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mustang cobra injectors question


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the ebay auction said "mustang cobra injectors...42 lb/hr" maybe its an upgrade from stock injectors? i just need to know at what pressure they flow that rate...ill try to find the box, but i know they came in a "ford racing" box
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Ford rates their injectors on a different pressure than the standard 43.5psi, which is why an SVO injector actually flows more than it is rated for (so when programming a non-Ford, you can't just put in 30# for a 30# SVO injector, it's something like 32.3 IIRC).


BTW, those aren't considered "Cobra" injectors, just SVO injectors.

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hmm...anyone know where i can get these tested? i need a balpark figure, so i can tell the company what CC to set up the ECU for...as it is, they set it up for 400cc, but if i need it for 500cc (give or take) it would make finer tuning w/ the safc a little bit easier
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Just send them somewhere to get them cleaned and flow balanced. The company will (should) give you a sheet detailing what each injector flowed at before and after. It's probably not a bad thing to do either, especially if they are used.




So if they are indeed 42 lb/hr injectors, they are 440cc injectors. But if you are assuming 43.5psi, a 42lb injector rated at 39.5psi would a 44.1lb injector at 43.5psi, which would be 463cc at 43.5psi. You can make an injector flow whatever you want it to as long as it will withstand the pressure (and flow well at that pressure) and your fuel pump will flow what you need it to at that pressure.


Here is a website with some good calculators. The fuel pressure, and flow conversion are the ones pertinent to this conversation.


I'm interested in what you are putting these on (is it the Hyundai?), care to indulge?


Edited back for 43.5psi.


[ 07. January 2005, 08:42 AM: Message edited by: Neo ]

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Originally posted by Mensan:

and 42 is the pressure at which they are rated.

No, they are rated at 39.5psi. Ford rates all of their injectors at 39.5psi, not 42. The rest of the industry (for the most part) uses 42.5psi.


They are a 42# injector @ 39.5psi pressure drop.


EDIT: The new narrow injectors might be rated at 42.5psi, however ford still uses a 39.5psi pressure drop in their system.


[ 06. January 2005, 04:16 PM: Message edited by: rl ]

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Originally posted by rl:

No, they are rated at 39.5psi. Ford rates all of their injectors at 39.5psi, not 42. The rest of the industry (for the most part) uses 42.5psi.


They are a 42# injector @ 39.5psi pressure drop.


EDIT: The new narrow injectors might be rated at 42.5psi, however ford still uses a 39.5psi pressure drop in their system.

You would know better than I would. I concede. ;)
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