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This is why I prefer to ride with guys from this forum as opposed to my own friends as bad as that sounds. You guys have experience that you share (I've learned a lot from you guys) and level heads, everyone else my age seems to just want to do whoolies and go a million miles an hour.


I usually just ride by myself cause of that reason. I tried riding with others and all they want to do is go 100 mph no matter how they do it. Just saw a fb post the other day "we race every night in the summer, you need to ride with us". I rather keep my bike and license let alone my health. 


I'm in North Olmsted if you ever want to ride or follow down to Mid-O. I'll prob be getting paddocks this year too and have some free space.

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Every once in awhile, I'll still toss in a little extra rev on clutch release.....nothing wrong with wheelies_cereal.jpg

Going "fast" in a straight line was boring after the first top end run.

"Common sense" for twisties kicked in with the first totaled bike/down.

The urge to push on the street died with the first trackday.


I'd still ride the street, but it is an hour highway ride too and from decent roads.....rather hit the track.

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Raceday only appears on race day, normaly day to day life drives him mad. 


And apparently it doesn't take much to "make" Jester to do something....just say it is a good time.  I think buying me a new set of fairings would be fun Dan....get on it!

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Raceday only appears on race day, normaly day to day life drives him mad.

And apparently it doesn't take much to "make" Jester to do something....just say it is a good time. I think buying me a new set of fairings would be fun Dan....get on it!

Yeah,and mine needs paint !

Get on it Dan !

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Raceday only appears on race day, normaly day to day life drives him mad. 


And apparently it doesn't take much to "make" Jester to do something....just say it is a good time.  I think buying me a new set of fairings would be fun Dan....get on it!


I hear getting the oreos from my trailer is a good time.

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I usually just ride by myself cause of that reason. I tried riding with others and all they want to do is go 100 mph no matter how they do it. Just saw a fb post the other day "we race every night in the summer, you need to ride with us". I rather keep my bike and license let alone my health. 


I'm in North Olmsted if you ever want to ride or follow down to Mid-O. I'll prob be getting paddocks this year too and have some free space.


Yea man I pretty much ride every day its not raining, snowing or below 35 degrees. We will definitely have to put some miles in this upcoming season.

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Raceday only appears on race day, normaly day to day life drives him mad. 


And apparently it doesn't take much to "make" Jester to do something....just say it is a good time.  I think buying me a new set of fairings would be fun Dan....get on it!


I have an extra set for a K6 sitting in the trailer.....

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wish, 06/07 parts and crap seems pretty abundant while the older model is a little more scarce





damn, that schedule is rough....twilights, which I could make without vacation time, are all on sundays and full days (which obviously req vacation) are all during the week




Link to trackday calendar; N2, MotoSeries & Mid-O

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As much as I'd like to go and kick off the season a little earlier, you're not gonna talk me into it.  Traveling for N2 days and NYST is going to consume all my vacation, don't really have the option of JGP.

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