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Clueless male, needs input on women's gear.


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Hey, so Christmas shopping for the lady, I have a few ideas. She's just starting out in the last year but is now comfortable enough to start riding more aggressively. So time for a good leather jacket/pants/boots. She already has nice gloves and helmets.

I came across cycle gear's sedici line last year looking for a new rrack suit, and I wasn't too impressed for that level of riding. But for a beginner or used as casual riding gear, I feel like it's a pretty good bargain. I can snag her essentially a 2 piece suit for a good price, something well enough to start out with that her skills can grow into comfortably.

A few guys I know were running Sedici suits at the gap this summer, they seemed impressed with the quality/price combo.

Any experience with the Sedici Mona?



I'll either be getting her those or something along those lines, or a set of boots. Not full blown race boots, but something with enough protection that is COMFORTABLE. She has wide feet so finding boots that fot her comfortably has been an issue.

Nothing tall and gaudy. Preferably tall enough to cover the ankles. Any suggestions?

What do you ladies use? What do you like/do you not like about it?

For reference she is 5'8, size small jacket.

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Unfortunately, I don't know much about that brand of gear so I can't help you out there.  I really like my REV'IT gear.  I'm short but busty and a lot of ladies jackets seem to be too tight in the shoulder/chest area but the REV'IT gear works well for me.  I like the stretch panels that are being incorporated into many jackets. They help out a lot with providing a better fit. The Alpinestars gear for ladies has also significantly improved in the fit department as well. It seems their earlier gear was just taking their men's gear and shrinking it without much thought to where they made it smaller. 


Very few jackets come with good back protectors so you will want to look into a replacement for almost any jacket you buy. Look for hard armor in the knees for pants. 


I have these boots (men's version as they didn't offer ladies when I bought them - thankfully they offered some pretty small sizes :)  Anyway, I like them a lot. They are very comfortable and offer great protection.




Whatever you decide, sizing will be your biggest challenge. There is zero consistency in sizing across the brands. My best suggestion is to either find a shop where you can try stuff on or read the reviews. Many women leave their measurements (height/weight) in the reviews to help others out with sizing.  


It's good you are seeking the gear out as honestly, riding level aggressiveness doesn't have much to do with the need for safety gear.  Good luck with your purchase!!



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I wear mens RS Taichi pants and jacket. I wore Joe Rocket in the beginning. My RS saved my skin at mid Ohio a couple of years ago, it has held up on the rain as well.

Vega boots are wide, at least the ones I wear are. She should try in the boots, they vary to much brand to brand.

Keep in mind I am short and not average.

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Don't skimp on the boots. The woman had some Joe Rocket boots and they were fine when she was passenger, but she hated them when she started riding her own bike. Got her a nice set of Sidi boots, and she absolutely loves them. She didn't think she would like the full size race boots, but she loves them now.

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where is OSUmj, Sapphy and Tracy? they might have some more good input.

Carie??? I mean Casper?

Mary is right, sizing is a bitch! nothing is consistent, that's why my suit is a mens.

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Here I am... lol

I don't know that I'll be of any help though, given my ginormousness... but I have both Joe Rocket & Icon jackets, in which the sleeve length is great, however torso length is questionable. I've yet to find riding pants that fit, as length is the biggest problem... who'd have thought...

I do need to find better gear but I dread looking for it since sizes and selections in an actual store are so limited...

Sorry I couldn't have been more help. :(

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Awesome! Thanks for the input ladies! And males lol. Keep it coming!

I'll definitely look into the vega boots. Boot width will be the biggest factor I think. I'll also look into small mens boots.

We were at iron pony this lasr weekend and I had her try on a bunch of stuff but they really didnt have much leather gear there. Seemed like everything they had was textile or mesh. Kind of disapointing. :(

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My wife wears a Spidi two piece that has a pretty cool tanktop that is attached to the pants (can be removed) that acts like a compression shirt/sports bra. Pretty cool feature.

She also wears sidi fusion boots (but the women's "Lei" version which is basically a flowery pattern). We found euro sizes in boots are same for men and women. You can buy men's boots in women's sizes (super small usually) for close out deals.

As always with gear, you get what you pay for. Not only in protection, but also comfort (if you plan on riding for extended periods of time)

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Check out motorcyclegear.com for cheap gear. We scored her Sidi boots there for $130 (which is an absolute steal). But my Fiancée is tiny at 5'0" and 100 lbs, so if you can find gear her size, it's usually on clearance. Lol

Edit: also check STG... they had alot of women's clearance stuff too

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where is OSUmj, Sapphy and Tracy? they might have some more good input.

Carie??? I mean Casper?

Mary is right, sizing is a bitch! nothing is consistent, that's why my suit is a mens.



I am around, not sure how much help I can be because as a big girl (read amazon heifer) I wear guys gear as most women gear will not fit me.  Also I ride cruiser, so I know jack squat about track gear.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all for the input!!!




check STG... they had alot of women's clearance stuff too

A LOT of killer "special buy" deals on there. But nothing I found for her, lots of stuff I wanted though lol.


I settled on the sedici pants and grabbed her a set of waterproof gloves from cycle gear. I figure come spring we can save up and get her a nice jacket, until then I snagged one cheap locally. 


I got the Mona pants and gloves for %20 0ff plus %10 off of that and free shipping. The gear has a lifetime warranty too so that's nice. Either way, it's basically just to keep her warm and safe until she can decide what gear she really wants and save up for it. 

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