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Asshat alert


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In the Cbus area, keep an eye out for a white car Ohio plate FGL5508. He likes to pass bikes in the same lane and does not care how close he gets.  His window got my fist today, but since I am not she hulk I did not smash it. 

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I don't think CPD would care.  Other than my fist hitting his window as he passed me, there was not other touching. 


He would go into their system as an asshat. Next time they pull him over he will get told he is an asshat, that he is in their system forever as an asshat and tickets for whatever he did that time.

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He would go into their system as an asshat. Next time they pull him over he will get told he is an asshat, that he is in their system forever as an asshat and tickets for whatever he did that time.





next time they're pulled over, the officer might be a rider/sympathetic to riders and decide to throw the book at him/her. 

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Speed up

 We were stopped in traffic, I had left a bigger gap between me and the the car in front of me than maybe need be, but not much more than a car length.  He just wanted to jump ahead, so he pushed passed me.  When I punched his window as he passed, he swerved more.  He actually went left of center after he passed me, before going back into the lane.  And I was sitting in the left side of my lane when this all went down. 

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Yeah dude, I would've recommended breaking it. Regardless if it took more tries. 



As scary and ugly as I am, I am not she hulk and able to bust car glass with my bar hands. In hind sight I should of gone for the rear view mirror, That I think I could take. 

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As scary and ugly as I am, I am not she hulk and able to bust car glass with my bar hands. In hind sight I should of gone for the rear view mirror, That I think I could take. 

Ah, bare hands, missed that part sorry.  I only rode in full armored gloves, somewhat for that reason.


Glad it didn't come to anything more than what you're reporting but yeah, if you have his tag call the police for sure.  Coming on here and complaining won't do jack, needs to be a formal complaint.

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More to the point -- this isn't usually something that someone does just once.


Getting a track record of him driving recklessly and dangerously is important for the next time he does it, or the next time he hurts a rider.


Police report, maybe leave out the part where you struck his vehicle with your hand.

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Take the time to at least file a report.  You are correct that nothing will happen IN THIS INSTANCE….ex post facto, it becomes a he said/she said circumstance with no legal recourse.  That being said, I would also caution against using your 180# self and 500# motorcycle as a "puny" demolition device against a fully armored 2-ton death-and-dismemberment machine.  You will almost certainly end up the bug on the windshield.  You'll live longer avoiding the immediate conflict and riding away with the intent to plot revenge and retribution later.

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Ah, bare hands, missed that part sorry.  I only rode in full armored gloves, somewhat for that reason.


Glad it didn't come to anything more than what you're reporting but yeah, if you have his tag call the police for sure.  Coming on here and complaining won't do jack, needs to be a formal complaint.



I had gloves on, but they are not all that.

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Yes, file a report. They can share the info with other agencies and have a BOLO on the vehicle. You might not be given a second chance if he hits you next time. I'm sure this isn't the first time he's done this.

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Take the time to at least file a report.  You are correct that nothing will happen IN THIS INSTANCE….ex post facto, it becomes a he said/she said circumstance with no legal recourse.  That being said, I would also caution against using your 180# self and 500# motorcycle as a "puny" demolition device against a fully armored 2-ton death-and-dismemberment machine.  You will almost certainly end up the bug on the windshield.  You'll live longer avoiding the immediate conflict and riding away with the intent to plot revenge and retribution later.



I did not have any intention to do anything to his car.  It was reflex really as he was next to me before I really knew what was going on.  

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So when we do it on bikes, it's okay, but when they do it, they are asshats and you hit their window?  


How would you feel if you were lane sharing and they opened their door as you were coming by?


Just shrug it off and keep riding.  

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Be careful, there are a lot of asshats on the roads. I fear the ones who are to busy on their phones the most.

Thanks Sapphy for the reminder. I think we all would react a little differently, glad your ok.

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So when we do it on bikes, it's okay, but when they do it, they are asshats and you hit their window?  


How would you feel if you were lane sharing and they opened their door as you were coming by?


Just shrug it off and keep riding.  


who said it's ok if we do it on bikes?  she certainly didn't in this thread.  are you someone who thinks its ok to regularly share lanes with cars by generally passing them close illegally? if so, you're the asshat.


also, if you don't understand the difference in damage potentials for a car pushing into a car while merging versus a bike pushing into a car while merging, maybe you're not an asshat, just dumb as hell.


generally a pretty lousy thing to say to someone who almost got squished by a car, and a pretty douchey thing to say to a fellow rider who had a pretty good scare.  lame.

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So the LEOs didn't even take the info, they didn't give a shit as expected.  Should I of punched his window as he passed me, maybe not, but at the same time he should not have been so close to me in my lane that I could do such a thing. Again it was mostly reflex, and I wanted to get his attention to no come over anymore. If I would have gone any more left I would of been dealing with oncoming traffic, as I was in the left side of the left turn lane. 



So when we do it on bikes, it's okay, but when they do it, they are asshats and you hit their window?  


How would you feel if you were lane sharing and they opened their door as you were coming by?


Just shrug it off and keep riding.  



You sir are an asshat.  I have never said lane sharing is OK, and I have never done it.  I have been past on 315 by others on bikes lane spitting, as I stand in  traffic.  The law says we can't do it, and with the high population of your asshat brethren, it is for the best.


Had this been a "He didn't see me" I would not be so pissed, but this was deliberate. We were all stopped.  We had been stopped, and he decided getting to work faster was more important than my life.  In my book that is assault with a motor vehicle, but my book is a little harsh, I will admit that.   And for risking my life he got 5 feet in front of me. 

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