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Nitriobird (joe) on a Saturday afternoon with a chick


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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:




* added NWS icon!... also this isn't the Kitchen either. :rolleyes: *

#1: I don't go down below in the front seat of a car. At 6'3", the mere physics of doing so don't work out well in my favor.


#2: I work on Saturday afternoons, so I'm doing no carpet munching on my g/f during that time.


#3: I've never heard those kinds of complaints.....ever. Actually, my g/f wants bedroom activites on a very regular basis; I must be doing something right.


But nice lame attempt at flaming me anyway.

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Guest JoesGirlfriend
Originally posted by Nitrousbird:


#3: I've never heard those kinds of complaints.....ever. Actually, my g/f wants bedroom activites on a very regular basis; I must be doing something right.


But nice lame attempt at flaming me anyway.[/QB]

Joseph, I dont even know what to say to this!
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

how she fakes all the time?

My g/f is a bad actress, and doesn't lie well. Don't confuse my woman with whatever you take home.


Nice car choice....[/QB]

No, it's really not. I've worked on that horriably designed car enough that she will never own another one....ever. What it took to just replace an accessory belt tensioner was beyond stupid (and they fact they have 8 different freaking designs for it, for the same damn motor, because some engineer can't make up his freaking mind as to which one isn't a POS).

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Guest JoesGirlfriend

Why do we have to bring the Neon into this? :rolleyes: It's not like Im rubbing it in your face that the Green Machine has barely been on the road this year! My car runs! tongue.gif



Luv You! :D

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

My g/f is a bad actress, and doesn't lie well. Don't confuse my woman with whatever you take home.


Nice car choice....

No, it's really not. I've worked on that horriably designed car enough that she will never own another one....ever. What it took to just replace an accessory belt tensioner was beyond stupid (and they fact they have 8 different freaking designs for it, for the same damn motor, because some engineer can't make up his freaking mind as to which one isn't a POS).[/QB]


Wow sorry to hear about that I like my neon it has alrgiht gas milage and I never thought that belts were hard to get on...you must have the the worst of the worst design. I broke the assc tensioner off and replaced the whole thing in just short of an hour. I didn't think it was that hard. It is a shitty placement yes but not difficult i thought. just my $.02.


hey btw its still a fun car and alright in speed for a daily driver.

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Guest powers
Originally posted by JoesGirlfriend:

Why do we have to bring the Neon into this? :rolleyes: It's not like Im rubbing it in your face that the Green Machine has barely been on the road this year! My car runs! tongue.gif



Luv You! :D

Joe at this point i would be taking parts out of her computer. :D
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Originally posted by Jelloman457:

Wow sorry to hear about that I like my neon it has alrgiht gas milage and I never thought that belts were hard to get on...you must have the the worst of the worst design. I broke the assc tensioner off and replaced the whole thing in just short of an hour. I didn't think it was that hard. It is a shitty placement yes but not difficult i thought. just my $.02.


hey btw its still a fun car and alright in speed for a daily driver.

The belt isn't hard (other than the retard design of having to use vice grips to move the tensioner to remove the belt). It's the tensioner itself; it is one big unit, that by the time you have it removed, the only thing let is the timing belt. The bolts holding it are only accessible after removing a couple motor mounts and letting the motor all the way down, then jacking it up to the cowl. Nice. And my g/f's car doesn't get stellar gas mileage and is slow as dog shit (sorry, it's the truth).


Originally posted by SupraGlue:

Wait a minute...big mouth's car doesn't even RUN?


What did you break this time, bottle boy?

Nice try, but I can go out and drive it right now. Starts right up, no problem. Just doesn't have a full exhaust on it (got the parts, haven't put it together), and the mysterious oil leak that I haven't fully tracked down yet. Running wise, she is doing great.
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

i think the best description for a car without an exhaust if the car doesn't drive out of the garage on its own and legal to drive around to let other people witness the occurance. It doesnt run!

He said it doesn't have a "full" exhaust on it.. He can drive it out of the garage and has had people witness it.. So not only was your sentence structure stupid, so was your point. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

i think the best description for a car without an exhaust if the car doesn't drive out of the garage on its own and legal to drive around to let other people witness the occurance. It doesnt run!

yeah I guess I agree. I was really tired and sleepy when I wrote that.
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Originally posted by SamZman:

He said it doesn't have a "full" exhaust on it.. He can drive it out of the garage and has had people witness it.. So not only was your sentence structure stupid, so was your point. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif

I've even done more than drive it out of the garage. Took it to lunch last week w/ my roomate to meet a couple friends of ours. Nick saw...and more so heard....me drive by on I70 while he was working. T-tops out, music on, fully insured, current tags....I thinks that qualifies as driveable.
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