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Educate Me - First Track Day Novice - Mid-OH


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2 minutes ago, Hellmutt said:

^^This^^ while being taught in a controlled environment, on a prepped surface, with medical on site.   Basically, where being stupid on a bike has never been safer

I agree helmutt....safer while on the track...what about the street.

I digress....I wont muck up Derek's thread anymore :)


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13 hours ago, DerekClouser said:

Talk to me.   Let me know what works for you best.  I'd prefer to go with some people I actually knew.  Would make the experience 20x better


I may consider doing it with you, but like NinjaDoc says, I'm afraid I'll be hooked and mainlining track days..... I think it would be way too much fun! Next thing you know I will only want to ride on the track.

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I guess another question I have... 


I see a lot of people mentioning track day sales and 'certificates'....


When are these sales usually?  I heard they do a nice sale on Black Friday.  And what are the certificates? Are they transferable?  Do you use them on any track day or do you still have to register??

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13 minutes ago, DerekClouser said:

I guess another question I have... 


I see a lot of people mentioning track day sales and 'certificates'....


When are these sales usually?  I heard they do a nice sale on Black Friday.  And what are the certificates? Are they transferable?  Do you use them on any track day or do you still have to register??

Generally there's a sale over christmas/new years. 


You can use the cert as a walk-in without pre registering but I thought I heard somewhere that they are charging the $20 late fee on top of the cert this year(?) Someone else may have a more definitive answer. 


**Keep in mind that if you show up as a walk-in and the novice group is full you're SOL. I used a cert last year as a walk-in though and it was no problemo.

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11 minutes ago, 330racing said:

I agree helmutt....safer while on the track...what about the street.

I digress....I wont muck up Derek's thread anymore :)


For someone who loves both track AND street riding, I better know the limits of myself and my bike without having learning those limits on public roadways where the inherent dangers are far higher.   I never ride on the street nearly as hard as I do at a track, which probably goes for everyone that's still alive, and still ride both.   Track is a place to cut loose, push limits, not get ticketed, and to competitively measure yourself against other riders.   It's a rush for sure, and I'm a firm believer in it's ability to improve skills every time, no matter how minute the improvement - something is usually learned at every trackday I've done.

I'm a lifelong race fan, so I've always been intrigued with the concept of going somewhere that lets me go as fast as I can.  But I can empathize where some street riders won't agree there's benefits to it.  It's all in the mentality and confidence in your own riding skills, but I wholeheartedly believe everyone learns something about themselves and/or their bikes.

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1 hour ago, 330racing said:

I question this and am really looking for input.  Not being a dik about it.

How does track riding make you a better/safer street rider.  You don't have the traffic, bad roads...etc.  I could see a class dedicated to street principles, and good old fashioned practice/riding with more experienced rideas, but track instruction form cocky instructors??

Not trying to make this street vs track, but I'll say most street riders have absolutely no idea what their brake systems are capable of in a straight line, let alone trail braking or emergency avoidance.  The track forces you to gain familiarity with the brakes to go faster. 

In the end, seat time makes you a better rider; eliminate hazards & variables and the benefit of that seat time will be even greater with less risk.

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And someone should trailer me down from NEO for that track day. Unless I get a truck first.


But really, I want to meet some of you track guys! And have you tow my slow ass around.

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I realize I am way late to the party, but the thing you need for your first trackday that no one tells you about is MORE FRESH UNDERWEAR.  Putting on a pair of fresh, dry underwear after you've loaded everything up, and before you've started your drive home - it changes your whole outlook on life for the next (several) hundred miles behind the wheel.

I don't know why I didn't do so sooner, but now I just immediately wash all my gear when I get home from the track, and then re-pack it in a tupperware bin with my track boots, gloves, back/chest protector, sun tan lotion, safari hat, etc.   My gross undersuit, socks, undies, t-shirts, shorts, and all that stuff go straight into the washer when I get home, and my boots/gloves air out for the next 24 hours.  I bring my helmet into the shower with me and then put it in front of a fan for 24 hours.  Keeps it from getting funky or moldy.  Extra undies are just a few more pieces of 'riding gear' as far as i'm concerned.

I also think throwing a hand towel in your cooler is an awesome idea too.  Ice cold water on your head/neck really keeps your head in the game for the next session.

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48 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

And someone should trailer me down from NEO for that track day. Unless I get a truck first.


But really, I want to meet some of you track guys! And have you tow my slow ass around.

Labor day. 

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3 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

We need to do an OR track day. :bicycle:

Yes, awesome idea. Of course demand a discount. Everyone rides Novice! Have a free for all after lunch like all the other track day organizations do across the country!

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Just now, 0hi0 said:

Yes, awesome idea. Of course demand a discount. Everyone rides Novice! Have a free for all after lunch like all the other track day organizations do across the country!

I feel we'd  each have to pony up a lot of cash to do an OR only track day. I was more thinking of, lets all plan a date, and all go so 90% of the riders are OR guys and gals lol.

I do need to do some track riding though.

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5 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

We need to do an OR track day. :bicycle:

I wanted to do a track day in pirc with motoseries, since it's a good clean track, they allow for novice group I think - my 2 piece leather suit  and not strict on changing the coolant and okay with just taping up all lights and not digging for fuse etc. plus all the regular track guys here must be gods of motoseries by now I assume which means lot of help and advice around, the only think keeping me away is trailering :( the last time I did it was thx to @jbot and I will never forget that helpful day :) 

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36 minutes ago, Jester_ said:

If any of you are on the way I'll swing by and we can load up everything in my trailer and I'll town you for free if it's your first track experience. 

^^Good guy right here^^ 

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42 minutes ago, Jester_ said:

If any of you are on the way I'll swing by and we can load up everything in my trailer and I'll town you for free if it's your first track experience. 

Dayuuuum you had to live close to me as well didn't you .... Must stop must stop ... Stop stop... before the idea starts to churn... Resist .... Stick to streets .... 

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If there is a group of 2 or 3 of you within an hour or so that want to go I would go out of the way to pick you up as well. I can fit 4 bikes in the trailer and have enough canopies for everyone who would be there. 

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10 hours ago, NinjaDoc said:

Dayuuuum you had to live close to me as well didn't you .... Must stop must stop ... Stop stop... before the idea starts to churn... Resist .... Stick to streets .... 

haha you KNOW I would pick you up whenever you wanted to go do a track day. I miss riding with you brother!

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