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So Trump kicks one baby.....


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Clearly the answer is to make abortions cheaper. Condoms are fucking free at any clinic and it's pretty obvious that people aren't using them. 


That's the thing man, contraception is only effective if you use it. With this country's upright 'abstenance' policy on sex ed things aren't getting better.


People don't use condoms because they suck. That won't change, so the babies are still getting made by stupid people that don't fucking want them and growing up to have more babies they dont want etc. Wanna cut welfare and food stamps and all the other entitlement programs? Make abortions safe and affordable and remove the dumb fucking social stigma these religious assholes place upon the people that decide to get them. 

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All the Federal programs for abstinence were ended in 2010. We are not teaching abstinence at our district, I don't believe we have for over a decade.

What makes you say abortions are unsafe in the US?

Make them cheaper how?

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Your district isn't every district. I'm confident there are lots of schools in the Bible belt that are well behind the times.


Never said they were unsafe, only that they need to be safe and affordable....


Without looking at the current process I wouldn't be able to suggest a way to improve upon it. I'd be happy to apply DMAIC  to it if you can get me a fairly detailed rundown of the abortion process as it is now. There is always room for improvement. 



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6 hours ago, Cheech said:

In the flesh and on your screen. :)  How's the twins coming along?

Really good! But cause my wife handles a majority of the duties at this point. Even got our first night out together tonight since they were born. Did it proper by going to Hofbrahaus 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I say all boys should have a vasectomy at 15 (or when they decide to have sex) and if they want kids have it reversed... Best birth control. Threaten to cut a teenage boys nut sac and they will think twice about sex.....

......I am just joking...


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17 hours ago, snot said:

I say all boys should have a vasectomy at 15 (or when they decide to have sex) and if they want kids have it reversed... Best birth control. Threaten to cut a teenage boys nut sac and they will think twice about sex.....

......I am just joking...


I'm all for that. The US would be in such a better place. 

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17 hours ago, snot said:

I say all boys should have a vasectomy at 15 (or when they decide to have sex) and if they want kids have it reversed... Best birth control. Threaten to cut a teenage boys nut sac and they will think twice about sex.....

......I am just joking...


If girls stayed in the kitchen where they belong we wouldn't need birth control of any kind.

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23 hours ago, snot said:

I say all boys should have a vasectomy at 15 (or when they decide to have sex) and if they want kids have it reversed... Best birth control. Threaten to cut a teenage boys nut sac and they will think twice about sex.....

......I am just joking...


I agree with this post, but I am the father of 3 daughters. 

If it's when boys decide to have sex, then it should be 12. (Unless they are into Pokeman.)


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