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New CR Banner - no 56k!


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Here's three pics, choose one you like the best.






Or you could always use my sig pic.

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cramming 100s, 1000s of members rides into a picture is gonna get clutered, or you wont be able to distinguish the cars anyway, so what good will it do??

its not like the banner that will be shown is gonna stay upm forever, it should be rotated with other banners thoruhg the year. like use one for about 3 - 4 months then rotate it with a new one.


id jsut like to see a classy logo/banner for our organization.

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Originally posted by 182mph:

cramming 100s, 1000s of members rides into a picture is gonna get clutered, or you wont be able to distinguish the cars anyway, so what good will it do?

Hey, you opened that can of worms when you designed a logo with only some current members' cars - egos were bound to be bruised.


Not to say that I don't like what you did, or that I don't agree with you.

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Guest Spyder550
Originally posted by Ricochet:

Everybody post pictures of your car/truck/bike for a new cr banner, I'll try to work something up.

Here ya go:



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Guest Harris92
Originally posted by Ricochet:

Any way to randomize it so every time you log on it could be different?

Thats an awesome idea, that way no one could complain about their car not being on it, and it would never get boring to look at. ;)
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