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IRL sucks


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Originally posted by Rotary Mujadeen:

IRL is open-wheel NASCAR with no crashes. Therefore, it's the most boring motorsport on earth.

Maybe not constant crashes but they happen often enough to make it so a majority of open wheel racers consider the IRL highly unsafe. And when they happen, someone dies a horrible death.


I'm glad you've seen the light BC, go see a CART race, you won't be disappointed. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest riggs867
IRL is a great idea . . . if you think building an awesome handling open wheel car to drive in circles WFO is a great idea. They could run them like RC cars, and it probably wouldn't be any different.
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Originally posted by Neo:

I'm glad you've seen the light BC, go see a CART race, you won't be disappointed. graemlins/thumb.gif

Honestly the champ car race I went too wasn't too exciting either. It was a bunch of fans who wished they were at a Formula One event watching cars go around the track single file in the hot sun. The best part of it was that it was in Vancouver and that city is one of the coolest places I've ever been. The most fun motorsport events I've been to in order have been

1) Nascar at Bristol

2) Formula One US GP at Indy

3) Superbike weekend at mid ohio

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Originally posted by fush:

Honestly the champ car race I went too wasn't too exciting either. It was a bunch of fans who wished they were at a Formula One event watching cars go around the track single file in the hot sun. The best part of it was that it was in Vancouver and that city is one of the coolest places I've ever been. The most fun motorsport events I've been to in order have been

1) Nascar at Bristol

2) Formula One US GP at Indy

3) Superbike weekend at mid ohio

To be honest the only CART race I've ever been to was at Mid-Ohio last year. I really like just about any race at Mid-Ohio because it's so easy to get up close and personal with the race. You can walk around to every part of the track and watch the dynamics of the cars through the corners at every corner of the track. You can get a paddock pass and sit about three feet from the cars as they work on them, if not closer. I was in the paddock on the ‘catwalk’ above the garages for the beginning of the ALMS race this year, way cool. graemlins/thumb.gif I'm not sure I'd like any race where I have to sit in a Grand-Stand and I couldn't walk around to just about every part of the track as the race is happening. I can say the fans at the Mid-Ohio CART race last year were not boring, maybe not crazy, but not boring.


I really wanted to get to the Super Bike weekend this last year but I had two prior commitments on that Saturday which sort of made it difficult to get up there. I also missed this and the SCCA Run Offs this last year, I will not miss the Run Offs this year.


I will never go to a NASCAR race, just as I will never go to an IRL race.

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Originally posted by Rally Red Evo:

IRL? whats that never heard of it ;)

Imitation Racing League graemlins/thumb.gif


I must admit, the P1 spot has been pretty boring. HOWEVER, true fans dont just tune in for the finish. This season has been a very exciting one. Schumi is breaking virtualy every good record the sport has...accept for passing. We bitch now about his dominance, but in the future, we'll look back on this and be proud we were here to witness it.

NASCAR racing is boring, it need wrecks to keep fans attention. HOWEVER, the NASCAR "atmosphere" is deffinately a draw. The events are fun for the fans, and your average joe loves seein wrecks. Bristol = Blender ;)


addendum: France royaly fucked up Grand Am, discuss

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Originally posted by BLACKBIRD99:

NASCAR is boring? F1, Schumacher wins ALL the time. The only time there's a pass for the lead is when the leader is in the pits. Yeah, NASCAR is boring. :rolleyes:

NASCAR is not racing, NASCAR is purely entertainment. If you watch a NASCAR race to watch racing, you will be bored out of your mind. I bet a race would be fun to go to, just because of all of the partying that goes on. I watch and go to races because of the racing, what a novel idea. Watching Ferrari and Schumacher do what he/they are doing is phenomenal to watch, even if I do hate them and Schumacher jumps like a ferry. The coverage doesn't focus just on the winner. There is alot of very good racing going on from 2nd on down this year.
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USGP was weak this year...the only thing exciting was when everyone thought ralf was dead (he crashed almost right in front of me...i have some amazing pics)


oh yeah, and JP Montoya's misfire at the start...i've never seen a man run so angrily toward his garage

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Originally posted by BLACKBIRD99:

NASCAR is boring? F1, Schumacher wins ALL the time. The only time there's a pass for the lead is when the leader is in the pits. Yeah, NASCAR is boring. :rolleyes:

Wrecking is not racing.

Passing does not make it racing

Anything where pushing to pass is allowed and encouraged, not racing

Any series where they dumb down the entire feild to almost spec racers so that it INCREASES the amount of wreck and passing is not on NOT racing, but is also communism.

NASCAR is a joke, and yes, NASCAR races ARE boring. Passing is commomn place, easy, and just plain fuggun dull. the courses are so simple and the cars are equal.

Forula one puts much less restrictions on teams. It is a place where you can build a fast car and win. It is one of the last racing series that is actualy racing.

Michael Schumacher is winning ALOT this year, he is dominant...why? Because Ferrari builds the best cars, and He is the best driver. NASCAR is pro wrestling on wheels, IRL is wannabe NASCAR without fenders, and the Frances have fucked up Grand Am now too. Formula one is the pinnacle of motorsport, the fastest cars on th4e planet, the best drivers on the planet. Put Tony Stewart in Shumis F2004 and watch him get lapped by Zolt in his Minardi. NASCAR sucks.

