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Roadrage Intentional hit during pass 2-up helmet only gear (texas)


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According to the riders Facebook, he says the man mistook him for a different rider who he was disgruntled with and he was slowing down intentionally waiting for the bike to pass so he could hit him... Rider claims car would have come to a complete stop if he had not initiated the pass.



Nothing wrong with coming to a stop behind him.  If you don't have time to stop, you're following too closely.

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My bike insurance covers a ton of personal injury for me and my passengers.   This is also why I carry a lot of uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage.  Suddenly $300/year doesn't sound so bad when it takes away the financial strain for something like this.  /rant.

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My bike insurance covers a ton of personal injury for me and my passengers.   This is also why I carry a lot of uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage.  Suddenly $300/year doesn't sound so bad when it takes away the financial strain for something like this.  /rant.



We just switched everything to Erie Insurance.  I have always carried a mil in liability.  The way theirs works is besides the usual coverage it also covers everyone up to an extra mil if my policy or the asshat that hits me runs out of liability.  It doesn't cost that much a year.

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I honestly don't know if I would have been able to keep my temper in check with seeing something like that(in person, not just the video).


I know a LOT of riders in Texas that carry firearms on their persons to protect themselves, so this guy is lucky he didn't try this with one of those guys....especially if they felt he was still a threat to their safety.

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We just switched everything to Erie Insurance.  I have always carried a mil in liability.  The way theirs works is besides the usual coverage it also covers everyone up to an extra mil if my policy or the asshat that hits me runs out of liability.  It doesn't cost that much a year.

My wife and I also carry a large umbrella policy to cover anything above and beyond other policies. She owns a business and we have some real estate investments (technically a business as well) so we stand to have a lot to lose in the case of a lawsuit though all of our business ventures are set up as LLC's or similar.

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Guys like turdmuppet just infuriate me. Had that been me, I'd still be smashing him in the cockholster. He defines fucktardism having never learned from any of his hard lessons.

Even if the rider had went extra wide to pass, old crumnuts would have probably went to the other berm to hit the riders. This dipshit needs to have his junk shot with a nailgun. Repeatedly. In his life sentenced jail cell.


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Not sure about the insurance situation, he hasn't said. Even still, insurance isn't gonna cover money lost from wages... Hopefully he gets a nice civil payout from this to help, but even then I'm sure it will take time.

"If" mudpuppet has enough insurance it will pay lost wages. If not, they they'll go after his assets.

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I can recall a few times people either trying to chase me or someone I'm riding with down after a pass, hell I even had a logging semi fully loaded down pull that shit on a ride with gasser this summer. 90mph on straights, veering into the oncoming lane around blind corners (the truck, not me).


Nice to know there are fucknuts like Crum in every state.

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