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looped my bike (road rash sucks)


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yeah i wrecked again last night. i looped my gsxr at like 4:00 this morning. i was upset with my girl and stressed so i thought a ride would be good. well it wasnt. i was like 2 miles from home and riding one last second gear sit down for shits and giggles. i sat back to balance point and for some reason got a little choppy on the throttle and as soon as i got it smooth again i started to wobble which caused me to grab more throttle on accident and rolled from about 75. bike is trashed and needs a good 300 to even be ridable. thank god i had my gear on. my jacket is the best investment. it ripped off my boots and ripped my feet up. ripped my pants up and if it wasnt for my wallet that got disinegrated it would of been my ass. no rash on my legs but my jacket rode up a bit and my love handles are nasty. i have never had a road rash like this. i see why people say its the worst thing that could happen. we are waitin to see if my arm is broken. that is about it but it hurts horribly. i just got out of the hospital where they cleaned my rash with a brush(the worst pain of it all) but now im on lots of pain killers and im loopey as hell so its alright. please everyone were your gear. without it you are nothing. my jacket is the best 350 dollar investment i have ever made. this opened up my eyes a lot. my helmet saved my life. i think i may even invest in a nice set of leather pants. maybe i will try to get pics of the bike and my injuries. wear your damn gear.
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Jesus Christ man, glad you are semi-ok. Obviously you leanred your lesson about riding in a different state of mind.


What's with all the wrecks lately? Or maybe now that we have a moto-forum we just hear about all the shit that happens weekly. I dunno.


Enjoy the drugs. :D



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Guest 420GSXR1000

no shit....glad to hear a downed rider is ok (and you r, broken arm or not!!!) ive benn down BAD before, and yea road rash sucks balls


take care of urself dude

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i practiced some slow shit last night and didnt wreck for once. yay!!


dude sorry to hear you wrecked. you need any help puttin it back together let me know i ahve tons of experience now from crashin mine.

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Originally posted by Larry:

Damn! Hope you get better soon.


MJ - no one ever posts the 'I went to ride and made it safely' threads that happen every day.

Good point. By the way, are you the Larry that knows Dan Lyons?
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