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does your car have one?

Guest powers

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Thats one of those things that can either be really good, or really bad. I didnt see anything about them tracking steering wheel movement. So they wont be able to see that the person was steering away from trouble, or towards, whatever the case may be. And seeing that the person accelerated before the accident doesnt mean he/she was trying to make it worse, in some cases its better to speed up to get out of it

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"For example: When AutoWeek conducted handling tests on a mundane Chevy Malibu Maxx hatchback earlier this year, the recorder automatically alerted GM OnStar officials, who called the car to make sure the driver was OK after a particularly severe cornering maneuver. The driver was, but later said he resented the intrusion."


I wouldn't be happy if that happened to me...

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Originally posted by Formulate:

Oh well, see ya in 20 years tongue.gif

The only way anyone is pulling the data from it is if they tear the BCM out of your dash (it's not easily removed). They had also better hope you were JUST speeding because it only stores the last five seconds.


It's designed to be used in a deadly crash situation where the airbags deploy, so that the insurance company/authorities know what the hell you were doing when you died.


All OBDII vehicles have this, whether you like it or not, and articles like this one do nothing but pray on the uneducated and start mass hysteria among automobile owners. I don't know what the import makers are doing, if they are including another box or not, but I know this about the Domestics for a fact.


However, I do agree with the bit about OnStar and I would never, EVER own a vehicle with it. I could go on about OnStar for days but I'll just say this - if any of you have it, once your subscription is over, REMOVE it. Consider OnStar to be OBDII.5 - OBDIII will be something to fear.

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I feel it is an invasion of privacy, if you want to be stupid and crazy well its your own free will . consitutional right and should be aginst the law. Theres a up,and down side to it also like the three people killed on 71 (R.I.P.)...

if the guy was going a million miles an hour its just that much more evedince aginst him..maybe enough for the death penalty??? but also it one of us was to wreck (knock on wood) they would say oh look at this he might have only hurt himself but he's a danger to the public. There goes driving privlages for life..(could happed in near future the way the laws are going... so its a coin toss to weather or not it is a good thing... just something to think about..

Theres good and evil in everything in the world ...it's just depends on how it interpretated...

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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

they send you to jail for 20 years for standing in parking lots?????? :confused:

Again, my car's been to the track numerous times this year. Where's yours been?


Oh yeah.....into a concrete median, dodging bottles on campus, waiting for Ebay parts to show up so it can look like a car again. Everywhere but a body shop tongue.gif

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There's a big anti-onstar site, i'll have to find the link. Better yet, google for it, that's how I found it.


It shows you how to "disable" features such as this. ;) It also shows how to remove the onstar unit and use it (hooked to a PC) as a GPS nav system.

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Guest jpurdy2003

It was my understanding that only GM uses this for now. All the cases I've read about where this information was used involved GM cars, almost exlusively f-bodys and vettes.


I'm sure that the aftermarket will eventually figure out a way to either fool or bypass this device.

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