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Roadkill - New Personal Best

Guest stevil

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OK, so I'm driving home from work after midnight in my Formula. I'm on Rt62 outside of New Albany, cruising along a little over the speed limit of 50 mph. 2 oncoming cars, I notice one has those darn blue HID lights... all of a sudden, ~10 feet in front of me I see something big, looks like a giant tumbleweed!? Or maybe a big tree branch?!


I of course hit the brakes, but hit/run over the mystery object, and slow down. Car sounds a little bit damaged. I pull in a drive way to turn around, and I look at the front of my car. Suprisingly it doesn't look too bad, but both of my fog lights are popped out. I'm sort of relieved, because I have my car scheduled to be put away for the winter as of the 16th, no coverage only comprehensive, so technically it's Saturday morning and I could get screwed if I wanted to make a claim.


So I turn around, and head back to see what I hit. I'm guessing some kids put something in the road, it's a Friday night after a big football game, who knows.


I see a buck (6 point or so) on the opposite side of the road, he's looking at me and walking all slow... but that couldn't have been what I hit!? There would be much more damage to my car.


And then I see it. Feathers everywhere! Lumps in the road. Maybe the kids put a bunch of dead chickens in the road? I drive by, turn around, and pull over. I grab an umbrella to clean this up, so other people don't run over the dead birds.


So the first bird I come to has no head, hmmm. Same with the next. And the next. All big white birds, I'm thinking now they are ducks from the webbed feet. And damn, how many did I hit?! They are spread a good 20-30 yards. I use the umbrella to scoot them off to the edge of the road. I find on the left side of the road most of their heads.


Looks like the ducks were alive, their wings flapping explains what I saw right before I hit them. And it looks like the air dam under my car decapitated most of them, as well as my license plate under there (it's mangled). I'm not sure what they were doing in the road at midnight. Poor duckies. :(


So the final tally: 9 ducks. Only one duck kept it's head. Killing 2 birds with one stone? Pshh, I got 9 with a bird of my own.


[ 06. November 2004, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]

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Heh, I meant the duck died, but kept it's head. Surviving a beheading doesn't make sense, you're right! :D


And no I'm not happy about it, I do feel bad. Even with no damage to my car I would never intend to kill an animal with it, I don't swerve towards cats or anything. Heck, I brake for chipmunks. They might have been owned by someone, but I've never seen a pond or anything in that area.


I just think it's a crazy incident, and for roadkill points I scored alot. :eek:

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One chicken actually did survive beheading. The brain stem was left and the bird continued to live for a long time (why the people didn't finish it off, who knows...), being fed with an eyedropper through it's neck-hole, until something got caught in there and it asphyxiated. smile.gif
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Guest Bottlefed70
Hitting animals is the best. I live out in the country and have a thirty min drive into columbus and the gives me the best time to look for and kind of animal at night to play chicken with. When your head lights hit them and the stand up to see what it is, then at 80 mph fucking BAM.... Honda-1....varment-0. I recently got a deer kill with my honda, just put a little dent in the hood and fender but way worth the kill.
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Originally posted by Bottlefed70:

Hitting animals is the best. I live out in the country and have a thirty min drive into columbus and the gives me the best time to look for and kind of animal at night to play chicken with. When your head lights hit them and the stand up to see what it is, then at 80 mph fucking BAM.... Honda-1....varment-0. I recently got a deer kill with my honda, just put a little dent in the hood and fender but way worth the kill.

Psycho much? tongue.gif
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While driving my toyota truck way to fast out the back roads near Marietta I once landed the truck on top of a dog. That was awesome. I jumped it a good 5 to 8 feet and on the landing I noticed my drivers front tire landing on a large dog. Very funny hearing the short yelp and then the rear tire hit it and I about rolled the truck from the bounch.


BTW The tire type was Ground Hawg mud terrains so the dog got really mangled by the tread pattern.



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Originally posted by Tractor:

While driving my toyota truck way to fast out the back roads near Marietta I once landed the truck on top of a dog. That was awesome. I jumped it a good 5 to 8 feet and on the landing I noticed my drivers front tire landing on a large dog. Very funny hearing the short yelp and then the rear tire hit it and I about rolled the truck from the bounch.


BTW The tire type was Ground Hawg mud terrains so the dog got really mangled by the tread pattern.



That's just fucked up. Not funny fucked up, but just sad that you would find humor in that. Do you beat up little kids for their lunch money too?
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I love animals. Always had cats and dogs growing up.

I don't see an amimals life as important as a human.

I enjoy them while they last and have had alot of them die. I don't have alot of compasion for things since you can't stop life or death you just except it and look on the bright side. Like how you don't just go around landing your truck on dogs everyday so you might as well laugh about it.



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