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Guess the Gub'mint isn't even trying anymore...

Science Abuse

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It's not like anyone tried to keep secret what was there. It's an air base. The shit that they keep there is the secret. Things like the pluse jet aircraft, the newest hypersonic aircraft and other flying machines that no one knows about. I wouldn't be suprized if there was a space shuttle or two there that were like the ones in Armageddon. I don't think that the government purposely keeps shit from us, but they learned their lesson with the Rosenbirds, or whatever the fuck the names of the people that sold "Nuclear (SP?) Secrets" to the Russians. The info they had was straight out of college text books for the most part concerning atom smashing and fision.

It wasn't a secret here, only to the Russians. The shit that blows me away is that they allow people of other countries now to study nuclear phyics and such at the top universities in the USA and go home with that information. They don't consider that to be problem, meanwhile these are some of the scientists that are over there trying to build a nuclear weapon out of a pinball machine for people that would use it on us without a second thought. The Russians had the power for years and never used it, because of mutually assured distruction. The terrorists and extreemists that are wanting to posses this power are not of the same belief, they figure that if they kill some of us and we kill alot more of them they have still won. The world is not a safe place at this point.

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I was under the impression that it was illegal to take arial and satilite photo's of US military intstallations anywhere.


Originally posted by Just another Slow car:

kinda funny that you cant zoom all the way in on the map.

Some areas are a higher resolution then others, mostly areas they think people will care about.


holy shit, look to the west, huge crater(s). Neat shit, I'll be poking aroundhere for a while. Buncha roads shooting off in all directions, follow them. graemlins/thumb.gif


[ 07. July 2005, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: The Stig ]

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Originally posted by Crash:

There is a tone of craters to the west. Well, I guess you can deffinatly tell where they have target practice with missiles huh. haha

most if not all of the carters you are referring too were caused by underground explosions (testing nucs and other high energy bombs)
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Microsoft has a terraserver. I can't remember the web site off hand but it has all the current terestrial pictures on it as well and has it laid out by address and by longitude and latitude so you can look for a specific place.


It's really handy for being out in the country and finding landmarks and the like if you are hiking off trails and exploring.

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these are still the most recent I've been able to find, plus they seem to be actual satilite imagest, not arial shots. Plust there's just more of the world there, looks like everything but the poles.

See, here's Everest, summit at centerr.


Also, check out China's Forbidden City, and The Giza Plateau. the Eifel Tower, and The London Bridge, along with a destroyer.

What can you find? How about Toledo's Nuke plant?


[ 08. July 2005, 04:07 PM: Message edited by: The Stig ]

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