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Interesting conversation with a few thieves last night.

Gixxus Christ!

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Sam handled it better than I would have.   But I wonder what sort of consequences would be brought on by detaining crooks at gun point while waiting for the police to show up?   IF there was physical proof of their crime, that is......otherwise it's simply word on word.



I don't believe it's an issue to detain a criminal if a crime has been committed.


A friend of mine had his house broken into.  At the time of the breakin, he was literally sitting at his kitchen table sharpening an ax...really.


He subdued the criminal and called the police.  When the police got there, the crackhead was face down on the ground with a very sharp ax on the back of his neck.  He was crying and had literally pissed himself.  The police thanked him for keeping him there.


That's the key.  I don't know of case law that extends Terry stop authority to citizens. 

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If you knew the layout of the corner my house is on you'd understand how there was no way for me to get the plate number without exposing myself. I did call cops afterward with a description and direction of travel but idk if it came to anything.

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We just paint them with lasers around here. Any laser. We never see them again, nor any or their friends.


But make sure they are doing something squirrelly and worthy of that, first.

Edited by ReconRat
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Clearly, not. Looks like we have to use a foreign form of communication to cause them to misstep and fall into our sights. I think written words would befuddle them in an easily shoot-able collective.


Why, I oughta write a sharply-worded letter!



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Laser painting is a crime? (Assuming said laser is not on a weapon)

"I miss America"

Pointing a laser at a person is illegal in California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina, New York, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin.


Other state laws protect law officers, firemen, aircraft, and game animals.


Ohio only prohibits aiming at aircraft.


It's getting pretty wide spread, so expect changes in the future.

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Pointing a laser at a person is illegal in California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina, New York, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Other state laws protect law officers, firemen, aircraft, and game animals.

Ohio only prohibits aiming at aircraft.

It's getting pretty wide spread, so expect changes in the future.

For what reason? Seems silly

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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For what reason? Seems silly


Then you have no idea about the dangers of blindness from a laser pointer, let alone the higher-powered ones you can get on the Internet.  The energy density of a highly focused light beam is easily enough, especially when lensed onto your rods and cones, to render a person functionally blind for an hour, even permanently.


Imagine turning base-to-final in an airplane, getting set up for landing, with only your eyes to guide you to safety.  In fact, the whole exercise of flying is dependent on sight, but especially so during landing.  Then some careless asshat shines a laser pointer into your eyes, rendering you unable to fly the plane upright, let alone land.  If you're alone, you're fucked, and quite possibly more innocent people on the ground.  If you have non-pilot passengers, they're fucked too.


Now imagine riding your motorcycle and some kid thinks it would be funny to shine a light on the pretty fast thing's rider.  Same outcome.


Imagine being a cop or fireman racing to a fire or accident and someone without the understanding of what these things can do blinds a father or mother just trying to get home safe another day, but instead is told they have permanent sight damage that costs them their career and a life dependent on others.


Get the picture?  Good.  In fact, a friend of mine is a pilot and was returning from a diner in Urbana a couple years ago when he got lazed.  Fortunately he looked away fast enough (wasn't landing yet) and reported it to the cops right away through the traffic controller.


If you have kids, tell them, tell them, tell them it's a serious deal.  Like ReconRat said, expect more changes in the future to expand Ohio's laws.

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Then you have no idea about the dangers of blindness from a laser pointer, let alone the higher-powered ones you can get on the Internet. The energy density of a highly focused light beam is easily enough, especially when lensed onto your rods and cones, to render a person functionally blind for an hour, even permanently.

Imagine turning base-to-final in an airplane, getting set up for landing, with only your eyes to guide you to safety. In fact, the whole exercise of flying is dependent on sight, but especially so during landing. Then some careless asshat shines a laser pointer into your eyes, rendering you unable to fly the plane upright, let alone land. If you're alone, you're fucked, and quite possibly more innocent people on the ground. If you have non-pilot passengers, they're fucked too.

Now imagine riding your motorcycle and some kid thinks it would be funny to shine a light on the pretty fast thing's rider. Same outcome.

Imagine being a cop or fireman racing to a fire or accident and someone without the understanding of what these things can do blinds a father or mother just trying to get home safe another day, but instead is told they have permanent sight damage that costs them their career and a life dependent on others.

Get the picture? Good. In fact, a friend of mine is a pilot and was returning from a diner in Urbana a couple years ago when he got lazed. Fortunately he looked away fast enough (wasn't landing yet) and reported it to the cops right away through the traffic controller.

If you have kids, tell them, tell them, tell them it's a serious deal. Like ReconRat said, expect more changes in the future to expand Ohio's laws.


Nobody gives a fuck about your laser shit.

I stopped a property theft and likely scared 3 scum fuck thieves badly enough to make them think twice about trying that shit again in my neighborhood.


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Nobody gives a fuck about your laser shit.

I stopped a property theft and likely scared 3 scum fuck thieves badly enough to make them think twice about trying that shit again in my neighborhood.


I wasn't talking to you cumbag. Oh wait, I should call you the Greatest American Hero for stopping crime with your magical pointy laser dick thingy. Ready for your cape now?

Blind somebody or cause an accident and I'll cheer at your incarceration dick cheese.

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I wasn't talking to you cumbag. Oh wait, I should call you the Greatest American Hero for stopping crime with your magical pointy laser dick thingy. Ready for your cape now?

Blind somebody or cause an accident and I'll cheer at your incarceration dick cheese.

I didn't use any lasers. I never even suggested it.

Did you not read the thread?

In case you didn't, it's not about your beef with laser pointers, so stuff that shit up your dick hole and start a thread about them if that's your beef.

/fucking thread.

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Fair enough, and for the record I fully support what you did. Ballsy.

I was just reacting to the laser sidebar out of desire to prevent unintended consequences of laser use.

[Respect fist bump] fair enough, you can take that shit back out of your dick hole.

I work in the aerospace sector and would never point a laser at an aircraft...

I'll wear a cape if you make me one, but it best be made from luxurious materials.

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