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Watch out for Columbus highway patrol cop on I-71


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Just wanted to give a heads up to everyone about a Cbus cop who is targeting Motorcyclists. I was on my way to school yesterday (Coming from Polaris on I-71S) when I got pulled over for my license plate not being displayed "Properly." Later I find out that he's been in a couple of pursuits with motorcyclists and they've gotten away because they're license plate weren't displayed properly. He was going to write me a bunch more tickets for minor things (Those fines add up!), but I found out that he's a fellow rider. You will know who he is by the car that he drives. (If you want to run I truely believe he will fine you anything that he can) He has the only 94 Chevy Impala cop car left and I've seen him many times on 71 so watch out.

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I was pulled over by this guy not once but twice. Both times for the same thing and even though he stated to me twice he usually never gives warnings he gave me warnings both times for the same thing which was my license plate not being placed right. He even pulls out the ohio revised code and quotes exactly how and where ur license should be attached to your bike. Which basically comes down to the factory set up. He said to me that the licence plate "MUST be attached to the rear of your bike" and I said "there is only one rear and one front and it is visible to all people behind me". he stated that "it must be attached to the outer most portion of your bike, be lit and have 2 factory sized RED reflectors that you can see between 50 to 300 feet away" He is such a big fucking douche.

I talked to him about how I have a lot of family police officers, including a father who have no problem with my plate position and he went on to downgrade them and say that they obviously dont have as much rode experience as a cop as he does. I even called another cop to come to my house to look at my plate to get a second opinion and to see if he was actually harrasing bikers and he found nothing wrong with it.

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I am pretty sure I have been pulled over by this same cop! Last year he nailed me two different times - once on 71S and once on high street. He was in a "freeway patrol" car, which I thought was weird. The first time on high street he gave me a ticket for improperly displayed plate (it was mounted behind my wheel so I knew I had it coming), but he also read me the riot act about turn signals vs. markers and he knew all the rules and regulations. He also told me he had problems with bikers running from him and if he ever saw my bike again and I didn't fix the license plate, etc he was going to impound my bike. The second time was on 71S around 17th or 11th and it was the same mofo! He pulled me over and gave me the same shit about improper license plate, etc. Fortunately he didn't remember me and that time was only a warning since I told him I was going to class, but that guy is definitely targeting motos.

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i forgot to say, I got all that riot act too but he got me once on 71 north right after Morse rd. he was waiting on the on ramp

and then on 71 south just south of Morse rd. So now Im always looking out for him, but he did forget me so it seems that he puls over a ton of people

someone please get his badge number I used to have it but threw it out.

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Ya I know who that one is too. He does have something out for bike people it seems. But at the same time, hes doing his job. Hes probably not ticketing most of the bikes he stops, but I can assure you hes looking for other things from those stops. Improper displays are EASY targets for good stops. Stops to find people driving with no ops, suspended, warrants, drugs.. you name it.

Ive stopped a few bikes already this year, I didnt write any of them, but did tell them to stop acting stupid. One of them ran a railroad crossing, gates down, literally a couple SECONDS before the train flew by. He saw me in front of him and just pulled rite over before I even hit my lights.

I really think bikes are becoming more of a problem every year for everyone in general. Younger people are buying them, more are wrecking them, more are caught doing stupid shit. Lots are hearing stories of running from officers and getting away, or excessive speeding in large groups on busy roadways. Most people just dont give a shit anymore. 6 years ago when I started riding it wasnt anywhere near like it is today. 6 years ago to find ANYONE under 25 that had a bike was nearly impossible. Out of my group at the time I was the youngest person to have a bike.

I think as a group we need to educate our fellow riders on a lot of issues.

We all speed yes, but we dont always have to fly around cars and cause danger for others on the road. If youre going to do wheelies, do them on a good spot of road with no cars and AWAY from fellow riders for fuck sake.

Keep our bikes up to legal standards so we avoid attention (plates visible, plate lights, use signals when you know others can see you turn..)

Leave the cop hating out :thefinger:

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I really think bikes are becoming more of a problem every year for everyone in general. Younger people are buying them, more are wrecking them, more are caught doing stupid shit. Lots are hearing stories of running from officers and getting away, or excessive speeding in large groups on busy roadways. Most people just dont give a shit anymore. 6 years ago when I started riding it wasnt anywhere near like it is today. 6 years ago to find ANYONE under 25 that had a bike was nearly impossible. Out of my group at the time I was the youngest person to have a bike.

Ofcourse there will be more wrecks because there are HUNDREDS of new bike riders EVERY YEAR, and it will keep growing. With more riders comes more accidents and deaths. Yes, deaths and accidents have inclined and WILL GET WORSE. It's simple math. With more on the road, there will be bigger chances for more accidents. Same with cars. You take half of the cars off the road in the state of OHIO and wrecks and deaths will decline IMMENSELY!

I am against stunters stunting on public roads yes, but if you think logically you cannot deny that more riders is why there is more deaths/wrecks. Techinally there is nothing to worry about. More people on road, more people will die. You just have to watch you ass as good as you can, because you're part of the odds as anyone else to die on the road.

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who saw this topic evolving into this :offtopic: .

This topic evolved into.... lets create a safe place for fellow bikers.. and educate each other on how to stay out of trouble and be safe on the road :banana:

Yep, I don't see how it's off topic. It relates to the topic. :):postcop:

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the TOPIC was a douche silo cop who hits up crotch rockets all day on 71. and how he pulls you over based on HIS Skewed VIEW of the Ohio Revised Code , because he got burnt by some idiot squid not obeying the law. we all know as riders we need to be safe and follow the law, im not disputing that because we could talk about till we are :( in the face . I got a speeding ticket the week before he pulled me over (which got changed to a loud pipe :offtopic: ) and the cop didnt give a damn about my plate placement which means he could clearly see it from his cruiser and believed it was attached to the "rear of the bike" So the underlying topic is still consistincy among police

Keep in mind with 2 uncles, 1 aunt, 1 grandpa, 1 brother, and 1 father who is a police officer and a Sherriff I was not hating cops, just this piece of shit cop.

That Douche Silo even went as far as to tell me my licence plate wasnt lit properly IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY, because he coulndt tell that my license plate bolts were actually LED's as well

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this cop obviously has no life outside of his job. I am from Youngstown, OH and believe me as small as the city is the cops there have alot more to worry about than the way a fucking license plate is mounted. The guy is an asshole an that is the bottom line. He probably abuse animals as a kid and was bullied in school, not to mention his boyfriend left him....LOL.

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oh yeah i got some more info for you all. watch out on 270 also. at least the east side above 70. They have been out alot the past couple days as well as today. When i went up to Quake&Lube on Wed. the sherriff had one bike on my side pulled over and city police had one coming the other way pulled over. Then when i got up near Polaris another bike was pulled over on the onramp coming from Polaris onto 71S. So yeah they are definately out there so watch out.

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I've had cops tail me a dozen or so before, but I've never had some one pull me over for my plates. He checked on the ticket that he pulled me over for speed, but didn't give me a speeding ticket beause I wasn't speeding. There's no way I'm not taking this to court :thefinger:

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Last summer the same fucker stopped me for liscence plate location and no mirrors, and two days later on 71 again stopped me again for the same shit. Both times gave me a warning and never even asked for my drivers liscence..But he did say he will be giving warnings at first and if that doesnt work he will start ticketing.

He rides a big ass gold wing and is mainly on 71 N But all he does is freeway patrol. He especiallly targets sports bikes since he rides and knows every little stupid motorcycle law there is to know.

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