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Worst Movie EVER

Devils Advocate

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Didnt see that yet but i saw manchurian candidate tonight SO long and SO boring. One of the worse movies i have ever seen, a real low point for denzel. Takes way to long to come together and by that time you arel ike finally the movie is over. So drawn out i wish i didnt waste the money.
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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

That makes me sad. Signs scared the crap out of me, still does.


Ill probably see it anyway just to spite you.

LOL...same here. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but it creeped me out for a few days.


I'll probably see the Village too...it's like clicking on a link after everyone says not to graemlins/slap.gif





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I kinda liked The Village up until the end. The ending downright SUCKED.


However, the lead female in the movie is HAWT!!! Almost worth watching the movie to see her running around.


It was a well done movie, good acting, the backdrops looked great, the camerawork was good, but the writing sucked. Towards the end, it gets really easy to guess the outcome. Just think of the stupidest way they can end the movie, and mostly likely your guess will be right.


Sigourney Weaver is getting old, you can tell.

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My wife and I saw it this weekend as well and thought it was good.


The thing that is bringing about the negative word of mouth reviews for this movie the most, is the fact that the trailers and anticipation made it played it out to more of the horror movie going crowds when the reality of it is that it's not the niche it should be in at all. People going with this expectation will be pissed off (the guy sitting next to us got up about 2/3rds through the movie, after he figured out what was going on, and left).


They really should have probably made the movies plot more clear to get it into the right 'market' for the people who like this genre of film. Personally, I enjoyed not knowing it fully up front, made it more interesting for a change. Too many times these days it seems the best parts of the movies are in the trailers and the whole story is already told in them. Kind of defeats the purpose of shelling out the cash for a movie...

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Some people "get" Signs, most people don't. If you get it, its one of the scariest flicks there is, and so ditto for The Village. If you've got no braincells or imagination, er, I mean, if you don't care for that sort of thing... then you won't like The Village.


Conclusion: If all your neurons are firing, Village = good. tongue.gif


Otherwise - go watch a titty flick. Hmm, maybe I'll watch a titty flick AND see the Village...

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Actually, my favorite movie of all time is the Royal Tenenbaums, which is a very cerebral movie. I totally understood every part of the Village, and I still thought the whole concept was terrible and poorly done. Thanks for trying to insult my intelligence for not liking the movie, though. :confused:
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Let me summarize for all you who dont feel like reading.


Though irresponcebly billed as a scary movie, The Villiage is not scary. The beginning is creepy, but as you figure things out, it become less a scary movie, and more a thinker movie....prolly why its so unpopular on this board.


The story seems very familiar, was this a book or movie before? I' know I've seen/read something with a similar plot, minus the monsters.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

I will fight you for trivializing my fear.

don't anger him, he'll sit on you.


about harold an kumar . . . teen sex comedies = you are sure to have at leas a few laughs.

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My girlfriend and I saw the village last night, we both liked it, wasn't a great movie and definitely wasn't the horror movie the previews made it out to be, but it had an alright story and there were a couple times when everybody jumped.


Harold and Kumar looked dumb in the previews, and it really is, but it is damn funny so go see it.

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Guest Dark_Viper01
I found the village to be just like signs, it had a few parts that made you jump, and kept you thinking but the ending sucked. I do think it was better than signs and unbreakable, but not as good as the sixth sence. To sum it up, there is not a person in the theater who will not have figured out what is going to happen by 3/4ths of the way thought the movie, and from the point at which you figure it out, it just seems drown out. It is a good movie to take a date to though, becouse it will give you a lot to talk about.
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