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Church carry


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I'm looking for Ohio specifics on church carry and subsequent consequences. I know we are required to obtain permission from the church. But what are the consequences of church carry otherwise? Similar to a misdemeanor/trespass if you refuse to leave a GFZ? Or similar to carrying in a school/fed building? All info I look up is several years outdated and I'm trying to find current info w little luck. Any pointers ?

"I miss America"

Edited by idodishez
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^Absolutely not always the case.  Rule of thumb is to not carry in a church.  I spoke to my pastor and he said they allow it, so I carry in my church along with a few other individuals.  It is up to the church denomination to determine whether they allow CCW or not.  If you don't know, I would just ask for permission.

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^Absolutely not always the case. Rule of thumb is to not carry in a church. I spoke to my pastor and he said they allow it, so I carry in my church along with a few other individuals. It is up to the church denomination to determine whether they allow CCW or not. If you don't know, I would just ask for permission.

My answer is absolutely always the case when you dont have permission. Which is what the OP asked.

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Head of security is ex LEO and has the "only cops should carry" mentality.

You attend a church that deems a need for security personnel? I'm unfamiliar with this practice, but then again I dont live in a BIG city where something like this could be common. But, I feel that if your personal safety is ever questionable, I'm a firm believer that it's simply a matter of good concealment. But it's your decision

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I live next to a mega church that preaches some very radical ideals.

For example a YouTube video was released by them of the pastor beating up the Easter bunny.

The pastor has 2 armed "security guys" with him 24/7.

If you need armed security you're doing something wrong

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I live next to a mega church that preaches some very radical ideals.

For example a YouTube video was released by them of the pastor beating up the Easter bunny.

The pastor has 2 armed "security guys" with him 24/7.

If you need armed security you're doing something wrong


Who's paying for his protection?  :trollface:

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  • 4 months later...

I went to a church for a while that had a security detail. Still friends with the guys who are on it. For the most part as I've understood it with CCW in a few states (using reciprocity), you have to have permission from the church to carry, otherwise it's illegal.  That being said, I've also worked with churches who have had security for numerous reasons from Homeless people "utilizing" hallways for sleep and drugs (breezeway in my old church in california) to bomb threats/arson (both pranks and real threats) to peoples car's being broken into and even as far as belligerent drunks at service who had to be escorted out (thankfully not armed. The dude was a naked former member having a mental breakdown...(this is after I left home)....so There is some warrant to carrying while at church. Also given these days that people are out for victims they will go for where they know they can attack.

out in the boonies shouldn't be an issue to not have a piece but if you are in someplace more urban, I'd rather have an not need than the other way around. Especially protecting my family or church from some jerk out to hurt em.

Think it's best to ask the pastor and not to broadcast (hence CC in CCW) that you have a gun. that way you're obeying the law and not putting yourself in a spot to get the cops called on you. Best to have "written" consent to carry too in case the pastor is out sick and some old lady calls the cops on ya.

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There's no need to rationalize carrying a firearm any more than you should need to rationalize wearing a seat-belt, or a helmet, or having life insurance.  If you knew precisely why you were carrying a firearm, you would avoid that situation rather than put yourself in it... 

Otherwise, I completely agree with jvandivere above.  Get permission.  Ask that it be in writing - in fact, I would type up your own permission letter, and bring a notary to the pastor to have him sign it with a witness present, thus eliminating any potential for confusion.  

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To carry in a church you must have permission in writing by an officer of the church with the authority to do so (technically not in the CCW handbook the OH AG provides but this would be sufficient to cover your ass).  

Forbidden Carry Zones

The law sets forth several places where your license does not

allow you to carry a handgun. Under the law, you may not carry a

concealed handgun into the following places:

• Places of worship, unless the place of worship permits otherwise < wording in the manual


Carrying in a church without said permission as Tonik said is a felony.



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13 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Or, just say the fuck out of churches. Those fucking places are scary as shit. 

I try not to put-down churches or church-goers.  I try.  I don't always succeed.

The majority of 'churchy' people are decent folks.  Sometimes they're even great folks.  My parents are active in their church, and (shockingly) haven't even given me a hard time about our daughter not being baptized.   I struggle to see the point of all the ceremony, but I wouldn't particularly care if my mom had my kid baptized - I might even go see it happen, but it wouldn't be any sort of big deal to me, nor am I going to participate and lie about promising to raise her in the catholic faith.   It doesn't 'offend' me, because I don't derive any meaning from it.

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2 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

I'm thinking Jesus will protect you in church...no?

Biblical flooding hits a small town, and this one guy, Mike, refuses to leave his house.  the Red Cross comes by with a bus (wheels half under water) and says, "Sir, we're here to evacuate you."  Mike says, "no thanks.  God will provide."  So 20 hour later, the fire department comes by with a boat.  They yell to Mike, who is in his 2nd-floor window:  "Sir, you need to come with us.  The flood waters have trapped you on the 2nd floor of your house."  Mike refuses.  "God will provide."   By the next morning, Mike is on his roof, and a coast-guard helicopter comes to rescue him.  Mike refuses again, and is swept away by flood waters a few hours later.  He drowns.


In heaven, Mike says to god, "God!!!  What happened?  I had faith - I told everyone you would provide for me, and you let me die!"  God says, "Mike, I sent you a bus, I sent the fire department, and I sent the coast guard with a helicopter.  I let you die?"


I think I made it clear that I'm not a church guy, but carrying a firearm isn't incongruent with faith.

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I do attend church regularly, but as the story above mentions that does not mean bad things do not happen in my life or other Christians as well. I believe God gave us a brain to use and if we can do something to prevent bad things from happening to us or others we care about we should do it. 

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^ You are going to hell.  Your eternity will be spent on a Harley with open pipes, no helmet and a straight flat road that never ends. And of course it will be as hot as, well, hell.

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I try not to put-down churches or church-goers.  I try.  I don't always succeed.

The majority of 'churchy' people are decent folks.  Sometimes they're even great folks.  My parents are active in their church, and (shockingly) haven't even given me a hard time about our daughter not being baptized.   I struggle to see the point of all the ceremony, but I wouldn't particularly care if my mom had my kid baptized - I might even go see it happen, but it wouldn't be any sort of big deal to me, nor am I going to participate and lie about promising to raise her in the catholic faith.   It doesn't 'offend' me, because I don't derive any meaning from it.

My mother in law about blew a gasket because I didn't want to go to Church. I told her that because I went to Catholic grade school I already met my mass quota.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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