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Sell for new Evolution8???

Guest Varioram

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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Porsche without a doubt, and that's just on looks alone. Porsches's are very moddable (be it a lot more expensive), have a better enthusiast base (less F&F, more serious racers). Definately have the pimp factor. The Porsche is a GT 2+2 car, not a sedan (that's significant to me). The Porshe will hold its value MUCH better.

Joe hit it on the head, this is pretty much what I was thinking... graemlins/nod.gif
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Originally posted by Varioram:

eh... just a bit nerve wrecking when 30k econo boxes start beating me :( no offense to the evo owners cause I like them alot anyway.

Whether or not they can be made faster than you shouldn't be an issue. There'll always be someone making something faster than what you drive.
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I agree with everthing Nitrousbird said but I think both cars have a good enthusiast base of real racers. Both cars handle great and both can be upgraded accordingly. Same goes for power mods. But with the EVO you'd better be ready to replace a front differential if you plan on on tracking the car. (from my reading on Pulp Racing it seems guys that actually track the car have multiple diffs around their house)


With the EVO you'll be adored by ricers and enthusiats alike. Although the ricers could get annoying. The Porsche is classy, has a nicer interior, and will get more ass.

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Guest Varioram
Thanks for all the input guys. a quick question... with the open competition. I havent reached 50 posts yet but am I allowed to count my posts for my previous sn? I'm guessing no but its no big deal since I'm only 1 or 2 posts away.
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Guest racinbird

Depends, do you want a newer four door familiy car with a warranty? (might be void per mods) or do you want to keep the 2+2, higher ins, higher $$ to repair and mod, seasonal, higher vauled, women getting (if you know what you're doing) porsche?


sorry, im a noobie here smile.gif


I'd get the EVO for year round performance and love those awesome 60' times!!

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I passed dozens of 911 Porsches at Midohio with my wife's lightly modded EVO. There was literally 1 GT2 and 2 newer gen 911 turbos that I could not pass in my run group. It just depends on what's important to you.
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Guest Varioram
yes I went to Olentangy but I graduated last year... oh and Marc, he WAS my step brother... I'd have to shoot myself if he was blood line. and he sold his cobra after moving to maryland to live with his grandparents... loser
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well im younger, 20 years old so i picked an Evo...it was either an Evo, SVT Cobra or 350Z, i dont think im "man" enough to have a SVT with that much power in RWD and i didnt like the 2 seats in the 350....i loved my Evo and would buy another one in a heart beat if i had the money again....but i agree with most of everyone else on here when they say its up to you...but it seems Evos are gettin around a lot now..before i bought mine i had seen 4 different evos since they come out in cbus or anywhere else i have gone...after i bought mine i saw them everywhere and im seeing more and more now that its gone too...The STi isnt as popular around here as the Evo so take that into consideration maybe
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