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any kind of reliability in a Eclipse GTS or a newer Celica?


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a girl i know is looking for a new car. I don't know much about imports except that honda is really reliable. she's looking mostly at 2000 Celicas and a little bit at the older (like 97) Eclipse GST. Anyone know the common mechanical problems with these cars and if they require alot of attention?
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Guest mudbutt
Originally posted by BenJammin:

hondas are not really reliable, but any car can be good as long as you fix the small problems soon to avoid bigger problems later.... im not sure about the 97 GST iv herd stories of crankwalk

Hondas not really reliable? I think my the 2 200k+ civics I had that are still running and my 140k accord beg to differ. Most any car is very reliable anymore, especially late 90s and up
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Originally posted by BenJammin:

hondas are not really reliable, but any car can be good as long as you fix the small problems soon to avoid bigger problems later.... im not sure about the 97 GST iv herd stories of crankwalk

i'm not totally stupid when it comes to engines, but what is crankwalk?
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Originally posted by 97Z:

i'm not totally stupid when it comes to engines, but what is crankwalk?

It happens often enough that the guys over on Columbus DSM have a write up on it, a good one at that along with the main theory as to why it is so prevelant in thoes cars.





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Originally posted by Mud Butt:

Hondas not really reliable? I think my the 2 200k+ civics I had that are still running and my 140k accord beg to differ. Most any car is very reliable anymore, especially late 90s and up

We won't discuss my roomate's two Hondas we have had to swap motors out because they went (Accord motor decided to lock up the cam, and yes it was full of oil). The CRX motor decided to throw a rod. You know, minor problems like a big hole in the block.


Reliable my ass.

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Guest mudbutt
I had the same shit happen with the 2 GM cars I owned, both under 100k.90 century 80k transmission goes out, misc electrical problems. 89 grand am 90k, bearing(s) in the crank start grinding and hell ensues. Does that say all GM are crapboxes? Not really.
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every car has reliable ones and unreliable ones... Honda was just choice that sort of marketing ploy.... the only thing I will say about that is how many early 90's Honda's do you see? then think about how many early 90's DSMs or heck, how about Beretta's.... those things are still a dime a dozen.



Any car is reliable as long as it is taken care of properly.

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Guest mudbutt
Originally posted by V6 Power:

every car has reliable ones and unreliable ones... Honda was just choice that sort of marketing ploy.... the only thing I will say about that is how many early 90's Honda's do you see? then think about how many early 90's DSMs or heck, how about Beretta's.... those things are still a dime a dozen.


Im sure sales numbers have noting to do with this. cause there are more early 90s domenstics in junk yards too. If they arent in junk yards or on the street, where did all of these early 90s hondas go?



Any car is reliable as long as it is taken care of properly.

Im sure sales numbers have noting to do with this. cause there are more early 90s domestics in junk yards too. If they arent in junk yards or on the street, where did all of these early 90s imports go?
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Originally posted by BenJammin:

hondas are not really reliable, but any car can be good as long as you fix the small problems soon to avoid bigger problems later.... im not sure about the 97 GST iv herd stories of crankwalk

i'm not totally stupid when it comes to engines, but what is crankwalk?
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damn dial-up connection. ignore my repeated post. anyways, someone just said the power output is close to the same between celica and eclipse gst. i dont' know much about the celica but i do know that i've seen stock eclipse gst's run low 15's in the 1/4. best i've SEEN from a celica is a 16.8. but i have heard the eclipses are a bit unreliable. i'll tell her to go with a celica. anyone know what those should be selling for? she looked at one 2000 with 105000mi on it and the guy wanted 10-11k for it.
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I had the same shit happen with the 2 GM cars I owned, both under 100k.90 century 80k transmission goes out, misc electrical problems. 89 grand am 90k, bearing(s) in the crank start grinding and hell ensues. Does that say all GM are crapboxes? Not really.
alright i didnt see him ask about any GM cars either. nor did i try and say hondas arew all crap boxes, all i was saying is people try and make hondas out to be super duper reliable cars when they arnt any more reliable than the next car.
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Even though I have a 2000 Celica, I don't think my opinion would be biased because I tried to sell this thing to get a 97 Eclipse GSX a couple years ago. smile.gif


For my car, the only issue I've had, and it's a minor one, has been the belt tensioner. I've had mine for a little over 4 years now and has about 78,000 miles on it.


My GT gets 28/32 MPG. So it gets good gas mileage.


As for power, well it depends on what you're comparing. The GTS is rated around 180 BHP, the GT around 120 BHP. I'm not sure what a 97 Eclipse is...especially turbo'd.


I would say, Celica. For the simple fact that it's much more reliable.

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Originally posted by BenJammin:

i see more hondas in our shop than any other car around


crankwalk i think has somthing to do with mitsubishi misbalanced there cranks.... hopfully somone else will give a better answer to that

Thats mainly because they sell 400,000 of them per year.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by copperhead:

far more reliable,

Wrong; only slightly more reliable.



Very true. Keep in mind that a turbo Eclipse requires premium fuel.


Originally posted by copperhead:

, and similar power output as the mitsu

Not even close.
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Guest Bottlefed70
Come on.... Hondas are the most reliable car around. I've had 2 and had no problems with them. A 85' Accord with 200,000 and ran like a dream. But some times yes you run into bad luck and they build a shitty one. But yes toyotas are second best for reliability. They seem cheaply built in the inside but the motors are tops.
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My 88 prelude is covered in rust but that didnt stop it from going to jersey and back with 3 people in it and luggage no problems. All cars have problems, I still drive my prelude and its getting close to 200,00 and I bought it for 800 dollars. Well worth the money.
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Originally posted by Golden Brown Jack Trump:

Wrong; only slightly more reliable.



Very true. Keep in mind that a turbo Eclipse requires premium fuel.


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by copperhead:

, and similar power output as the mitsu

Not even close.</font>Let's see here; a crankwalking second gen DSM vs. a new celica. In order to make a turbo second gen DSM anywhere near reliable, you drop an OLDER motor into it. Find me some info on known problems with a new celica. I've never heard of any.


And as for power output, celica GTS does 180 BHP. I could care less what a stock turbo DSM motor does, because they don't last. What's an N/A DSM do stock?

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