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Two Q S & L meeting place? WTF is the point of that


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  Satan said:
Oh, what a great thread. We should sticky this one.

Speaking of sticky... I have to shit.. As per OR doctrim, you are all required to meet me in the shitter....

OK Im done,, no sense in throwing gas on a fire.. we have both spoken our piece.

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  yotaman88210 said:
I like group shitting, I dont work there but maybe we can set up a conference shit? :dunno:

Dude.. I just got a mental image of like 15 toilets all sitting in a circle facing each other and people dropping dueces while discussing worldly topics.. I damn near spit water all over my computer.

Big poo pic fixed to not so disgusting one.

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are you fucking shitting me? this is a joke right? you start a thread on a forum because you're sooooooo upset but you can't say anything to anyone in person? :lol:

you are a joke and you need to stop acting like such a sissy. get over yourself

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  WhoDey said:
are you fucking shitting me? this is a joke right? you start a thread on a forum because you're sooooooo upset but you can't say anything to anyone in person? :lol:

you are a joke and you need to stop acting like such a sissy. get over yourself

As Haziz said in The 40 year Old Virgin "Today's forecast? Dark and cloudy, and chance of drive-by."

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  WhoDey said:
are you fucking shitting me? this is a joke right? you start a thread on a forum because you're sooooooo upset but you can't say anything to anyone in person? :lol:

you are a joke and you need to stop acting like such a sissy. get over yourself

Wow :bow:

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Are you guys kidding me, I don't post or even get on this site in almost a year I come out of hibernation and damn this is what see. Really, Well hello 2 every one. Wow! this is some funny shit. Sure missed the DRAMA!!!!! SO LET THE SUMMER BEGIN.

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  QueenBee said:
Are you guys kidding me, I don't post or even get on this site in almost a year I come out of hibernation and damn this is what see. Really, Well hello 2 every one. Wow! this is some funny shit. Sure missed the DRAMA!!!!! SO LET THE SUMMER BEGIN.

Always nice to have you home...honey!!!!!


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I think Brets point is that we are a group that maybe isnt as tightly knit as

he thought. I would like to see more people show up at shell to represent

the group to new people on the forum. If you want this "ohioriders" thing to

continue to grow then dont act like a snob about meeting at a certain place

and time. If you will be separate from the riding in to QSandL thing then

dont meet across the street at a similar time. Thats just a jack ass thing to

do. Its one thing if you cant meet at shell because you cant make it there

in time or you want to go early or dont want to wait on the others, but to

meet across the street and intentionally separating yourself is just wrong and

disrespectful. I hate the fact that certain parts of the group have been

segregated and shunned because of some high schoolish bull shit and we

cant all just hang out sometimes and other times not. Its one thing to not

say something when your in person in the middle of QSL but its another to

completely disregard a persons existence when you see them in person. We

all go there to have fun and bs about bikes and see all the shinny new pieces

and I nor Bret am going to get into a verbal confrontation in the middle of


I have been to five bike nights this year and tacobell at least six times and the 1yr party on two wheels and many times last year I showed on four wheels. You guys might recognize me but if you were all in a line up I couldnt pick you out.

Its hard for new people to get into the group because even with the stickers you dont know who people are and nobody intoduces themselves when you meet. We all have something in common and I thought that was motorcycles.

You dont want to ride in a big group ?.... then how do you get to QSL unless you have a dirt bike cause there isnt a way to get there but in a big pack of bikes in the turn lane. Its cool if you dont want to ride in with us and want to meet at shell and ride out before we do, in a small group... we wont fault you for that one.

Please do not take this the wrong way as I wanted to become part of a group and meet new people but if you dont want to meet me then thats ok. You can turn in your names and passwords to the forum at the door cuz you wont need them. You must have enough friends!!!

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I was also a little upset with the daul meeting places.I'm not upset because people meet some where else.I am upset that a non member decided to start a meeting spot directly across the street, so he could rebel against the web site that he refuses to be apart of.All I would hope for is that their "new" meeting be at least out of site of the current site that most folks are used to.

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