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Epic Ride Video and Picture Thread


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Couple vids I took off my helmet cam.  Raw, no editing, terrible wind noise...but here they are:



Footage I have from the downed rider we came upon.  Shut off my camera (once I remembered I had it on) due to not knowing his status and respect for privacy, but you get the idea of what was going on.


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1 hour ago, wingman44 said:

I had to spend a couple hours in a hospital waiting room today, this was the perfect way to pass the time!  Thank you to all who have posted :cheers:

Hope all is good.  Waiting room is still too close to being in a hospital for me

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30 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Heads up, folks. First rule of assisting a downed rider is traffic control. Nobody was there to warn you guys before that corner and it could have been bad news. Not sure how long he was down before you all showed, but just a quick reminder to those that are watching these videos. 

Yep, soon after I pulled over (3rd behind hellmutt), I kept going up further. Looked back to see what everyone in our group was gonna do. Once I saw folks starting to stop/get off their bikes/helmets taken off, I then rode up the road to the NEXT corner parked off to the side and stood there ready to WARN others coming the other way to "slow down", etc!

I'm just glad that I was giving hellmutt & gxsr-750 guy 2-3 secs ahead of me in the corners JUST IN CASE shit like this happens, giving me extra time to make a split second decision!

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I felt like we handled it all really well for just happening upon it and definitely helped that guy when he needed it most since it seemed his buddies were still in some kind of shock and not thinking clearly.

Major props to Snot for jumping right in there and helping as best she could with her med kit and to the rest of the group for not wrecking and getting every thing under control and as safe as we could given the circumstances.

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I heard @Hellmutt yelling woah in my head...sena. So, I did start slowing down before I came around the corner and was prepared to stop.... I love having our senas, they have helped so many times.


Monday quarter back: we (i) could of done a lot of things differently and better. In the heat of the moment it is different. I knew Hellmutt would move my bike, I had nowhere to go at the time (truck in the way). The scene was safe for me to enter, the other rider was my priority (because No one was with him). 

I knew our group would start directing traffic and take control. I never knew the red car was there until I watched the video.

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Good cat like skills you all!!! That coulda been reallly nasty...common sense should tell most folks to warn people before the corner...wtf...sounds like u all took charge and made a severely unsafe situation a lil safer...kudos to u all!! Everyone can learn from the video what to do in situations like that to help make it a lil bit safer out there for everyone...good job fellas and LADY! :thefinger:

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2 hours ago, snot said:

I heard @Hellmutt yelling woah in my head...sena. So, I did start slowing down before I came around the corner and was prepared to stop.... I love having our senas, they have helped so many times.


Monday quarter back: we (i) could of done a lot of things differently and better. In the heat of the moment it is different. I knew Hellmutt would move my bike, I had nowhere to go at the time (truck in the way). The scene was safe for me to enter, the other rider was my priority (because No one was with him). 

I knew our group would start directing traffic and take control. I never knew the red car was there until I watched the video.

You can't over analyze a crisis situation and handling things differently.  It's all happening so fast and your main concern is a guy who is hurt.  You did what you felt was the best thing at the time and you live with it.  You aren't trained for this sort of thing so you just go off instinct.  Kudos to you for doing the best you could.  

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10 hours ago, Hellmutt said:

ABS may have saved my ass on that corner, but didn't feel it kick in.  I heard @o-no-moto lock the rear as he split right of me just between the truck and bikes.  Again, damn good save Chad.  And yes, I was a bit pissed the truck was where it was....should've definitely been around the corner flagging traffic.  Had he stuck around, I planned to speak with him since he nearly caused us to pile up as well, but he pulled away as I was walking up so I went right to moving my wife's bike off the road.  

