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Ohio wants to kill all pitbulls


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I agree that the whole idia is BS, But at the same time , Most people are not responsible enough to own a pit. they aren't even the most dangerous dogs out there. just verry tenatious ! My Mastiff was more dangerous than any pit I ever saw.

But not everyone should be allowed to own one ! save lives !! kinda like motorcycles, Not everyone belongs on one or even has the aptitude to ride !

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I agree that the whole idia is BS, But at the same time , Most people are not responsible enough to own a pit. they aren't even the most dangerous dogs out there. just verry tenatious ! My Mastiff was more dangerous than any pit I ever saw.

But not everyone should be allowed to own one ! save lives !! kinda like motorcycles, Not everyone belongs on one or even has the aptitude to ride !

I agree that not everyone should own a pit, or any dog for that matter. How do we fix this problem though? Killing them isn't the answer, and banning everyone from owning them isn't either.

Would you propose a dog-competency test before owning? Or should we require the potential owners to take a dog handling class? No one charged with a felony can own one? This is a case where there is no correct answer, but many incorrect ones.

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My friend have some purebred's for sale. Papers and all. Mom and Dad onsite.

They have three adult females, and one adolescent male. (damn little hornball got two of them pregnant)

Born 3/27.09. Not sure how many are left... I'm thinking seven. Shoot me a pm if you are interested.

These dogs are giant babies. You always hear the negative shit, but never the positive.

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My friend have some purebred's for sale. Papers and all. Mom and Dad onsite.

They have three adult females, and one adolescent male. (damn little hornball got two of them pregnant)

Born 3/27.09. Not sure how many are left... I'm thinking seven. Shoot me a pm if you are interested.

These dogs are giant babies. You always hear the negative shit, but never the positive.

Tell your friend thanks for taking bob barkers advice. :violin:

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This is just a retarded way of thinking, and race doesn't qualify as "breeds" of humans? Last time I checked it did, we just call it something different.

Breed = different color, size, character traits

Race = ?

See what I'm getting at?

With that said, black people have a gross over-representation in crime stats (and sucking at life in general). I'd like to kill all blacks

This is a fucked up post and it would have been nice if someone had reported it yesterday.

Edited by RC51 John
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It's ironic that we're so tolerant of others that we tolerate the intolerant.

Sorry we didn't flag it - I didn't think he MEANT what he said, only used as a poor example of an analogous situation, which is why I didn't feel it was necessary to report it.

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And I said let there be life!! Out of the crypt stepped the year dead thread!!! :lol:

sorry all i just saw the topic and got steamed. Wrillo and i both have Pits so i think we both feel the same way. and my first post wasn't trying to say that those listed dogs should be on death row (except maybe the pug... jk.)i was just pointing out that if we're looking at AGGRESSION as the catylist to the argumant against pit bulls then its unfounded. yes when a big powerful dog bites you its gonna hurt more than an ankle biter but that goes back to the point of; "Well why don't we kill anything that can kill a human?" anyway, thats my stance and i don't think any can argue, the dogs owner is more at fault than the dog. thats why my little guy has been around other people and dogs and children as much as possible since i rescued him. It does still make me mad though that the other day someone came up to pet Buell and asked "aw, is it a lab?" I looked him square in the eye as his hand got slobbered on and said "no he's a Pit Bull" the man removed his had took a step back and said "Oh, Really? I didn't realize, with the tail and ears." Buell's ears and tail are natural and not cropped. this idiot didn't even know what the animal he feared freaking looked like.

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can someone fill me in? I don't know who that is.. I assume there is a CC clip I need to watch?

A Black, White Supremacist.

I'm thinking that was one of the episodes in the 1st season of the Chapelle Show.

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Wow, how stupid blaming a race of dogs for their own owners idiocracy. :nono:

Pending legislation requires the euthanasia of all pit bulls in Ohio.

Representative Tyrone Yates has introduced legislation, HB 568 http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=127_HB_568 , which will require every pit bull in the state to be surrendered to the local dog warden to be euthanized. This draconian measure judges dogs guilty of being vicious even if they have never bitten, and is so vague that that it doesn't even define specifically what breeds are covered. By mandating the dog warden to confiscate and euthanize all "pit bulls" the law makes the dog warden the judge, jury and executioner while owners of innocent family pets have no legal recourse or rights of appeal.

Please, call or write to your representative today to express you're your opposition to this outrageous legislation. Feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone you know who is interested in protecting animals in our state.

Tyrone Yates can be reached at (614) 466-1308 email: district33@ohr.state.oh.us

David Daniels (the committee chairman) is at (614) 466-3506 and district86@ohr.state.oh.us

You can find your local representative at http://www.house.state.oh.us/jsps/representative.jsp

Representative Tyrone Yates, is a f'king communist.

I recommend anyone with half a brain cell to vote this moron out of office next election cycle.

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