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Cops caught guy breaking into cars

Guest busteryhyman

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Guest busteryhyman
At 4:30 am i hear a LOUD banging on my door. It was the CPD. they caught a guy sitting in the front seat of my car trying to hotwire it. and they found my title on him (i dropped it today after getting my new tags). in his military bag they found 27 different car registrations, 3 cd decks, 4 cell phones, an XM transmitter and like 60 cds. Looks like he was bashing in windows all around the short north . Thankfully my lot is patroled every hour.
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Guest busteryhyman
Originally posted by Bgbdbn:

Awesome that they caught him. How much damage was done to your car?

hardly any. my passenger lock is temporarily broken from something else and he got in that way. he tore apart part of my dash but i'm pretty sure i can fix it cheap.


they want to know if im pressing charges. hell yeah i am

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Guest busteryhyman
Originally posted by Relegate:

Put your fucking title in a safe, or get a safe deposit box.


It's all you have to keep the car. With that in his hand, and an unscrupulous notary, he will own your car.

it's typically in my filing cabinet. i had to go get tags for the car yesterday and it must have fallen out of my bag and under the seat on the drive home from work.
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Originally posted by Relegate:

Put your fucking title in a safe, or get a safe deposit box.


It's all you have to keep the car. With that in his hand, and an unscrupulous notary, he will own your car.

true story~ happened to me.
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