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Wife and Son T-Boned by F150


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To start this thread with the important things, they both walked away and wife is the only one with any physical medical complaints so far.


Last Friday I was on a job interview with and RVP (went well apparently) and wife and son left for a drive to give me some peace and quiet.  They came back about 40 minutes later and i was still on the call, I heard this and just went upstairs as it was not going to be much longer.  She left to go fill up and about .5 miles away from the house, she was going north on Waggoner Road and a F150 blew the red light completely travelling east on Havens Corners.  No skidmarks, no braking just hit the rear driver side door at 45-50 mph.  This is where my son was sitting, right behind my wife.  The car was sent into the traffic light pole on the passenger side and a further 40 ft where it came to a rest.  

A very fast response (after a call from the driver of the F150) by Jefferson Township FD and the Franklin County Sheriff Dept had them both checked out before I was able to respond to the 10+ calls i had on my phone.  

Thanks to the great engineering of both Hyundai and our Chicco Nextfit car seat (which absorbed the 8-10 inches of intrusion on my sons door) they were both able to go home with me.

Questions if anyone has them I will answer.

Now the fun part is replacing the car.  Unfortunately it was paid off and we planned on keeping it for another year or two until i get settled in to a now job.  The plan was a 3 row SUV (New CX-9 tickles my fancy and the Tahoe or Suburban would be great) but who knows what in the world we can get now.

Not sure what the Hyundai is worth (not going to write out what I think in case the insurance company somehow sees this) but I may be selling my 1999 Wrangler as well. 

All that being said, who has suggestions, advice, etc relating to cars, buying, places to go, dealing with the insurance company (theirs has been great and mine, ironically, is treating me like crap so far).




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F150 driver was another inattentive driver I assume?   Glad to hear both your wife and child are virtually ok.   People seriously need to start driving their vehicles with BOTH hands and BOTH eyes.  I truly believe that street riding since my teens has helped me be more aware of my surroundings. 

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Damn Hyundai held up pretty good for getting smacked with a pickup. People who bitch about how "they don't make em like they used to" probably forget that this same impact would have been fatal in an old lead sled. 


Glad you're fam is ok.


Buy a Subaru.

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I hate that intersection... So glad your family is okay.


34 minutes ago, motocat12 said:

blur out the licence plate in the pics maybe?

Um, why? Do you blur your license plate number while you drive?

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Sorry for your mishap. I hope the at fault driver has good a good insurance policy. And that your wife and child went to the hospital to get checked out thoroughly. Also have insurance company pay for a new car seat as well. Between the lost vehicle check and medical checks you should be able to get another vehicle of your choice. But the main thing is no serious injuries, I'm so glad your child was buckled in properly. I see so many kids loose climbing around back seats and even sitting in the front.

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Thank you all for the well wishes!  I imagine he was distracted somehow and the insurance already agreed to pay for a replacement car seat.  

I did a little shopping over at the dealership where the Hyundai is at the body shop.  Starting to look like any 3rd row (that is worth a damn) is going to be out of our price range.  I test drove a used Jeep Grand Cheerokee and without a 3rd kid (not that we have a 2nd yet) while the third row would be nice, it is not really needed.  Just more space in the back for the kid plus dogs and cargo crap.  The Grand was really nice, well optioned and with the Hemi and Offroad (while not nearly as capable as my Wrangler) capable seems like a good direction to go.

2014 Summit with leather, panoramic moon roof, Hemi with 8 speed, Airlift suspension, Radar cruise control (awesome for road trips) and a few other things.  $31k



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Wow glad your family is ok. My wife just had hers totaled about a month back lady backed out of a driveway across the street from our house. I found that the big dealers where more a headache when we where looking for a car. Both my last cars I got from smaller dealers not ones that look like there a fly by night but an established dealer with only like 30 cars on the lot. Took us only a month to get the settlement back. This is also after they where going to fix the car till the shop said the rear quarter had to be replaced. Same boat as you. We just paid off the car last year and replaced its payment with my car then this happened. 11k car with our settlement and we are only paying 150 a month. Im a gm family. Impala for me Malibu for her both 3.6l.

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Glad all is well. Hope nothing creeps up in the coming weeks. 

I recently bought a dash cam due to all the idiots on the road. My co-worked was rear-ended by a F150 last month, hit him so hard that he pushed the car in front of him into the next car. Total of 4 cars involved, i think it was found that the driver of the F150 was texting. And the F150 insurance tried to blame my co-worker that he was too close to the car in front of him. 

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1 hour ago, ludwb675 said:

Glad all is well. Hope nothing creeps up in the coming weeks. 

I recently bought a dash cam due to all the idiots on the road. My co-worked was rear-ended by a F150 last month, hit him so hard that he pushed the car in front of him into the next car. Total of 4 cars involved, i think it was found that the driver of the F150 was texting. And the F150 insurance tried to blame my co-worker that he was too close to the car in front of him. 

Sounds about par for the course.  So far the at fault insurance company has been easy to deal with.  But then again, no numbers are involved just yet.

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I feel your pain. A drunk driver re-ended me and pushed me into a unmarked sheriff SUV before leaving for Texas. Big fiasco, little Mexican was not a licensed driver. Another hit on my insurance. 

As for a replacement SUV, don't rule out used. Honda and Toyota really make an excellent product. Strongly suggest a Pilot  with 50k or so miles. Most banks won't blink a eye at financing them. 

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