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satan is gone...


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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Buck531:

Your mother sucks bunions in hell.

graemlins/lol.gif <font color ="midnightblue"> Our father, who art in Hushpuppies, hallowed be thy heel.



Seriously though, impersonating the Prince of Darkness can only get you so far in life. Sooner or later you have to come to terms with yourself, and start asking yourself the important questions, like, "Am I a happy devil?". Besides, it could attract unwanted publicity from extremist groups, or, hell, even Satan himself. It's for the best. ;)

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Originally posted by Rotarded:

He grew tired of the succubi turning his mortal life into a living hell.


For those of you with limited vocabularies:



n : a female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men [plu: succubi syn: succuba]

fuck that shit, just go watch south park
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Originally posted by stillman:

figured the whole satan thing had gone far enough.

That's either really noble or funny or both depending how serious you were. I will say this, I learned my lesson on bull-shitting in the classified section.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:



you do realize that 1fastvolvo is the same girl you ask me for pics of, right??


oh, and you're still not getting any.

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