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Ohio wants to kill all pitbulls


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Wow, how stupid blaming a race of dogs for their own owners idiocracy. :nono:

Pending legislation requires the euthanasia of all pit bulls in Ohio.

Representative Tyrone Yates has introduced legislation, HB 568 http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=127_HB_568 , which will require every pit bull in the state to be surrendered to the local dog warden to be euthanized. This draconian measure judges dogs guilty of being vicious even if they have never bitten, and is so vague that that it doesn't even define specifically what breeds are covered. By mandating the dog warden to confiscate and euthanize all "pit bulls" the law makes the dog warden the judge, jury and executioner while owners of innocent family pets have no legal recourse or rights of appeal.

Please, call or write to your representative today to express you're your opposition to this outrageous legislation. Feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone you know who is interested in protecting animals in our state.

Tyrone Yates can be reached at (614) 466-1308 email: district33@ohr.state.oh.us

David Daniels (the committee chairman) is at (614) 466-3506 and district86@ohr.state.oh.us

You can find your local representative at http://www.house.state.oh.us/jsps/representative.jsp

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Yates, Webster Announce Pit Bull Legislation

State Reps. Tyrone K. Yates (D-Cincinnati) and Shawn Webster (R-Hamilton) Monday announced a joint effort to craft a comprehensive approach to Ohio’s pit bull issue.

“I introduced legislation to ban pit bulls as a springboard for discussion on a vital public safety issue for Ohio,” Yates said. “Pit bulls raised in urban neighborhoods to be aggressive pose a threat to our children and our communities, and I am serious about stopping this dangerous practice.”

Webster, a practicing veterinarian, agreed to work with Yates after the introduction of Yates’ HB568.

Both representatives have a history of addressing vicious animal issues. Yates first engaged the pit bull issue as chair of the Cincinnati City Council Law and Public Safety Committee in the mid 1990’s. Webster is sponsor of HB366, which removes pit bulls from the definition of “vicious dogs.”

“I appreciate Rep. Yates’ willingness to work on compromise language together,” Webster said. “Many pit bulls are good family pets owned by responsible people. Local communities should be able to decide what is best for their residents, and I believe there should be exceptions made for responsibly-owned, good-citizen pit bulls.”

Hundreds of people have called or emailed both representatives about their respective legislation. Several cities – including Cincinnati, Toledo and Lakewood – have responded to a series of pit bull attacks by considering restrictions or outright bans on the breed.

“My goal has never been to seize family pets,” Yates said. “We want to address this danger to our urban areas while respecting the rights of responsible dog owners. I’m glad constituents have contacted me about their concerns as we engage in this important dialogue, which will hopefully lead to comprehensive legislation protecting gentle family pets while putting a stop to the violent training of pit bulls.”

Story originally published in The Hannah Report on June 2, 2008. Copyright 2008 Hannah News Service, Inc.

im totally with him on that last part... but how they go about it is important.

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The measure wont pass and is crap. It's unfair to these animals that they have been bred with overly aggressive tendencies. There should be an effort to starting breeding the more aggressive breeds out. Pits, Rotts, and Presa Canarios account for nearly 80% of all dog attacks/bites.

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Tried to find good news but here's all I found, I realize it's all on whats popular and Pitts are popular with the ghetto crowed. Taken from


Of the breeds most often involved in incidents of sufficient severity

to be listed, pit bull terriers are noteworthy for attacking adults almost

as frequently as children. This is a very rare pattern: children are

normally at greatest risk from dogbite because they play with dogs more

often, have less experience in reading dog behavior, are more likely to

engage in activity that alarms or stimulates a dog, and are less able to

defend themselves when a dog becomes aggressive. Pit bulls seem to differ

behaviorally from other dogs in having far less inhibition about attacking

people who are larger than they are. They are also notorious for attacking

seemingly without warning, a tendency exacerbated by the custom of docking

pit bulls' tails so that warning signals are not easily recognized. Thus

the adult victim of a pit bull attack may have had little or no opportunity

to read the warning signals that would avert an attack from any other dog.

I know this is a pitt bull thread, but this is also on Rott's since their my dog of choice, and they also face similar discrimination.

Rottweilers by contrast show a fairly normal child/adult attack

ratio. They seem to show up disproportionately often in the mauling,

killing, and maiming statistics simply because they are both quite popular

and very powerful, capable of doing a great deal of damage in cases where

bites by other breeds might be relatively harmless.

This I believe whole heartedly, Having owned 2 of them, both small females (one 98lbs and the other 110lbs), I'd say this is 100% accurate. Even messing around with them it's pretty clear they have no concept of how strong they really are. One of mine bit the mail man. Supposedly. It wasn't the regular guy, it was a stand in, and knowing the dogs as I did, they were just out to play with him and probably did bite him only to play, not in an aggressive manner, if that was the case, as I told him, He'd probably be missing his hand. It was only a scrape that broke the skin, as I said, they are very powerfull dogs. Add to this their blood line of guard/work dogs and IMHO they are great protectors. They have very calm, passive attitudes but if you trespass on their territory, or invade their home aggressively, they are out to kill, and from what I've seen them do to ground hogs, they rather enjoy it :D

HOWEVER, stay on the dogs good side, let it know your in charge and keep that role and they are excellent dogs. they are very loyal and very gentle and kind. of course I think this goes without saying for any dog, and in turn it all goes back to how their raised.

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If the issue comes down to safety statistics (which it probably will) there is a lot of evidence against the pit-bull as a breed.

I was been bitten by a germen shepherd/pitbull when i was 15, no provication, no "fight training" or torture of the dog, it just decided it didn't like me...so it bit me...that dog mysteriously died within a year after that...nobody knows why (but I had a leaky radiator at the time, and we all know how sweet antifreeze tastes to dogs:devil:)

I WILL NOT be bitten by a dog again, the next one that tries will at least need to have it's jaw wired shut, and at most need a grave dug for it...

so you have 2 countervailing issues:

1: Public safety, not just in the case of intentional agressive breeding, but in the case of poorly trained/controlled dogs...I get so pissed when i see children attacked by dogs, and the dog gets more pity..."ohh the poor mistreated dog, save the dog" NO! FUCK THE DOG! If my niece is ever bitten by a dog, there is no chance in hell that dog is surviving...

2: freedoms, liberties, and responsible dog owners...

there are people who train their dogs well, keep them in a manner that is safe for everyone, and are otherwise fantastic people, I would take issue with removing any more freedoms from responsible pet owners, and restricting the type of pets they choose to have...

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Rotts and pitts have nothing incommon. Rotts are a breed that are very respectible dogs. Pitts are junk inbreed over bread retards.........the AKC won't have nothing to do w/ them!! Wonder why.I vote to kill all of them.

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this is my boxer/pit friendliest nicest dog i have ever had....

the day i brought her home i rescued her at 4 months old :eek:


this is her last winter with her favorite blaket she was watching tv


and one more during halloween......


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When I was little, our basketball went over the neighbors fence and they had 2 crazy little terrier type dogs. We always made sure they were far away and it was a game to hurry up and make it back. I got the ball and was running to the fence and right before I jumped over I got bit on the ASS! Hurt like hell, but my parents didn't do anything legal. We just laughed about it.:cool:


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Dont care for Pitbulls too much...however....having them all killed is just rediculous. I do feel if a dog gets loose and bites a child or anyone off of the owners property it should be put to sleep but......to just pick a species of dog and kill it....thats insane.

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