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Smoke Trap


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I'm wanting to make a list of places that are not included in the Columbus smoking ban.


So far I've heard rumors of:




Clintonville, specifically the Lennox Center.


Feel free to add areas that still allow indoor smoking. Please make sure to specify if the place is somewhere that you have only heard of (rumor), or if you have been there since the ban started to see for yourself (confirmed).


I will update this list as I get more info.

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Rooster's on Hamilton still allows smoking.


WTF is up with this law? I thought is smoking was BANNED in Columbus, that meant EVERY Public place INSIDE Columbus limits?


OT: Why is this in the Speed Trap?

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Originally posted by BAM6I4:

Rooster's on Hamilton still allows smoking.


WTF is up with this law? I thought is smoking was BANNED in Columbus, that meant EVERY Public place INSIDE Columbus limits?

Columbus limits are strangely laid out? Keep in mind, Franklin County != Columbus. Some of the 'burb's and townships in the county complied with the Columbus ban, but others didn't care.


Originally posted by BAM6I4:

OT: Why is this in the Speed Trap?

Because I thought that, in a humorous sort of way, it somewhat fit in this section using the title I gave it.
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I don't smoke, but I had to tell some fucktard to "get back, get back ya'll don't know me like dat" like from that ludacris song, yo yo yo. He was all up in me and my girls grill, ya heard?


No but seriously, lol, the slutty watriesses at Roosters wouldnt do a goddamn thing about the people smoking. So needless to say, i stuck her with the bill and walked out promptly after eating. graemlins/thatfunny.gif

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Originally posted by BAM6I4:

I don't smoke, but I had to tell some fucktard to "get back, get back ya'll don't know me like dat" like from that ludacris song, yo yo yo. He was all up in me and my girls grill, ya heard?


No but seriously, lol, the slutty watriesses at Roosters wouldnt do a goddamn thing about the people smoking. So needless to say, i stuck her with the bill and walked out promptly after eating. graemlins/thatfunny.gif

You are a fucking idiot.
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Originally posted by BAM6I4:

I don't smoke, but I had to tell some fucktard to "get back, get back ya'll don't know me like dat" like from that ludacris song, yo yo yo. He was all up in me and my girls grill, ya heard?


No but seriously, lol, the slutty watriesses at Roosters wouldnt do a goddamn thing about the people smoking. So needless to say, i stuck her with the bill and walked out promptly after eating. graemlins/thatfunny.gif

Walking out on a bill is complete bullshit. If people were smoking in there, then it is in an area that isn't covered by the smoking ban. Rooster's has always been a place that allows smoking in the entire building. You were in the wrong.
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Originally posted by copperhead:

Walking out on a bill is complete bullshit. If people were smoking in there, then it is in an area that isn't covered by the smoking ban. Rooster's has always been a place that allows smoking in the entire building. You were in the wrong.

sure were


Whats the world coming to?


Waffle House on wilson rd, you can still smoke in there because its in the township not Columbus.

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Originally posted by BAM6I4:

I don't smoke, but I had to tell some fucktard to "get back, get back ya'll don't know me like dat" like from that ludacris song, yo yo yo. He was all up in me and my girls grill, ya heard?


No but seriously, lol, the slutty watriesses at Roosters wouldnt do a goddamn thing about the people smoking. So needless to say, i stuck her with the bill and walked out promptly after eating. graemlins/thatfunny.gif

Good for you.
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Originally posted by BAM6I4:

I don't smoke, but I had to tell some fucktard to "get back, get back ya'll don't know me like dat" like from that ludacris song, yo yo yo. He was all up in me and my girls grill, ya heard?


No but seriously, lol, the slutty watriesses at Roosters wouldnt do a goddamn thing about the people smoking. So needless to say, i stuck her with the bill and walked out promptly after eating. graemlins/thatfunny.gif

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by BAM6I4:

I don't smoke, but I had to tell some fucktard to "get back, get back ya'll don't know me like dat" like from that ludacris song, yo yo yo. He was all up in me and my girls grill, ya heard?


No but seriously, lol, the slutty watriesses at Roosters wouldnt do a goddamn thing about the people smoking. So needless to say, i stuck her with the bill and walked out promptly after eating. graemlins/thatfunny.gif

I don't smoke. I can tolerate, but don't like secondhand smoke. But you're an idiot.
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Guest buckeyefarmboy
Originally posted by Relegate:

[QB] Have you ever thought about quitting smoking? I quit over a year ago and I've never feltbetter...

Quit smmoking? graemlins/gives.gif Huh never really thought of that. But now that i think of it the idea still sucks.


Also the westburgh pub on trabue still allows it. They are in the limits but the owner smokes and says the government can kiss his ass

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Originally posted by farmboy:

Quit smmoking? graemlins/gives.gif Huh never really thought of that. But now that i think of it the idea still sucks.


Yea dude, it really sucks to: smell better, be able to fully taste your food, breathe, reduce your risk of heart disease significantly, reduce your risk of emphysema significantly, reduce your risk of lung cancer significantly, reduce your risk of mouth/throat cancer significantly, save a shitload of money, oh and let's not forget that smoking is the leading preventable cause of death. :rolleyes:
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Renie's Lounge at schrock road and karl is contesting the ban. They do not have ashtrays, but depending upon who is working, they allow smoking. You just have to ash your cigarette in an empty beer bottle :rolleyes: This law is so gay. graemlins/nonono.gif
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Originally posted by copperhead:

More so than car wrecks? Or are they not considered preventable?

Actually, smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined.
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Originally posted by Relegate:

Actually, smoking kills more people than alcohol, AIDS, car crashes, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined.

Wow, thanks for that. Like we dont get enough of that shit from those stupid Stand commercials....


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Wow, thanks for that. Like we dont get enough of that shit from those stupid Stand commercials....


The truth hurts.


Don't give me any shit. I was a smoker longer than you have been able to make semen.

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