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Lane Splitting in Ohio


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I just moved to Ohio from California and am wondering if/how often you all lane split. Back in California, I would lane split at every red light to be in front of traffic. During highway congestion I would lane split to bypass gridlock or vehicles moving slower than the speed limit. I understand that lane splitting is neither explicitly legal in Ohio, as it is in California, nor is it explicitly illegal. Observing bikes day-to-day, I do not see many lane splitting so I thought I’d ask here.


I will most likely lane split to get out of traffic on the highways because I’m too impatient for traffic. However, I am hesitant to lane split at red lights while riding in the city for a couple reasons. First, if this is not a common practice I don’t want to come off as an asshole and enrage any car drivers. Second, I don’t want to get any tickets from LEO.


In San Diego through Los Angeles, nobody would bat an eye at me for lane splitting on the highway or at red lights locally. Some cars/trucks would even steer to the side to allow a wider opening for me to pass. I also never had problems with cops and have even lane split with biker cops on the freeway every now and then during traffic. What is the situation like in Ohio? I live in Cincinnati and work in Downtown. 

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Wouldn't recommend it!


I have thought about it many times, but have never decided to take the risk of some cage idiot throwing open a door, cigarette out the window, or steering closer. There are a lot of Richards here and I just cant trust them to not do something stupid during such a vulnerable maneuver... just me tho!

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Wouldn't recommend it!


I have thought about it many times, but have never decided to take the risk of some cage idiot throwing open a door, cigarette out the window, or steering closer. There are a lot of Richards here and I just cant trust them to not do something stupid during such a vulnerable maneuver... just me tho!

Completely agree. Most dislike motorcyclists as it is because of the dickheads that ride like assholes.

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I would not, and do not, lane split at lights.  On the freeway I only do it if traffic is stopped....a real bad mess from an accident or construction.  Then I will blow the right shoulder very slowly and very carefully.


And welcome aboard.

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Good luck with Ohio drivers. They are morons. I wouldn't put it past some to open their door if they see you coming. Also, I wouldn't put it past LEO's to pull you for it since it's not the "norm" here like it is in Cali.


Wouldn't recommend it!


I have thought about it many times, but have never decided to take the risk of some cage idiot throwing open a door, cigarette out the window, or steering closer. There are a lot of Richards here and I just cant trust them to not do something stupid during such a vulnerable maneuver... just me tho!


It's too intelligent for Ohioans. Do so at your own risk.

Welcome to Fuckville. It sucks here.


Thanks for the responses everyone. I didn't think it was that bad here since there isn't a penal code violation for splitting lanes like some other states. There are idiots no matter what state you are in and I always look as far ahead as possible to see if any cars suddenly decide to switch lanes without looking in their mirror. But to deliberately open your door or impede an oncoming motorcycle? Is that really a thing that happens around here?  


If I knew I wasn't going to be able to lane split locally, I would've bought a big cruiser instead of a sportbike! 

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I lane split in heavy traffic at lights every now and then and never have issues, but most of the time there are a number of ass hats sitting on their phones with their tires riding the center line leaving very little space to even attempt.

I do ride up the turn lanes and then cross over when I get up front if that opportunity is there, it's best to do when you know the light isn't going to change right when you get there, so then you can stop in front of the first car and wait for green. I have anticipated lights pretty perfectly and scooted right through from the turn lane right as it changes, but you definitely have to be aware of oncoming traffic turning through yellows and such.

I'm always scoping out for BOYS before I do any risky maneuvers tho. California riders to have that luxury of the cagers being supportive of splitting and being more aware of riders in general. Can't tell you how many fuckers here merge into my lane while I'm right next to their window, no one in ohio likes to look over their damn shoulders or even turn their stupid faces 90°.

Best of luck to you though, I'm just north of cincy and can tell you drivers around here are far from good, but definitely not the worst.

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I would almost count on some road raging jerk to mess with me if i tried lane splitting. I live near Columbus and never lane split. I guess I'm just never in that much of a hurry that I'm willing to risk life & limb to pass between lanes. Best of luck to you, and welcome.

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I have split between cars a few times, but have not done it at traffic stops. I think it is a bit crazy they don't allow it here in Ohio, especially considering the research to prove it does more good than bad.


There is some law in Ohio that you can't have more than 1 vehicle occupying a lane at a time. They will likely cite you with that and reckless driving...


I would not be surprised if someone opened a door on you, threw something, or blocked your path. They'd likely be crazy enough to stop their vehicle, just to block you, which would likely include other traffic and call the cops and wait until they get there. They'd hold up the world to "get you".


I say do it. Just be careful.


Be really funny to see all the faces of drivers at stop lights being "jumped in line".


Not my fault if you get raped with a victimless crime and the government stealing your money.

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Rode for two years in Cali.  Difference between there and here mostly is that in Cali you see bikes all year and there's lots more of them.  People are used to bikes being around.  I would lane split there, but not often - just wasn't that comfortable doing it.  Around here, cagers get their panties in a wad over anything, and road raging is common place.  Seldom have a day on the bike where self defense wasn't needed to keep me out of trouble.  I can imagine that riding through stopped traffic at a light to get to the front would really enrage some Ohio drivers.


Good luck and stay safe.  My prediction for this year is that inattentive driving is going to kill more bikers than last year, but I hope I'm wrong...

