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Well, that didn't work!


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So I get up at 6AM and start my truck up around 6:30, defroster on full blast. I head out at 7:00 to see the melting progress and......


….still a 1/4-1/2" thick sheet of ice.


So I bust through it with my scraper/snow brush, luckily the underside of the ice sheet has been a little melted and the ice "flakes" away.




On the last smack, the scraper breaks off of my brush. Great.


I’m pissed off about that, so I break concentration from the ice, and look around for a second. That’s when reality hits me... I see the 6-8" deep tire tracks through the streets of my neighborhood. Only one car has passed by, I'll be damned if had to have some ground clearance! Obviously a truck.


I look at my truck, then at the street, and realize that the situation is much more dangerous than it looks. I call my boss to see what the deal is with work. He tells me that he is undecided, and that it's up to my personal discretion to go in if I think it's safe. So I sit there for a few min and ponder the situation. Okay, I'll be a good employee and go in. Hell, I've driven in worse - I think - so this should be no problem.


I get out onto the streets and realize immediately how bad of a situation this is when my truck has difficulty making its own tracks in the snow/ice.


I make it out on Alton-Darby road, 4WD blazing at an astounding 10mph, when it happens. I lose control of a 3/4 ton missile that launches itself sideways into a ditch. Sweet.


I hop out of the truck to make sure there is no damage; it's a corn field, sweet. Looking around, I know there is no fuckin' way I'm getting up the embankment I just slid down. So I put the truck into 4WD Low, and plow my way through the middle of the field to a flat spot where I can pull out of it.


Then I go the fuck home.


I just pulled into my driveway, ego bruised a little. When not 10 seconds later a minivan careens by and SLAMS into the car parked on the other side of my street in front of my house. Yikes!


I'm going to try and describe the scene in front of my house right now, since my camera is broken. Shortly after the van slammed the car (the van is resting where it stopped) a 2WD Pathfinder gets stuck in the MIDDLE of the T in the streets in front of my house. From one direction, is a stuck Explorer and F150 who are less than a foot from each other trying to get unstuck. I expect them to hit each other soon. On another direction is another minivan who was trying to drive through, but being blocked by the Pathfinder, had to put it in reverse and try to go BACKWARDS down the street. They are stuck now too, about 30 feet from the Pathfinder. An Accord is now stuck behind the second Minivan.


Holy fuck.


The moral of the story? DON'T GO THE FUCK OUTSIDE TODAY!

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My company is based in Denver, they have no sympathy for snow.


I shoveled twice last night and got down the driveway just fine. Put her in drive, stuck. Dig a couple of feet of runway, stuck, again, stuck. Neighbor helps push, stuck, dig, stuck, dig, push, stuck. weeee. finally I get the forward progress and make it to the end of the street, stuck, dig, stuck, dig, onto the street. I made it to work 20 minutes late. I have 15 people in my group, 3 of us are here.

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You bunch of pussies. I just got back from taking my wife to work. My company closed today, but I was ready to go. I wish my 4x4 ran right now. All I got left is a `94 corolla wagon and a 2WD GMC fullsize truck with slicks and a giant pile of snow in the bed. I had no trouble at all.



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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

you have 4wd and was in a cornfield


once again


city boys graemlins/nonono.gif

I tell you what. Why don't you use your "country" Dublin logic and tell me how 4WD is supposed to help you on ice?


Friggen moron.

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I tell you what. Why don't you use your "country" Dublin logic and tell me how 4WD is supposed to help you on ice?


Friggen moron.[/QB]




My mom went to work today in her ford taurus station wagon. Meanwhile my car is still stuck at the bottom of my driveway from trying to park it last night. graemlins/lol.gif

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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:


My mom went to work today in her ford taurus station wagon. Meanwhile my car is still stuck at the bottom of my driveway from trying to park it last night. graemlins/lol.gif

Yea, I watched my other neighbor take prolly 15 running starts in a vain attempt to get their van into the garage.


It was stuck this morning on the street, just like every car in the 'hood. :D

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More from the "hood":


The neighbor's 2WD Exploder made it 15' and is stuck.


Just finished chipping the 500# of inch thick ice off of the Saturn. Gotta love plastic cars, I'd have dented the living shit out of a (your car here) beating on it to crack the ice!

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Its times like this when I know my priorities are screwed.


I felt like a priceless commercial this morning.



Being stuck in the snow because you spent money meant for a beater on go-faster parts: Priceless.


Nothing like hearing a bypass valve...over and over and over again while I'm trying to get out of the snow.

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