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Driving slow in left lane earns a ticket in Colorado


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Same thing in Jersey. You could be doing 100 in the right lane, but if you pass someone that is in the left lane, the person in the left lane is gonna get pulled over. True story
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Holly shit I wish we had that here! I hate it when people aren't polite enough to move over. I keep my ass at 74 in the left lane at all times, but I get over as soon as I can if someone is coming up faster than me. And I actually check my rear view mirror to see if they anyone’s coming fairly often.


I was driving home from Toledo last weekend, light rain, doing 74 in the left lane on 315. I came up on someone doing a little less than 60. Pisses me off.


Shipley said some of the drivers she's stopped have admitted they were deliberately driving under the speed limit in the left lane in an effort to prevent others from speeding.


"They don't need to be playing police," Shipley said. "That's not their job."

Those people need beat with a hot sack of quarters.
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Originally posted by Innocuous:

3 points, holy shit!


Colorado has the right idea. They take care of their roads, and have a 75mph speed limit!

Well I think that's one of the key things there that reduces road rage. They don't try to make you go slow on the freeway (yes, 65mph is slow), and make all the stupid people stay the fuck out your way so you don't get mad while you're driving -- awesome theory. Let's test it in Ohio!! You're still gonna have stupid kids that wanna go 100mph+ but I think for the most part the freeway's tendency to assist with natural selection will weed them out quickly, or speeding tickets.
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