I'm truly proud of my wife @snot and thankful our group instantly went to work with traffic control, or trying to get a signal for the 911 call, attending to the rider down, and just asking if they could be of help.  We did what we could in that situation, and took charge like it was one of our own guys. Just another reason I'm such a fan of the people on OR.  This place continues to bring good folk together - thanks again to all


The guy in the silver pickup should not have been where he was when you came around the corner - agreed. But when he pulled forward he stopped on the other side of the corner and was there to flag people down when I got there with the next group. After I stopped I went back and asked if he was part of the group that had the accident. He wasn't so I told him I'd stay and flag people down. I did that till theBrown57 brought his car back to help slow people down. So the pickup driver did help out, though he started in a bad spot.

Kudos to Snot (Jennifer) because she jumped right in there.


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11 hours ago, Hellmutt said:

ABS may have saved my ass on that corner, but didn't feel it kick in.

So with ABS you have to completely rethink emergency braking. For years you have trained your self to push the brakes and 'feel' the bike so you don't slide.  You now do it without thinking, it is instinct. With ABS, in a panic/emergency stop that needs to change.  You jam both of them on as hard as you can and let the computer take care of business.  You will stop MUCH faster.

So, if you didn't feel the ABS kick in, you were not stopping as fast as you could have. Obviously it worked out fine, but maybe next time it wont.  Go out and practice. You will be amazed how much faster you can stop.  In fact test it.  Hit a speed and pick a marker on the side of the road and do your usual instinct stop.  Then go back and do it my way.

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4 minutes ago, Tonik said:

So with ABS you have to completely rethink emergency braking. For years you have trained your self to push the brakes and 'feel' the bike so you don't slide.  You now do it without thinking, it is instinct. With ABS, in a panic/emergency stop that needs to change.  You jam both of them on as hard as you can and let the computer take care of business.  You will stop MUCH faster.

So, if you didn't feel the ABS kick in, you were not stopping as fast as you could have. Obviously it worked out fine, but maybe next time it wont.  Go out and practice. You will be amazed how much faster you can stop.  In fact test it.  Hit a speed and pick a marker on the side of the road and do your usual instinct stop.  Then go back and do it my way.

I agree with this. It is hard to fight against that instinct of the "oh crap I'm going over the bars" lever pull.

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4 hours ago, Shoop said:


The guy in the silver pickup should not have been where he was when you came around the corner - agreed. But when he pulled forward he stopped on the other side of the corner and was there to flag people down when I got there with the next group. After I stopped I went back and asked if he was part of the group that had the accident. He wasn't so I told him I'd stay and flag people down. I did that till theBrown57 brought his car back to help slow people down. So the pickup driver did help out, though he started in a bad spot.

Kudos to Snot (Jennifer) because she jumped right in there.


Thanks shoop.   As the pickup driver drove away from the crash site, I wiped my mind of it and directed my attention to the scene and whatever I could do there.   Glad he stuck around and helped out afterall, and thankyou for taking over for him as well.   Jen has 1st responder and accident assessment training, so it was instinctual for her to take on that role once she got stopped and saw what had happened.  


3 hours ago, Tonik said:

So with ABS you have to completely rethink emergency braking. For years you have trained your self to push the brakes and 'feel' the bike so you don't slide.  You now do it without thinking, it is instinct. With ABS, in a panic/emergency stop that needs to change.  You jam both of them on as hard as you can and let the computer take care of business.  You will stop MUCH faster.

So, if you didn't feel the ABS kick in, you were not stopping as fast as you could have. Obviously it worked out fine, but maybe next time it wont.  Go out and practice. You will be amazed how much faster you can stop.  In fact test it.  Hit a speed and pick a marker on the side of the road and do your usual instinct stop.  Then go back and do it my way.

Yes sir, have done this in my truck several times.  Usually feel/hear a chirp of the tires, then a whirring sound once the abs pump kicks in.  My focus was entirely on where I was wanting to go instead of how the bike felt while I was going there, especially with Chad screeching past me on the right.   All worked out, and luckily without further incident from our group as we all got stopped.   I agree in needing to test the feel of the ABS as I've never owned a bike equipped before, and obviously plan to do this in a controlled environment vs hoping it works as intended when I demand a need for it.

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