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Originally posted by BC:

I'm not going to waste my time graemlins/jerkit.gif

I prolly shouldnt either...but i do. tongue.gif

You do realize that NASCAR is run, not operated, right? By that I mean, the outcomes are not from pure, and legit racing. The sanctioning body dabbles in the tech in and tech out procedures to dictate who has an advanage. They cant driver the cars for the fellas, but some drivers start out with beter machines then others. How else do you think an enept crack like Dale Jr can win races? tongue.gif

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Originally posted by The_Fist_of_Fury:

\ By that I mean, the outcomes are not from pure, and legit racing. The sanctioning body dabbles in the tech in and tech out procedures to dictate who has an advanage. They cant driver the cars for the fellas, but some drivers start out with beter machines then others. How else do you think an enept crack like Dale Jr can win races? tongue.gif [/QB]

You mean to tell me that F1 has "pure and legit" racing?!?! Wasn't it Schumacher that had his teammate who was leading the race, pull over so Schumacher could get his umpteenth win? Do you understand how lame that is?


NASCAR mandates the tech like they do so they don't have one team or one manufacturer like Schumacher/Ferrari winning all of the races. That is not racing by any means.


How can side by side, door to door racing, not be racing? I would much rather see that than each car in the field spaced out, not passing each other hardly at all except for when a car pits.


The only way you'd catch me at a F1 race, is if I received free tickets and accomodations. I'm sure the technology is amazing but from a spectator standpoint, it's boring as hell to watch. And IMO, the racing is NOT nearly as good as NASCAR or IRL. Those series actually have close races with a lot of passing.

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Originally posted by BLACKBIRD99:

[QB]You mean to tell me that F1 has "pure and legit" racing?!?! Wasn't it Schumacher that had his teammate who was leading the race, pull over so Schumacher could get his umpteenth win? Do you understand how lame that is? [QB]

Yes, I understand how lame that was, so did the FIA (formula ones sanctioning body), that is why they were fined. Its Team orders, and up untill those moves by Ferrari, pretty much anything went. Team orders exist in NASCAR, too. In fact, the most memorable incedent has to be Dale Earnhardt Sr. getting himself killed by trying to mess with the feild to give his boys advantage over everyone, including himself.


Originally posted by BLACKBIRD99:

[QB]NASCAR mandates the tech like they do so they don't have one team or one manufacturer like Schumacher/Ferrari winning all of the races. That is not racing by any means.[QB]

You are correct, slowing down the entire feild to make things look competitive is NOT racing. The fastest car and the best driver winning raes, how is that not real racing? Look at Barrichellos performance this year, compared to shumachers. Same team, same car, built and run by the same engineers. They are put in equal machines, Barrichello is a very talented driver, yet while he battles with the pack, Schumi walks away. I'm not a ferrari fan, I too get irritated to see him win every time, but he deserves it, because he is the best. Anyone who saw his performance in the French Gran Prix this year could not deny it, I was amazed. "They give barrichello a slower car", how the hell does that make sense? It would be no cheaper or easier to give him a slower car. Some times they lack in quality, but we have yet to see any engine failures by ferrari in almost 2 years (the 'rubens blow up button' jokes never get old though).


Real Racing is a series where teams are aloud to build their cars and race each other without the sanctioning body saying "hey, you're too good, we gotta slow you down because our fans have a short attention span." Real racing is men in cars competing with each other, not out for the primary purpose of putting on a pretty show for a bunch of people in the stands. I am a race fan, and I know Real Racing is not about the fans, its about competing. I say "Let them race."



On a side note, anyone remember NASCAR int he late 90s and Gordons domination? I was still a fan of it then, and I remember watching races, saying to myslef "christ almighty let some one other then gordon win". Or how about Dale Jr's car getting through tech a full inch lower then the rest of the feild for the Daytona 500 the year after papa died? NASCAR lets the teams they want to win, the series "pretty boys" (the names that sell) get away with more then other teams. Remember the attempted donut, followed by accusations of traction conrol at the Glen? How about the fact that some drivers kick ass on speedways (where a faster car will get you a win), yet sucking on road courses (where you need more then a fast car to win). NASCAR is fun, entertaining, and its all about the fans, but its not racing. NASCAR as a sanctioning body has to go to considerable efforts to make it interesting. Imagine if the teams were aloud to actualy build a car how they wanted, imagine fewer wrecks, "OH MY GOD" that would kill the sport if no one wrecked. But it would be racing. Every series has rules to keep things competitive, but non are as blatant and shameless at NASCAR. Hell, its not even stock cars anymore, it truly is a spec racer series.

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Originally posted by BLACKBIRD99:

The only way you'd catch me at a F1 race, is if I received free tickets and accomodations. I'm sure the technology is amazing but from a spectator standpoint, it's boring as hell to watch. And IMO, the racing is NOT nearly as good as NASCAR or IRL. Those series actually have close races with a lot of passing.

Lots of passing in a circular motion. At least F1 tests the skills of a driver in a way that makes them turn the wheel more than one way. And anyone that has ever been to an F1 race will tell you that nothing in the world can possibly compare to the unrestrained sound of almost 19000 RPMs and 800HP letting loose at 150+mph, only to have to come back down to 60 mph to take a turn. Where else are you going to find a form of racing where strategies don't simply include being slightly faster than your opponent in a straightaway when speeds exceed 150 mph.
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a thought.

teams being aloud to build fast cars and take them out and race them against other such teams. Pure competitin, that is racing.

It used to be that people were drawn to real racing and entertained by it. This was back in the days before worldwide coverage. The only way to wtacha race was to be there, which required you to be a hardcore fan, because travel was a bitch.

These days we have worldwide coverage, and the fans are no longer attracted to real racing. "Its boring" cries these so called fans, "amuse us or we wont watch".

What a bunch of bitches. Not only is NASCAR not real racing, but NASCAR fans are not real race fans. People used to be drawn to real racing, not racing has to fuck itself up to make itself interesting to a bunch of short attention spanned consumers. Why couldn't I live inthe 20s, or the late 60s?

the 24 Hours of Lemans is the last true great race that mankind still has.

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