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Smurf's Online For Sale Thread. **updated 12-08-04**

Guest 00Smurf

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Guest 00Smurf
Originally posted by Wonka:




Sorry I'll have to continue this convo when I am not completely blitzed.


But if I were to purchase these said processies I would take both.

roger that. party hard, sober up then well talk buisness tommorow. have fun
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Guest 00Smurf
Originally posted by BC:

How much for 2 sticks of the 128mb PC 100?

2 sticks of 128mb pc100 $20


Originally posted by gergwheel:

got any laptop memory?? looking for 512 ddr 2100 i think.

the onyl laptop memory i have is in the laptops. it'd have to be the whole thing or a very good price for me to seel it seperatly.
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Guest 00Smurf
Originally posted by Orion:

smurf, im kinda stupid, is there any ram in there that would work well for a p4 800mhz bus?

i have 512mb of pc2700. it mostly depends on wht your board will support. What motherboard is it?
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Originally posted by Orion:

smurf, im kinda stupid, is there any ram in there that would work well for a p4 800mhz bus?

you need RDram for that

edit - now that I think about it, it's possible that you you take normal DDR. Check out your manual before you buy anything to be sure about what you need.

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Guest 00Smurf
Originally posted by copperhead:

you need RDram for that

edit - now that I think about it, it's possible that you you take normal DDR. Check out your manual before you buy anything to be sure about what you need.

the 800mhz p4's werent to my knowledge compatible with the rdram mobos. As the rdram mobo's only supported p4's up to the 533mhx fsb p4's. If the ram doenst fit or wont work, he can always bring it back i have no problem with that.
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