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new concealed carry classes


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I know I've seen a few people on here post that they teach concealed carry classes.  I know they just changed the law and training hours have been reduced from 12 to 8, but that the law doesnt go into effect for 90 days.  I'm curious if the following scenario is feasible and if anyone is doing this.


Can I take a 8 hour class now (I have more free time in winter months, compared to spring)

After the law changes, apply for my permit, and use the 8 hour training I completed in say January.


Obviously this only works if this would be legal, and if there are trainers offering the new 8 hour class


I think I've seen on the internet, that this would be a valid way to go, but then I don't believe everything I read on the internet.


Informed responses would be great.




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Yes it's 8 hrs. Yes you can take an 8 hr class now.

You will have to wait to turn in your certificate though until it is actually in effect. Approximately 90 days.

Group OR class anytime soon? And $$?

I got mine, another member is shopping for a good instructor.

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Expected date (This is NOT a certainty) is about March 20, 2015 for the law to go into effect.  If you take a 8 hr class, DO NOT submit your paperwork until the law takes effect. If you do, you are committing a felony and you risk NEVER having a CHL.

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I will be doing some, just have to wait for range. The range I use cant be used right now thats why Ive been quiet about classes lately. Can use it again in spring. If anyone has a group wanting a class and you have a place to shoot I will glady bring the class to you for a flat rate and you can divide that fee evenly around your group or add some to make yours free for hosting.

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We have a 12 hour class scheduled for 1/28 in Johnstown.

I don't think we will be cutting back to 8 hours even with the law change. I feel that would be doing a disservice to our customers.

Pm me if you have any interest or need more information.


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I don't think we will be cutting back to 8 hours even with the law change. I feel that would be doing a disservice to our customers.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you.

Sorry NRA and the Ohio legislature, it was stupid, stupid, stupid to reduce the training requirements. I sure hope no citizen is left legally vulnerable due to an aftermath, based on info cut from the curriculum of lesser classes.

Looking forward to more post-CHL training in the spring!

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I will be doing some, just have to wait for range. The range I use cant be used right now thats why Ive been quiet about classes lately. Can use it again in spring. If anyone has a group wanting a class and you have a place to shoot I will glady bring the class to you for a flat rate and you can divide that fee evenly around your group or add some to make yours free for hosting.

Come to Piqua, hellmutt takes you to the range...you do hellmutts training w/certificate, I cook lasagna and apple pie.

Edited by snot
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I'm not sure how I feel about this.  The class I took was taught by a retired state trooper who was also in the military for some period of time.  There was lots of good information but there was also lots of "fluff" for somebody who has been around guns their whole lives.  There were portions of the class where we read aloud from the book that were painful.  That being said once we hit the range he was able to give me a few pointers that tightened up my groups a bit so I did learn something.   Maybe if I were a complete newbie I would have have enjoyed the experience a little more.   In my case I think that I could have gotten by with a 30 minute review and then the range time.   When I lived in Indiana there was no training requirement and it didn't seem to cause problems.


I don't want to make it sound like I'm anti training.   I would take an advanced class in a heartbeat.



Thank you thank you thank you thank you.

Sorry NRA and the Ohio legislature, it was stupid, stupid, stupid to reduce the training requirements. I sure hope no citizen is left legally vulnerable due to an aftermath, based on info cut from the curriculum of lesser classes.

Looking forward to more post-CHL training in the spring!

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Fair points.

I guess I was raised by a couple teachers, so I default to the "more instruction is better than less" camp. Plus I see how good folks can be imprisoned by not being prepared for the event and the aftermath. I don't want to be one of them, nor do I want one of my CHL friends to jail up either.

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To be 100% honest i don't personal believe in mandatory training. I'm a big personal accountability, personal responsibility guy.

That being said if I am selling something I want to make sure people are getting their money's worth. Especially something this important.

I would actually prefer to do a two day 16 hour class. We feel we have that much information we want to share. Sadly people complain about the 12 hours, and I don't think many people would do a 16 hour class with a "nobody" like me.

Speaking to the person who didn't get much from their ccw class... Sadly that is the story I have heard from a lot of people (myself included). You have to look at like this though. We have to teach a course to the lowest common denominator. That way those people who didn't have the fortune of growing up shooting up can have a good base.

The CCW course really is just that. A good baseline. It's for people who can't spell "gun" as say for those who take our class. At least 4-5 hours is. Then we go into practical application of the fundamentals of marksmanship, and CCw specific topics (which I think are hugely important hence why we won't cut to 8 hours).

Most CCw courses are not going to be sufficent to teach you how to survive with a gun. I STRONGLY urge you to seek additional advanced training for this. Just be able to carry a gun isn't going to make you better able to protect yourself than owning a guitar makes you a musician.

To further harp on the baseline training... I have taken probably 200 hours of additional training on the last two years, and I can say nothing is more frustrating than taking an "advanced" class that you have paid $200-600 for + ammo, + gas, + hotel, and have someone derailing the class due to lack of a good baseline.

Sorry for the extended rant. Go out, get good quality training from good quality instructors. Being in OH we are very lucky to have a ton of really great ones.

Also sorry if this is jarrbled. I'm posting from a phone.

Be safe,


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