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Your best bet in Ohio is to stay the hell away from cars. They have bad habits like turning from the wrong lane without turn signals, blowing through stop lights and stop signs, turning dead in front of you across your path, etc. Especially rush hours, worst on Monday mornings and Friday evenings. And yes, tons of cars weaving and not staying in lanes. Lane splitting will get you pinched a few times. Lane splitting (and lots of other stuff) will often get you an enraged tail-gating cager behind you.

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I constantly late split in Columbus, but have never seen any other bikes do it.

Posters are correct about the road raging. I have more data points than most to support this. E.g. my daily commute is about 15 miles on 315 into downtown. A good chunk of this is stop-and-go car traffic, where I split between the left and middle lanes. I average about 10 cages honking at me per day, and have literally never made this trip without at least 1 fool honking in anger. About once per month someone intentionally tries to block me. Have never seen a door open though. So yeah, people hate it, but very few will even notice you until you're well past.

For my commute, I consider splitting safer than taking my chances getting rear ended, which happens to some car almost daily on my route.

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I wouldn't even try it! First off, if a State Trooper sees it you will be ticketed. Hell, I have had multiple people come into my lane and almost take me out while gabbing on a cell phone. I have had people enraged at me because I legally passed them and they have tried to keep up with me, without success of course!! Like everyone has said, Ohio drivers are idiots and will run you off the road just because you are on a bike.

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I've done it once in traffic -- was riding an older Honda and it started to overheat on the 77N->480E traffic jam parking lot cluster-f exit. Rode down the shoulder stripe and had a few people honking. Eh. It was an emergency and I needed the airflow.


I'll sometimes split to turn right on red, but only if there's 1-2 cars going straight. As other posters have said, Ohio drivers are nowhere close to reliable or attentive. I wouldn't put myself in position to do something unexpected, if they don't pay any heed when I'm riding in safe straight lines!

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Lane splitting can be done the right way or the wrong way. If you do it the wrong way you are at the mercy of the drivers for your safety. If you do it the right way you control your safety no matter what the nuts in cars do. Lane splitting on a regular basis trains riders to always focus on the spaces between the other vehicles rather than the vehicles themselves. This may seem like semantics to the naysayers but it really does make a big difference in safety. You go where you look.

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Okay so splitting lanes in front of LEO is a no go. Does anyone know how insurance companies would handle a collision in these circumstances? i.e., if I were riding through at a safe speed through traffic and a vehicle purposely veers right to block me, causing a collision, would I be at fault? If I'm covered from some jackass in a car causing an accident I think i'll keep splitting lanes and feel it out for a while. 


I do it. Fuck 'em if they don't like it.


I constantly late split in Columbus, but have never seen any other bikes do it.

Posters are correct about the road raging. I have more data points than most to support this. E.g. my daily commute is about 15 miles on 315 into downtown. A good chunk of this is stop-and-go car traffic, where I split between the left and middle lanes. I average about 10 cages honking at me per day, and have literally never made this trip without at least 1 fool honking in anger. About once per month someone intentionally tries to block me. Have never seen a door open though. So yeah, people hate it, but very few will even notice you until you're well past.

For my commute, I consider splitting safer than taking my chances getting rear ended, which happens to some car almost daily on my route.

Cool, I'll join you guys in helping normalize lane splitting. I just like keeping the cars behind me. Makes me feel more safe.

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Lane splitting can be done the right way or the wrong way. If you do it the wrong way you are at the mercy of the drivers for your safety. If you do it the right way you control your safety no matter what the nuts in cars do. Lane splitting on a regular basis trains riders to always focus on the spaces between the other vehicles rather than the vehicles themselves. This may seem like semantics to the naysayers but it really does make a big difference in safety. You go where you look.

Co-sign. I wouldn't say that you can control your safety no matter what the cars do. But there are precautions you can take that would mitigate many hazards.


To all the guys who are hesitant to split lanes, if you don't ride a huge touring cruiser, it is only uncomfortable at first. I commuted for work on my VS800 Intruder back in LA and would split lanes for 10-15 miles each way everyday. So I have ridden at least ~5000 miles while splitting lanes on the freeway in 2014 alone. I also did this at every red light, which is a lot easier because the cars aren't moving and you dont have to worry about unsignaled lane changes. After you do it for a while you become very comfortable with it and can always tell if you have enough space to get through. The traffic here is not nearly as bad so it may not warrant the practice but its really only scary at first. The ability to get through traffic was the main reason I picked up riding bikes.

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Without a sustained and well-done media campaign by DOT, lane splitting will be contentious and problematic here because few people outside of super-congested California understand or appreciate the benefits (to them) and the safety increase to us.


Every time I talk this over with non-bikers, their objections are either: It's unsafe (they just feel this, with no substantiation or experience), or ultimately it's not fair that you get to "cut ahead of everyone"....even if you explain reducing the traffic load gets them them to their destination faster and reduces the chances of bike collision which REALLY snarls traffic....they still cling to "it's not fair".


Ohioans are stupid, and narcissistic...by and large...but many people the nation over are. Californians only have a slight leg up on them in that they're slightly conditioned to the practice.


Hell, 90% of the people I know can't handle a round-a-bout.

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