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guys who hit should die!


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One of my best friends got the shit beat out of her and and almost raped (he tore her clothes off) today by her dick boyfriend and she is 2 months pregnant. He is currently rotting in jail but he won't stay there for long.


I just don't understand why guys beat on girls. everybody has fights and some times i understand that you just react to being pissed/cornered/hurt and hits do happen. But this was a far cry from a shove or a slap. i just don't get it.


This sort of thing never happens in my world. Do you guys/girls have any insight?

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I know no one that beats their woman, so (sorry to say) the guy comes from a low-class, disrespectful and immature background.


He's insecure and cannot control his feelings like a normal person. Basically, he is a menace to society and a danger to EVERYONE, especially your poor friend.


I hope things get better for her! :(

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Anyone who beats their partner, male or female, loses all value as a human being, and their life is worthless to me. She should stay with friends, and if he comes around, beat the living shit out of him to show him that girls hit back.
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Originally posted by Vaccum Leaking V6:

he has the right to defend himself...

Defend himself, yes. But only to the point that he can get out of the situation. I was raised to NEVER hit a girl, and find it hard to understand what she could have done to deserve to be hit. Ripping her clothes off only adds insult to her injury.


She needs to file a restraining order, pronto.

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Originally posted by Vaccum Leaking V6:

I'm going to play the devils advocate on this...


What did she do to provolk him? I by NO mean think that a man should beat on a woman, but if a woman attacks a man, he has the right to defend himself...

Even if she did provoke him, trying to *rape* her is not the right method of self defense. This isn't "La Blue Girl".
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she called children services on his brother for beating on his four year old 30lb daughter and they took her away from him yesterday. his brother punched his four year old in the mouth because she was sick and threw up. The following day the little girl was soo scared of her father that she pissed herself so he threw her down a hallway causing major markings on her butt and back.


he found out it that she called because children services called to check in with her and he answered the phone.


He beat her in front of there 18 month old son and her 16 month old neice. and then told her because he knew she was going to leave that she had to fuck him one last time so he pinned her down and ripped her pants off of her. the only thing that stopped him from raping her was the fact that a cop showed up. A neighbor heard the screaming and called the cops. he told her to go in the basement and that he would really hurt her if she said anything to the cops. she called her brother and then called me. I took her to the local police station with her son and filed a report. they arrested his sleaze ass within a few hours.


I don't think she was wrong to call children services. you don't ever hit children like that. I don't care what they did.


I called his saintly mother to tell her what her son had done and that he was going to jail. her responce was " i'm on the other line tring to get my grand daughter back." what a Bitch.

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Originally posted by girlygirl18t:

you don't ever hit children like that. I don't care what they did.

What kind of person could intentionally hurt a child?! Children's services needs to keep that little girl away from that guy's mother. It's not a good sign when two of her sons are physically abusive. That shit has to come from somewhere.
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WTF! How could some one hit a kid? That's just fucked up, even hitting another person out of rage is fucked up if they don't deserve it, and it sounds like she didn't at all, trying to save this little girl, she needs to get away from that entire fmily and fast.
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A female I am related to through marriage had to call 911 this past week because her husband was drunk and beating her. This is not the first time. Both her and her husband have been arrested for fighting both each other and other people. During one of the worse fights, an older member of their family went and removed their 6 year old child, who was watching all of this.


I do not know what I would do if this was happening to my sister/mom/other female family member. Wait, yes I do.


This Thanksgiving ought to be in interesting one. It is simply amazing how differently 2 siblings from the same family can turn out. One earns a Masters, working on a PHD, seems to able to maintain a clean, respectable home, contributes was more than her fair share to the community... while the other also earns a degree, although can't hold a job long enough to make use of it, pops out kids, lives in filth, and hasn't lifted a finger to help society... ever.

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Guys who beat defenseless women are noting more than punks but I also seen some punk women who used the"Im a girl you cant touch me" card and hit men.My .02 if you hit get ready for the consquences.All women are not angels but I do agree any Real men would not hit a women unless its self defense.
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I've always believed that men that hit women do it because they haven't the guts to hit a man! I'd like to meet this clown & see how he LIKES getting punched. Hope you're friend is ok - she definately needs to stay away from him & find a real person --
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I agree that if a woman hits a guy he can defend. You want equal rights if a guy hits me, were fighting so why don't you equally get whooped up too.


Anyways, I still don't think this is right 1 hit hit a pregnant woman that was his girlfriend(The rule above is obsolelte if its your partner or they weight 100lbs less then you :-p.) 2 he beat her after she was defensless and tried to rape her?


Where does this guy live and when does he get out? Throw in some $$ or fancy items and you wont have to worry about him anymore. ^.^

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Can't explain as I've never hit any woman I've been with, nor will I ever, but really the responsibility falls to your friend into getting up the nerve to just tell him to leave her alone. The child and her will be better off without him and guys like that do not change.
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There is no excuse to hit a woman, even if struck I wouldn't, but I sure as hell would restrain them by any means necessary so that they are not able to hit me again, if they happen to get hurt oh well they shouldn't have hit me in the first place.


The guy sounds like a piece of shit as well as his brother. They should be castrated so that they can no longer pollute the gene pool because it sounds like it's a family thing.

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Originally posted by buckeye:

Me and my buddy mr. slugger would like to meet mr. peice of shit :mad:

hve you seen the oversized cricket bat I made for my Shaun of the dead" holloween get'up?


methinks this is a good chance for it to taste real blood. When/where is this guy getting out?

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Guest jpurdy2003
Make sure he spends a lot of time in prison. Guys who beat women and/or commit sex crimes get treated like shit in prison. The only people who get less respect are child molesters.
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