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Animals falling out of trailers on the freeway?

Guest Varioram

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Guest Varioram
Ok, I was on 161 Saturday and maybe 100 yards in front of me in the other lane was this truck with one of those one-horse trailers but there was a lama(sp) in it not a horse. Yeah well the damn thing fell out onto the freeway and the car behind him hopped like a biatch when he ran over this thing. it was the most rediculous thing I've ever seen. I went back through there 15-20 minutes later and both vehicles were on the side of the road and the lama(sp) was off on the shoulder. I state cop had stopped and was talking to both drivers and what not. Anyone else see this? It has got to be the weirdest shit I've seen in Columbus... poor lama(sp) I must say it was pretty humerous though lol
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"So, this llama falls out of a trailer on a freeway..."


Sounds like an opening line to a bad joke. smile.gif


No, didn't hear anything about it. BTW, did the officer ticket the llama for not wearing a seat belt?

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Originally posted by Varioram:

Ok, I was on 161 Saturday and maybe 100 yards in front of me in the other lane was this truck with one of those one-horse trailers but there was a lama(sp) in it not a horse. Yeah well the damn thing fell out onto the freeway and the car behind him hopped like a biatch when he ran over this thing. it was the most rediculous thing I've ever seen. I went back through there 15-20 minutes later and both vehicles were on the side of the road and the lama(sp) was off on the shoulder. I state cop had stopped and was talking to both drivers and what not. Anyone else see this? It has got to be the weirdest shit I've seen in Columbus... poor lama(sp) I must say it was pretty humerous though lol

I'll laugh when you fall out of a car and get runover on the freeway. Why the fuck was it funny?!
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Wow. that would be awesome. I think its pretty funny when I"m on the highway early in the moring and you get to see the fresh meat the semi's hit. Sometimes they splatter those deer for 200 feet. I've never got to see one actually get hit though.



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Guest GSRchick714
Thats pretty sad for the poor lama. Pretty nasty too...its gross enough seeing deer on the side of the highway but a lama?! graemlins/nonono.gif
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Originally posted by Coke:

PETA is probobly pissed.

Fuck PETA. They are probably one of the most crazy off the wall rights organizations EVER
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I think thats really sad, and I think its really disturbing that people think its funny to see another life ran over and mutilated like that. graemlins/nonono.gif
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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

I think thats really sad, and I think its really disturbing that people think its funny to see another life ran over and mutilated like that. graemlins/nonono.gif

Bah. animals die all the time for our enjoyment. think of all the cool things made out of leather.or a yummy steak. i don't think it's any different. and shame on you for coming down on anyone for it unless of course you don't indirectly cause the death of an animal daily.
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