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Deals Gap 10-10 to 10-14


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I've finalized my riding plans. I'm going north of y'all Saturday and Sunday, but plan to be in robbinsville Monday evening and stay in town somewhere. Going to ride most of the morning on Tuesday and take off for home in the afternoon. Hopefully home before dark Tuesday.

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Future reference when i want to do another trip and more than 2 people are going someone else take the reigns please... :lol:

I always over think EVERYTHING and want to make everyone happy, and its not alway possible..Grrrr


I might stay at the hotel now and let the other 3 share the 3 bed cabin and we wont need the 2 bed cabin. Couple benefits to this...#1 will be cheaper for the boys at the cabin, #2 my wife and kids have shared their germs with me ive had a cough and running nose the last 24 hours and i don't want to share with yall in a tight quarters. If i stick to this plan ill still hang out at the cabin for some evening shenanigans. I'v got till 6pm tomorrow to cancel my reservation, ill see how i feel by mid after noon and make the decision.

You're the worst cat herder ever. :lol:

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Well what do you know, today is the day. Just got to get through the work day without killing anyone, which might be difficult today. The asshats are out in full force today. Odd, usually on Friday's they hide and don't come out until Monday.


Bike is loaded and ready to go in the garage. Left it home since bringing a gun even locked in my vehicle to work is a trip to the PMITA Prison. Home is right on the way to the meet point so no big deal.

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I'm loaded and ready to roll, feel like shit today sore throat/ head cold Ahhhhh!. But I'm still going. Get off at 3 then I'll go home to shit ,shower, and shave and tap the wife on the ass goodbye. Probably roll around 5:30 to meet up with yiu guys in Ripley.

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Look...it's been a rough morning. Boss is out because her husband is in ICU with failing kidneys. HER Boss is away in Spain at a trade show,. Everyone here is freaking out because I am away next week and I am the senior remaining person in my Dept.

Getting hammered like never before with last minute "this is hot" emails and shit.


gimme a damn break you lugnuts

Always seem to end up doing the same volume of work per month holiday /vacation or not.

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Okay here is the lodging plan with me being sick. I'll check in the hotel Saturday night and plan on staying 2 nights. Ben, Matt and Dan will take the 3 bed cabin and there should be no need for the 2 bed cabin. If I'm feeling like I'm getting better by Monday I'm going to crash on the cabins couch that night then take Dan's bed when he leave Tuesday. If I'm still sick Monday ill have the option to stay at the hotel but i hope i don't have to. I still plan on hanging out at the cabin and having a few drinks every night when it's possible. Going to be a good time. 

Edited by 2talltim
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I made it to Jellico in one piece just fine. Hit some serious heavy rain in Rockcastle Co to the point where cars are pulling over but the ST breezed right through it no problem. Reindeer work great if not wet at...all see you guys tomorrow

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At our hotel. Bit of rain south of Charleston, and 77 was closed. The closure was no big deal, slowed to 20 for 5 minutes tops as we all rolled up the exit ramp then through the intersection then right back on the in ramp. Semi melted under the overpass.

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