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Ride today and next sunday 6/29


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Hey guys. Good ride today, I liked some of the stuff between dayton and wilmington. I hope to see the videos of the ride soon.

For those of you who are interested, I plan on riding down in Northern Kentucky around 10/22 (best riding within 100 miles). I know a handful of you are wanting to do that and I think we'll have a decent turn out. Who's in?

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the 10/22 is the set of roads in northern kentucky. Rt 10 and Rt 22. That is where I plan on riding. Imagine deals gap with slightly fewer turns but it goes on for 90 or so miles. Clean roads, fresh pavement, no traffic, and turns you can see all the way through for some fast cornering. It's about as good as it gets for the road here.

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  playerpro153 said:
the 10/22 is the set of roads in northern kentucky. Rt 10 and Rt 22. That is where I plan on riding. Imagine deals gap with slightly fewer turns but it goes on for 90 or so miles. Clean roads, fresh pavement, no traffic, and turns you can see all the way through for some fast cornering. It's about as good as it gets for the road here.

not always. but i have to agree they are the best road to ride around here that i know of

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hey guys - this is Doug - had a great time meeting and riding with you guys today! ive got over 800mb of video from today, but i can only post up some of it for now because photobucket won't let me upload files over 100mb... so here's what ive got for now, if anybody has software to break up and edit video let me know and i'll put the bigger files on a cd and we can meet up and hand it off..




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I might be up for riding next Sunday in KY. I have some other things scheduled, but I'll see if I can move stuff aorund and make it down.

What time do you usually meet up? I'll probably have to trailer down from Indy (go ahead and laugh) so I'll need to find a spot in Cinti or Northern KY to drop the trailer and truck.

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  playerpro153 said:
I may be able to work something out with the trailer. I'm thinking around sunday at 11 in northern kentucky. Somebody bring a video camera for this one.

Cool - I'll see if I can get my bud to come with me, he has a video camrea set up on his bike.

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Haha...yeah looks like you recorded on the straight after our first break. You should've turned it on around Oregonia and Ft.ancient. Those would've been alright.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing the videos from the beginning Doug!:) Let us know when you can post those or provide a link. What about putfile.com?

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good idea... looks like they will take up to 200mb files, so i can get 2 more videos up soon... i still have one file that i left record for 25 minutes though, so its about 330mb - ill try to see if a friend of mine can break it up

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  dmt4595 said:
good idea... looks like they will take up to 200mb files, so i can get 2 more videos up soon... i still have one file that i left record for 25 minutes though, so its about 330mb - ill try to see if a friend of mine can break it up


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no dice on that, it keeps timing out, using both firefox and IE... i just found google video uploader so i'm giving that a shot right now, it will take the big files and it seems to be working so far... i'll let it run overnight and hopefully have 3 more videos up in the morning if all goes well

  NinjaNick said:
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