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Michael Brown shooting


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I don't have kids, but if I did, and this was mine, come prison or hell, that man doesn't get away with it. He doesn't get away with murdering my child.

So are you going to kill a cop when they don't go to trial for killing your imaginary meth tooth inbred hilljack ashtabula deformed child?
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I don't have kids, but if I did, and this was mine, come prison or hell, that man doesn't get away with it. He doesn't get away with murdering my child.

Yay. More hypotheticals. If my grandma had wheels, she'd be a boxcar.

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I say all that to say that I fully support the actions of the two officers in this one incident where the kid was shot.



You need to step back a second and reconsider. Consider that one of the DOJ's bigger issues with the CPD is they do not follow protocol and procedures and that often leads to the use of excessive or deadly force that otherwise would not have been needed. Now consider that the cops rolled up on that kid and the driver stopped in a place that left his partner getting out of the car about 3 feet from someone they thought had a gun. So yea, the cop getting out of the car had no real choice, he had to shoot and he had to shoot quickly.


But that was in large part because the driver screwed up bad. Protocol says park a distance away, use the car as cover and demand the perp show his hands.....


So, I think you need to change the above to say you support the actions of the shooter, but the other cop screwed up badly and is in large part responsible for the outcome...probably to the point of voluntary manslaughter.

Edited by Tonik
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I stand by the statement. DOJ has good intentions but their protocols will end up getting people hurt at a greater number than it will save. It wouldn't be the first time poor policy and tactics have been implemented with little working knowledge of practical safe ways to handle situations.


The tactics used in this case would have saved a lot of carnage if the man with a gun had bad intentions to cause harm to the police or others after he had dispatched with the police. They had this guy pinned down with very few options to cause harm to others at great risk to themselves. This wasn't a mistake at the time, it was a reaction to a situation made in split seconds.


Distance is your friend if you are only concerned with yourself and a great defensive start of a strategy, if you don't care about what can happen to others or you are certain everyone in the area has a means to protect themselves. These guys selflessly put themselves in danger to protect the community by taking the fight to a known armed suspect. In hindsight with all of the facts known this was a horrible outcome. It could have just as easily gone the other way. In cases like this I'm okay with erring on the side of caution.

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You need to step back a second and reconsider. Consider that one of the DOJ's bigger issues with the CPD is they do not follow protocol and procedures and that often leads to the use of excessive or deadly force that otherwise would not have been needed. Now consider that the cops rolled up on that kid and the driver stopped in a place that left his partner getting out of the car about 3 feet from someone they thought had a gun. So yea, the cop getting out of the car had no real choice, he had to shoot and he had to shoot quickly.

But that was in large part because the driver screwed up bad. Protocol says park a distance away, use the car as cover and demand the perp show his hands.....

So, I think you need to change the above to say you support the actions of the shooter, but the other cop screwed up badly and is in large part responsible for the outcome...probably to the point of voluntary manslaughter.

So you are assuming that the cops knew his exact location when they pulled up? Also when they stopped the kid was on the other side of the gazebo/shelter house and approached them. The fact remains the kid started all of the situation and his actions lead to his death. You keep saying how bad Cleveland Police are, what have they done to you? I've been to Cleveland a lot and have never had a problem with the police. I'm guessing the biggest part of that is I don't break the freaking law. The solution is simple don't break the law and you won't have to worry about how mean the police are. If more people obeyed the law there would be less of a need for the police=less police to worry about. But we live in a world where people can't refrain from screwing with other people. Edited by cOoTeR
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Boy this thread can really show the difference between left wing and right wing extremists.  Either the cops were perfectly justified to shoot a person reported to have a gun or the Cleveland cops were just doing their normal thing of killing innocent 12yr old kids who brandishing airsoft pistols that were made to look like a real gun cause the cops should have known that he was 12 and the gun was a toy.

Me thinks it lies somewhere in the middle folks !

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Boy this thread can really show the difference between left wing and right wing extremists.  Either the cops were perfectly justified to shoot a person reported to have a gun or the Cleveland cops were just doing their normal thing of killing innocent 12yr old kids who brandishing airsoft pistols that were made to look like a real gun cause the cops should have known that he was 12 and the gun was a toy.

Me thinks it lies somewhere in the middle folks !


