusting, why on earth would you force yourself to eat or drink it again and again until your taste buds are so numbed you no longer feel the disgust, and come to believe you enjoy it? This is pure torture. So is PIV."

This is by far the worst comparison to bad sex, or to not enjoying it in general. I think what she meant here is like asking, "why is everyone else having sex all the time like it's their favorite food?" hmmm... Probably because most people do not share this insane point of view, clearly she thinks her experiences and beliefs are absolute and universal for all regardless of ones own personal feelings. While the rest of us are off enjoying the sweet foods of life, this lady is working on unloading this theory (sorry, FACT) that recreational sex is again human nature. bullshit. Im not even defending men here, im just annoyed how our society is producing more and more people with ridiculous beliefs who try to force it upon others like religion. No body can be right just because they want to be. I bet she doesn't like chocolate either.

You are over thinking this. She is batshit insane. It's that simple. But great post, far above our usual standards.

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