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Anyone else looting?


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7 minutes ago, Tonik said:

What do you two suggest they do to be treated like properly by the police?

If I was concerned about my race being mistreated by police, a good starting point might be to encourage more people of my race to become police.  Being more represented couldn't hurt. 

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Nothing wrong with protesting and civil unrest to prove a point. Curfew? Go break it and stand in the street with your sign. Police tell you to leave? Refuse. Do whatever you need to do to protest and prove your point. But how does looting, rioting, and burning down businesses of local people, while advocating the death of police officers and innocent white people help prove any kind of point? This is the same argument against police. Some bad police make people think all police are bad and should die. So what about rioters? Few bad protestor are ruining the greater point of the peaceful protesting. Burning down malls and murdering innocent people doesn't make all these people look bad? That's not bad for the cause? 

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What is your brilliant solution? More molotov cocktails being tossed into occupied police vehicles, random drive by shootings into crowds and vehicles driving down the street, do we need another Reginald Denny to step in and take one for the team so people can let their frustration out? 

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30 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

If I was concerned about my race being mistreated by police, a good starting point might be to encourage more people of my race to become police.  Being more represented couldn't hurt. 

They seem to be ostracized from the races once they become police.

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There is a point Steve where it becomes self defense. A preemptive strike. I guarantee you that if I was being treated like this I would burn everything in sight and shoot anyone that got in my way.

I think you would too.

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5 minutes ago, Tonik said:

There is a point Steve where it becomes self defense. A preemptive strike. I guarantee you that if I was being treated like this I would burn everything in sight and shoot anyone that got in my way.

I think you would too.


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Did you start smashing windows when you wanted to wear earplugs on a motorcycle?

I'm no fan of the police, but I guarantee 99% of the protesters have never had their throat stepped on by a cop. Certainly not in Fort Lame Indiana. Just angry mental neanderthals that want to break things for no reason. Want to send a message? Grow a pair and go smash up the police station. I'd like to see how that works out for ya though...

An actual solution? Put someone in charge that will actually do something about bad cops and good ol boys. Oh wait, unions....

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Cops need to be held accountable, and in order for that to happen the system needs to change. I'll tell you how the system won't get changed - it's lighting every major city on fire, causing billions of dollars in damage, and ruining the lives of innocent people who probably supported the cause. But it's not the protesters going around doing all of this bullshit, it's a small group of bad actors in each area casting a long shadow over what needed to come out of this, a high profile murder conviction for excessive use of force, and resulting charges for the officers who did nothing to prevent Floyd's death. That sets precedent. That scares the shit out of the cops and makes them police themselves, eventually breaking the blue line. Who wants to be partnered with the dickhead who is beating the shit out of every random person he comes across and is in more shootings than half the precinct when you can also be charged with a crime if he really fucks up? Nobody.

These riots are just going to cause the government and law enforcement to come down even harder on everyone. The outcome of these riots will be exactly the opposite of what those trying to get justice for Floyd want, except those who just want to watch the world burn. The protesters have my full support, but the people rioting should be put away for a long time.

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13 minutes ago, blue72beetle said:

An actual solution? Put someone in charge that will actually do something about bad cops and good ol boys. Oh wait, unions...

....and the elected officials that keep re-signing those contracts....and the voters that keep electing them....who are the same people being killed by the police.

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Guys, we're talking about a race that was legally, and without trial, strung up from their necks for being in the wrong town past sundown. This was 60 years ago. Forgive them if they get a little jumpy around more unpunished murder by the police system. 

No. I do not condone the violence in any regard. I understand why they feel the need to knock a little harder on the door, though. BLM became a punchline. The police mock their efforts to civily raise awareness and a make a call to action. Nothing.. from nobody. Ignore the problem long enough, and some mother fucker is going to get reminded how it feels to be victimized. 

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I just don’t get this double standard. For whatever reason that cop lost his shit and some poor fella died in handcuffs. Should never happen. Courts will decide what he’s guilty of but he should be held responsible for his actions. I don’t understand why everyone feels the need to look the other way or make excuses for those hundreds of people who also lost there shit and loot business, vandalize, set fires and all such shit. They should also be held accountable for there actions as well. Yes it would be great if cops that see bad actions by other officers would report them. But does anyone expect the guy dragging a Tv, Xbox, and a bag of dog food out of target to report the guy in front of him that cleaned out the jewelry counter. 
I just don’t get it. It’s like justifying burning down my neighbors house because I’m pissed off at my brother in law. Makes no sense to me. 

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That cop has 12 complaints of police brutality and has been involved with the deaths of 4 citizens in his career. The system is broken. The faith is non-existent. People have fucking had enough. I don't see what is so hard to understand. 

Who is condoning the violence of looters? 

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22 minutes ago, Pauly said:

Who is condoning the violence of looters? 

The news calls them “outraged citizens” They’re criminals. I’m not talking about protestors. That I get. Definitely some shit broke but the person from the shop on the 911 call had faith that someone was coming to help. 

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3 minutes ago, Killer_kaw said:

The news calls them “outraged citizens” They’re criminals. I’m not talking about protestors. That I get. Definitely some shit broke but the person from the shop on the 911 call had faith that someone was coming to help. 

Well, the police are a little busy at the moment with damage control efforts. Maybe they should have been a little more proactive and handled this piece of shit officer the last dozen times his name hit investigation papers. 

And ANYBODY that has faith the police will come to their aid is deluded. 

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2 minutes ago, Pauly said:

Well, the police are a little busy at the moment with damage control efforts. Maybe they should have been a little more proactive and handled this piece of shit officer the last dozen times his name hit investigation papers. 

And ANYBODY that has faith the police will come to their aid is deluded. 

This I can agree with. 

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3 minutes ago, motocat12 said:

Anyone else curious  what was happening in the cruiser before he was pulled back out and pinned down?

Nope. Has zero to do with the end result. Four officers couldn't control one man without killing him?

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6 minutes ago, Pauly said:

Maybe they should have been a little more proactive and handled this piece of shit officer the last dozen times his name hit investigation papers. 

The FOP has zero interest in cleaning up dirty officers.  They will defend any criminal action committed by an officer an spin it like he's a hero.  

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Shouldn’t be any damage control. The officers handling of a man in cuffs was obviously excessive. Why’s it so hard for a police department to own it and say they got a fuck up in there ranks. 

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40 minutes ago, Steve Butters said:








oky it’s 2020 people need to use more common sense and google. Like I said the aim of few is to just see the system crash unleash chaos and anarchy. Don’t be a sheep and don’t be a pawn. Some kinda Statistics show peeps in the 60 plus age group are the biggest spread of misinformation online ad they can’t identify fake from real or do basic internet cross checks.


that account was suspended if not the history would have revealed probably made during the last 48 hrs and typing out utter bullshit. If it looks and sounds like bullshit it’s going to be.  



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