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Anti-Trump Rally


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Even Trump supporters have to admit the man's an idiot. I mean, c'mon.


The media is going out of its way to go after him though, which I also think is silly. I heard yesterday on the BBC they asked a reporter in Tampa what she thought of Trump's statement about Irma being dangerous and that being in its path is a dangerous place to be and before the anchor finished saying what he was saying, the woman in Tampa said "I don't agree with Trump or anything he has to say!"  After a bit of coaxing and finishing what he was trying to say the anchor was able to get the reporter to say that yes, Irma was indeed a dangerous storm and yes, people in the path of the storm were in danger, just like the president said. 


I don't like the automatic response people have dismissing anything and everything having to do with Trump, regardless of the truth. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. 

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The media is the bigger issue....they report half truths and Obama was worst, just not reported like they do with Trump.

No politician is honest and none of them are right all the time. They all make mistakes and you can't please everyone.

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  • 4 weeks later...
20 hours ago, serpentracer said:

so how many of you vaginas not watching football now?  I think some of you would literally jump off a bridge if he said to.

I haven't watched football (pro or college) in years, sorry I still carry my mancard though.  I gave up on that sport long before the current crop of overpaid crybabies took the field. :)


I have jumped off bridges before, you just have to have good depth perception and jump off where the water is both close enough and deep enough to survive.  Not sure why people always use this as a viable option for suggesting people commit suicide on the internet.  There are much more effextive choices like jumping from the tops of burning skyscrapers.

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On 10/9/2017 at 2:51 PM, serpentracer said:

so how many of you vaginas not watching football now?  I think some of you would literally jump off a bridge if he said to.

I am not following...is vagina an insult?  I'm pro vagina, but strongly against jumping.

  • Haha 1
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