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Anyone on here own any Magnepan's by chance?


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I'd really like to hear some MMG's and the only way to do so without buying them unheard is to listen to someone elses.



If you have no idea what I am talking about then turn away. smile.gif



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You should go check out Progressive Audio on High St. in the campus area. I bet they might have something else you like. If you’re into higher end audio, it's definitely worth a trip there regardless. You can check them out at www.progressiveaudio.com I wouldn't spend my money at any other brick & mortar store in Columbus.


They do carry Martin Logan speakers, which make Magneplanar style speakers. Those will probably give you an idea of what that type of speaker sounds like. Though, I believe every speaker they make has a built in sub-woofer. I hope this wouldn't be a problem though; as you should use the MMG's with a sub, they don't go down low enough.


Don't they have some sort of return policy if you don't like them?


My dad's old boss has a set, but he hasn't talked to him since he got laid off. My dad said he seemed to like them though. I don't know anyone else who owns a set though, sorry. I would like to hear them if you get them.


Oh yeah, if you go up there, check out the NHT ST4's. I plan on getting those sometime in the future; probably a little more than what you want to spend though, based on the price of the MMG's.


What do you have to hook these up to and/or what are you planning on getting? Just curious.


Good luck with buying some new speakers. graemlins/thumb.gif


[ 25. January 2005, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Neo ]

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I'm just curious to hear them, I'm not planning on buying anything currently, but in the future I would like to. I've been to progressive audio, there is a place in dublin that does some hi fi and is a dealer for magnepan.


I recently got a set of Grado SR60 headphones and they spoiled me, now I want some better home stuff at some point. smile.gif

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Audio Encounters carries Magnepan(at least they used too)...they are off of Bethel i think...really close to LaScala.


Martin Logans are electro-static(big difference) i used to own a set, the Maggies were a tough act to beat, but they overall look of the Martin's won out.


oh yeah...the MMG's are usually on manufacture back-order, people use them as all channels, even center, so there is a staggering demand. my advice would be to never buy anything from Progressive, they want way too much....check out www.Audiogon.com there are a lot of demos and low hour equipment on there from true audiophiles.


oh yea, you should also plan on buying an amp, "planar" speakers love power, they draw amps like no other.

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