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Hillary Just a Thought.


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1 hour ago, drc32-0 said:

You way over estimate how much I care about what is said on Internet forums.Do you really think I would keep coming back to an obvious conservative site  and taking the liberal viewpoint if my feelings were easily hurt?

I didn't even realize you were a troll until you pointed it out.   Try harder maybe???

We've had some pretty skilled, entertaining trolls here before.  They usually make the winter go by faster.

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On 11/9/2016 at 3:42 PM, Sapphy said:

I may have to run to Canada.  Not by choice. I spent a good chunk of my morning convincing the stepson that the trucks are not coming tonight to take me and his mum to gay rehab.  In the back of my mind I add, the first we might see them is Feb.  I get the WASPs were feeling marginalized, I been marginalized most my life.  The Baby Boomers want life to go back to being like it was on leave it to beaver, but the fact is, it never was like that.  They forgot that.  And although Trump has waffled on GLBT issues, some.  His butt buddy Pence has a long track record of trying to get rid of the gays.  He has said a few times he will make it his goal to void my marriage, and take my rights away.  Don't get me wrong, I don't like Hillary either, but she didn't want to lock me up and zap me over and over.  And before you laugh at that.  Look it up, that is what they call "gay conversion".  And Pence tried to use tax dollars to pay for that shit.  

As a half-breed WASP (somewhat marginally AS) I only feel partially marginalized.

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1 minute ago, TwiztedRabbit said:

I was told.. by my google-foo White Anglo Saxon People

That term is being used to describe white people in the US? An idiot came up with this acronym. First, all Anglo-Saxons were white. Saying "white Anglo-Saxons" is like saying "cold ice". No shit. Also, they were in Britain, not here. You could say many in the US are descendants of Anglo-Saxons, but that's about it. 

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8 minutes ago, Casper said:

That term is being used to describe white people in the US? An idiot came up with this acronym. First, all Anglo-Saxons were white. Saying "white Anglo-Saxons" is like saying "cold ice". No shit. Also, they were in Britain, not here. You could say many in the US are descendants of Anglo-Saxons, but that's about it. 

Gosh, what a fun-filled post.  You will shortly be awarding warning points or whatever for being too literal and banned for life by the Admin.  Oh wait.  Nevermind.

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8 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Pence is a piece of shit, though. Not that Hillary is a champion for gay rights, either. This election is still making me double-take. I know folks say I throw away my vote on third party candidates, but if we all did it, we'd have a viable option in no time. We're all too short-sighted, I guess. We're so afraid of compromise that we politic one election at a time. We're also too interested in each other's fucking business. 

Plus white people fucking suck. Fuckers can't even dance. 

So did Johnson get his 5% for the next election cycle? I never heard. I know there was something about matching campaign funding there. 

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11 minutes ago, motocat12 said:

we want what we want and we want it now. 2.3 mil and climbing


(500,000) People Sign Petition Asking Electoral College to Pick Clinton as President Instead of Trump

Saw a few FB friends post this.  This has to be the most ridiculous thing I've seen during this whole carnival of a campaign and election.

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