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RX7 in Johnstown! - NO 56k!


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What to do with a lonely FC with a broken apex seal, some mechanical issues, with a scheduled stop at a junkyard in the near future?


Get some CR people, some alcohol, a 44lb flat weight (off of a roof nonetheless), a sawzall, spray paint, and a torch and modify it.


Before (not the actual car, but very close minus the shiny paint):











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The car didn't know what hit it, quite a few times.


The rotary got so fucked. Pieces of everything were flying around due to the impact of the weight from about 20' up.


Last night > just about every other night this year. Good Guys what? graemlins/grin2.gif

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Originally posted by Tinman:

I will never again mutter "I don't care what you do to it" to a bunch of CR guys.


Good times!



It was a good time, thanks for having us over, Matt. You came pretty close to bringing the welder out at one point. Imagine the destruction (or creations) smile.gif

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Originally posted by Mallard:

If the body was straight you guys suck big time. That sounds like the perfect candidate for a V8.

Second picture, first thumb. See the gray car in the back in the garage? ;)


What, no good pictuers of down in the engine bay?

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Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

I think that car will be enough V8 RX7 for a lot of the world.

More than Columbus can handle anyway :D


Next Saturday we can move onto the other red car that has been sitting in the driveway too long tongue.gif

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Someone needs to break out the chains and and the heavy trucks. Put chains through car then pull in opsite directions. Good for a few laughs and a really big mess to clean up.


If you invite me to the next big fun meet I will drag down the plasma cutter and we will see just how many pieces that a car can be cut into.

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More pics:





The 2nd one has a mailbox that looks out of focus. That's actually the heat signature from the flaming weight coming down from the roof.


For all of the people bitching, get over it. We had a better time than you and you're just jealous tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Mr. Wright:

The brake cleaner can was quite hilarious as well, Ben saved us all.


Ahh that was fun, good thing I did that instead of trying to get my car running, cause that was 3546546 times more fun.

+1 for brandon never finishing is car
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