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what a day...(long read, more of a rant)


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cliff notes at the bottom

so went out for a quick ride this morning and found myself revving the bike more than going... my clutch was slipping :mad: i tried adjusting the hand adjuster but i was at my limit and i just had to be cautious with my throttle til i got home. i guess 30k miles and not knowing what happened the first 20k miles from the previous owners will do that to you.

anyways originally i was just going to the wheel warehouse to get my new tire mounted but turned out this day had just become much more.

called around and no one had any friction plates, and of course the last people i call (joe's cycle shop on n dixie) had them, the last 8 i needed in their stock, cool i ask if they have pressure plates too, just in case i need to replace those as well and they say they only have 2, damn...

alright, so i drain the oil open up the cover, mind you this is my first time diving into any engine/tranny thing of any kind (the shift shaft assembly was nothing big really). and at first with me being an engineer at heart it looked really cool and i wanted to know how it worked. the second thing that hit me was the smell, yup those plates were burned purty good. took off the main pressure plates, then took off the friction and pressure plates inside and took a gander. the friction plates were definitely shot, they were flat and smelled horrible. the pressure plates on the other hand, were still within spec and not warped or blue. whew! didn't have to spend more than i already had to.

cool, so then i took off the rear wheel, this too was the first time for me as well. a little hard at first, but i got the hang of it as i started to get more and more into it. really not that bad as i look back on it compared to the clutch.

load up the old wheel and tire with the new rubber into the car along with a list of what i need to do/get. go up to the wheel warehouse in kettering, drop the tires off. head up to joe's up 75 on n dixie (about a 30 minute drive). the old lady finds all the parts i need on hold then i go to use my credit card. declined. try it again, declined. shit. so now im thinking i have to go all the way back home to pick up my paycheck and deposit it into my checking. then i realize i can just transfer funds online! i ask if they have internet on a comp and they say its been acting up like crazy but to give it a shot. so it takes 10 minutes just to open internet explorer then another 5 to get to my bank's webpage... i just managed to transfer the funds as the computer crashes. wow.

grab my stuff and go back to warehouse pick up my tires (great service btw!--thanks nick) and head home.

ok now its like 230ish. i get cracking on the clutch.

everything was still off from the morning. so, i got my bin of oil and per instruction from the manual i coated each plate with oil then put them on, friction plate, then pressure plate, etc just like it says. put the main pressure plate back on with the pull rod coming out and put on the new gasket. i go to mount the cover onto the pull rod and it wouldn't go on, kept trying and finally after a few times i got it on and mounted. bolted it shut and then attached the clutch cable. pulled the clutch in, whoa! no resistance at all a dead lever. i thought at first maybe the pressure needed to build up, so i let it idle for a while and still no feel. took her down off the stand, clutch pulled in and put it into first just seeing if maybe it was supposed to be this way, and the bike lurched forward and stalled. did some research online and found out i mounted the cover onto the pull rod wrong most likely.

o and i also found out i didn't soak the plates long enough. so i have to pull the plates out again and soak them for 30 minutes... and redo the whole clutch basket again. anyways got back to the point of mounting the cover to the pull rod, kept trying and trying and i would get it mounted but still no feel. eventually i fiddled with it, thats as detailed as i can get, and i got the feel back halfway through the lever pull. started it up and it didn't stall when i put it in first! so then i let off the front brake with the clutch lever still pulled in but the bike lurched forward which meant that its still engaged. i adjust the hand clutch adjuster all the way to the limit and go back to start it let off the brake and stays still. all good! but still not comfortable with the adjuster being at its limit. its now 845pm. i will just continue with the adjusting back at the cover on sunday (im gone tomorrow). i spent 45 minutes total, including soaking, putting on the clutch. took me ~5 hours to put the damn cover on.

and yes i got the rear tire on too during all this.

o well experience is best i guess...

cliff notes:

planned on just getting rear tire mounted today

clutch fried this morning when went out and i didn't expect it to.

spent more money than i wanted to

installed new clutch... twice, took 45 minutes total to install clutch both times

took around 5 hours putting the cover on.

my day sucked.

anyways that is my day, i had to let it out somewhere and this is it. if you actually read the whole thing, thanks, if you didn't i understand lol

i just want to ride. also if you need a clutch replaced im your man!

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here are some pics from the day:

new tail installed this week, rear tire off. at this point of the morning im still neat and tidy.


clutch basket with pressure and friction plates removed. still needed to clean up the old gasket


old friction and pressure plates together. pressure plates checked out friction plates smelled like ass


still being somewhat neat and tidy, pressure plate with springs, pull rod and clutch cover


another pic of the clutch basket, still empty


bike with rear tire and clutch cover off


tomorrow when i have to take the cover off again ill take some more pics and post up a how to.

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damn you! lol i understand it is really long.

longer than i thought when i submitted it...

and yea it works fine now, but like i said im at the end of the adjustment on the hand clutch, so i have to go back at it on sunday morning and adjust it down there more.

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haha yea its cool guys if you wann come over. it'll be done by 12-1 for sure.

my yamaha ass can fix my own shit and don't need no help from no kawi boys, psh watcha talkin bout foo... :lol:

let me know if you really wanna come over and ill PM you my cell and addy

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