Going to throw your whole theory out the window. I am a right wing extremist 99.9 percent of the time. Mags will vouch for that. Love the cops, love law and order stuff, got lots of guns. Wish there was a way I could legally use those guns on a great many of the Cleveland police.

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Somewhat back on topic. I saw this video and found it interesting. Im not to sure of the authenticity of the person that is supposedly micheal brown being him because this is the internet and all. But if it is him it shows what a sweet innocent caring member of society he was.Michael Brown Criminally Assaults and Robs an Old…: http://youtu.be/Sn2eDyaq3mQ

Edited by cOoTeR
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Somewhat back on topic. I saw this video and found it interesting. Im not to sure of the authenticity of the person that is supposedly micheal brown being him because this is the internet and all. But if it is him it shows what a sweet innocent caring member of society he was.Michael Brown Criminally Assaults and Robs an Old…


I will see your crappy unsubstantiated video that hasn't been picked up by even Fox News and raise you with a real substantiated badass cop.



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"The most important finding, however, came after medical examiners conducted a detailed analysis of Brown’s hands.

They found a “strong likelihood of the presence of soot” which indicates that the man’s hands were extremely close to a firearm when it was fired.

That fact matches Wilson’s account. He testified that there was a struggle over his handgun and that Brown was trying to take control of the gun when the first shot went off.

There’s even more evidence that backs up Wilson’s version of events.

Investigators found Brown’s blood on his own hands, and also on the inside of the police vehicle’s door.

This would be next to impossible unless Brown had purposely reached inside the police car and assaulted the officer, just as Wilson described."

Edited by cOoTeR
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And by golly, there are sane intelligent people on this earth.....


Hmmm.…not really sure that's certifiable evidence that she's sane and intelligent, but by golly, she sure is outspoken….


I lean to the side of the officer in the Brown shooting.  There's enough evidence to vindicate the shooter.  MB's actions directly led to his death.

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Eric Garner had only been arrested 41 different times before this video was taken it’s not like he was a career criminal was it? This or something like it was bound to happen sooner or later.

As far as the 12 year old he was out playing gangster with a modified toy gun what would of any of you concealed carry people have done if he ran up to you and your family and pointed it at you? My guess is most of you would have just thrown your wallet at him. It is not as easy to kill someone as you might think. I have no idea what the protocol is or what they talked about before they drove up on the kid but my first reaction was the driver pulled up to fast and close to give his partner any other choice once the kid reached for the gun.

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Brown? I'm good with that. Stupid games beget stupid prizes.

Cleveland kid? That one I don't feel was justified at all. I have a 14 year old and two others getting to that 12 year old mark. I can see my kids panicking...not understanding what the cop is yelling...."hands up!"..... to an underdeveloped young brain may spark you to think "hey, it's not real....see?". And honestly, there is something to say about the race thing.... I picture my sons' school and the little white 6th graders roaming the playground. Would a cop shoot one of them? I'm not good with that.

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Eric Garner had only been arrested 41 different times before this video was taken it’s not like he was a career criminal was it? This or something like it was bound to happen sooner or later.


since when are local pugs responsible for tax enforcement?
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But my own personal note on these and many other cases that are on the news is....


If you are going to break the law and resist arrest / flee / elude the police, what happens next is 95% on you. Not all dept.'s have non-lethal tools available to them.  Most cops are trying to do the right thing  i.e. Protect and Serve, maintain Peace and Order.  Yes there are the few who should not be wearing the uniform/badge. They are the power hungry, ignorant of or do not know the Bill of Rights, forget the departmental policies, or just plain stupid.  They get slowly weeded out. But these three cases that are in the news are not just “White Cop Killing Black Men Without Cause cases as a lot would like us to believe.  And what has happened in protest of them is a national crime in itself.  Allowing the MOB behavior to loot and burn and destroy in the name of protest is pure Bullshit.  It really helps to make the case of racism doesn’t it ?  They destroyed their own neighborhood and or allowed outsiders to do it.  Real intelligent!  It really makes me feel sorry for them. The peaceful protest are OK, if not misguided though.  Maybe a peaceful protest against breaking the law, improper parenting, not taking responsibility for one own actions would be more in order. But that won't happen will it? No...not newsworthy enough nor does it fit into the radicals point of view.  Extreme anything is usually not good.

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