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N2 Track day at Barber November 26th-27th


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22 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

With the early start on Saturday morning, Tech & Registration open on Friday night from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Gives folks an extra hour of beauty sleep. Gates will open at 3:00pm Friday per N2.

That is awesome. Will have to leave around 3am to be there at 5ish

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  • 2 weeks later...

To say it was a struggle to get there this past weekend would be an understatement.... lots of late and cold nights working on the truck to get everything ready to go.


I wasent even sure we were going to leave on Thanksgiving. I was diving the truck around trying to get air out of the system and kept filling the expansion tank back up. We decided we would leave and if the low coolant light came on within an hours drive that we would go back home. We never saw the light but somewhere in Tennessee we saw that a hose was leaking, there was a crack at the end. So we cut the end off of it and put it back on and no more leaks. 


You really cant get a grasp for how awesome barber is from a video. Its probably slower than it looks, but the elevation change and camber that some of the turns have make it all worth it. It was cols and I had never been there so I did some sighting laps saturday and in the afternoon ran a 1:41 I think. Then Sunday I ran a 1:38 and I know where I can make up enough time to probably get into the 36s, with a new tire who knows how much time would drop. But I had a blast and look forward to going back again.


Also my Buddy "NonAznTim" got bumped from I to A on the last session and we got to go ride together which was fun. He was running in the 1:45 range and hadent even ridden in a year and a half.     

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