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need ideas to take care of nieghbor...

kawi kid

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the meanest thing i've ver done was the candle oil plug...

3am, go creep under his car with a candle, a bucket, and a 15 mm wrench

remove drain plug with bucket underneath, jam and "screw" candle into the hole to keep most of the oil in, when he leaves for work, candle heats up, melts and pops out, oil drains, engine siezes...car is junk...

I did that to a kid in high school after he kicked my fog lights off my truck...

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the meanest thing i've ver done was the candle oil plug...

3am, go creep under his car with a candle, a bucket, and a 15 mm wrench

remove drain plug with bucket underneath, jam and "screw" candle into the hole to keep most of the oil in, when he leaves for work, candle heats up, melts and pops out, oil drains, engine siezes...car is junk...

I did that to a kid in high school after he kicked my fog lights off my truck...


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the meanest thing i've ver done was the candle oil plug...

3am, go creep under his car with a candle, a bucket, and a 15 mm wrench

remove drain plug with bucket underneath, jam and "screw" candle into the hole to keep most of the oil in, when he leaves for work, candle heats up, melts and pops out, oil drains, engine siezes...car is junk...

I did that to a kid in high school after he kicked my fog lights off my truck...

LOL, that's why I always park my car in the garage....

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Guest MotoGP Tix
he would say those things cuz he is old retired and gossips more than old bitty. and the comment was an expression nothing more.;) and my pit isnt just pooping in someone elses yard unclipped. the yard is shared between houses. if i notice it is more on his half than mine i pick it up imediately. he has no kids that live with him nor does he have grandkids that come visit him. and dog dont make him nervous he used to come over and pet it, back when we got along.

If he is an old KOOT , it should be easy to ignore him...

Just let him be... Time is a mother sometimes, it does weird things to people.

P.S. thanks for the clarification on where dog is poo'ing

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the meanest thing i've ver done was the candle oil plug...

3am, go creep under his car with a candle, a bucket, and a 15 mm wrench

remove drain plug with bucket underneath, jam and "screw" candle into the hole to keep most of the oil in, when he leaves for work, candle heats up, melts and pops out, oil drains, engine siezes...car is junk...

I did that to a kid in high school after he kicked my fog lights off my truck...

"Your Honor, I didn't know that what I was doing would drain his brake fluid. My only intention was to seize up his engine. I had no idea that his brakes would fail as he's taking his wife and kids to church when his car rearended a semi-truck."

ummmm, I like Satan's idea a bit better.

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Guest MotoGP Tix
What the fuck is the difference if it is a PIT or not? What are you trying to say ass goblin? I bet if he said golden retriever you wouldnt of commented on this. Open you eyes, everyone... not just Sonny. Pit Bulls are not bad dogs. The owners the problem. not the breed

No need to drop the F-Bomb / ASS GOBLIN bomb on me... (( OGHH the love on the internet ))

It was just a question , his post made it sound like he just let him out the back door to poo....

Plus If he is an old man ANY dog might make him nervous , it was JUST a question... Easy there big dog !

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So this is what's going to happen... You stoop to his level and do some childish crap... He gets pissed off and calls the cops. After finding evidence of what you've done, they bring YOU to jail, when he was the one that started this whole mess.


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"Your Honor, I didn't know that what I was doing would drain his brake fluid. My only intention was to seize up his engine. I had no idea that his brakes would fail as he's taking his wife and kids to church when his car rearended a semi-truck."

who said anything about brake fluid?

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Its vindictive as hell...

dude sees his oil pressure light come on, figures, "I'll just top it off when I get to my destination or along the way at a gas station" and by the time the light comes on, the pan is empty, and running on NO oil...

comes home, sees no sign of a leak in his driveway, never finds the drain plug...

no evidence of a problem until it's too late...

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No need to drop the F-Bomb / ASS GOBLIN bomb on me... (( OGHH the love on the internet ))

It was just a question , his post made it sound like he just let him out the back door to poo....

Plus If he is an old man ANY dog might make him nervous , it was JUST a question... Easy there big dog !

What the fuck do you mean? There is always need for the fucking f bomb man!! Always! :D Sorry I pulled the ass goblin joke out, it was a joke. I just hate when people breed profile... its pretty fucked up if you've never owned a pit. I think thats the only reason I ever get mad at people on this forum.

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I have a good friend in MI that co-signed on a bike for a supposed friend of his. Said friend started to 'forget' to make payments on the bike. He took the bike out of state and refused to bring it back. Now my friend's credit is fucked...and he lives like 4 houses away from this tool. The ONLY reason we havent gone over there and fucked his shit up, is that he lives nearby and his family is priority #1. We wouldn't want something happening to his kids or his wife..property..etc.

Long story short, like someone else said before, if you don't plan on moving away anytime soon..use the kill him with kindness idea. TRUST ME, it will eat him alive. Go overboard with it. Video tape it if you can..you'll die laughing later.

If you retaliate, and trust me I feel you on that, you will just escalate this and eventually the cops will get called or someone will get hurt. In the end, you will have regretted taking it that far.

Said friend in moving to Cleveland in the next few months. We plan on paying dude a visit after he's long gone and making a few improvements to his lot. He can't prove who it was and friend will have been moved out of the STATE for months.

If needed, revenge is a dish best served cold.

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the meanest thing i've ver done was the candle oil plug...

3am, go creep under his car with a candle, a bucket, and a 15 mm wrench

remove drain plug with bucket underneath, jam and "screw" candle into the hole to keep most of the oil in, when he leaves for work, candle heats up, melts and pops out, oil drains, engine siezes...car is junk...

I did that to a kid in high school after he kicked my fog lights off my truck...

yeah but what if he uses that oil they show on tv where they drain the engines and the one engine goes like 9 days after the other one blew up?

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hmmmm im really liking all the ideas but i really am all about the phsycological warfare :lol:

the candle and drain plug thing is perfect for this but im going to wait and see if he raises the stakes.

i dont think that i mentioned this is the second or third time he has done this. and its always jus right after i pick up the stuff so its either just from that morning or its pieces that have broken off of piles i have already rounded up. but ignoring him hasnt worked yet.

tomorrow im going get a scout camera that is motion activated to see who it really is him or his wife. but both of them are retired and werent to happy that a 21 year old bought the house next to them 4 years ago. so maybe they have had enough of my schenanigins :lol:

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If I was you Kawi, I would just drop it. Be the bigger man. You can't be home all the time and I doubt you wanna constantly look over your shoulder. If you retaliate, it is just going to escalate more and more until it goes too far and someone ends in jail or worse.

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If I was you Kawi, I would just drop it. Be the bigger man. You can't be home all the time and I doubt you wanna constantly look over your shoulder. If you retaliate, it is just going to escalate more and more until it goes too far and someone ends in jail or worse.

kinda what im doing now. just come home everyday waiting to see what he has done.

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