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what a merry F-ing christmas


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aka "F U Northwest Airlines"

So I wake up this morning at 6 am to go to work, only work till noon so not a big deal, but still, waking up early just adds to the discomfort of this day.

Earlier in the week I decided with my dad i would fly down to florida for the weekend so i can spend christmas with him, and my aunt, uncle, and cousin that live down there. I bought online a flight to tampa with a connecting flight in memphis, and a straight shot home. My dad, his wife, and 7month old chinese sister (haha i know) were going to fly down thursday but obviously that didnt happen, so they changed it to be on the same flight as mine which worked out great.

So after I was off work we packed all the luggage in his rental and headed to the airport, unloaded everything, turned in the car, and started in the line waiting.

Checked in the bags, no problems, no delays, everything moving fine. Go through the security check, annoying as always but its ok I really didnt mind. Check the flight info screen, everything is going great.

Our gate just so happens to be the LAST gate, B36 if you're familiar with the airport. And im carrying all the carryon stuff, again i dont mind, just adds to the shitfulness of this day.

Get to the gate, everythings normal, then as soon as we set everything down and sit down because we're about 50minutes early, the screen flashes that the plane is delayed until 8:15! it was supposed to depart at 5:55.

We're waiting a few minutes, and then it changes to 9:59! so my dad gets in line to find out whats going on, after about a half hour wait he comes back, because of the delay we'll miss the connecting flight, and theres not another tampa flight until morning. Well my florida trip was already only one day, and now it was going to be even less than that. So my dad tries to call Northwest to see about changing flights, hes on hold for a little over a half hour, talking to the lady and they get disconnected. Calls back, waits again.

Finally get some answers, the morning flight out of memphis (which was pretty much out of the question anyways with a 7month old baby) only had 1 seat available, so it was pointless.

So we go back up to the front counter, theres an orlando flight at 6pm the next day, which is the earliest possible, so my dad got that (they bumped him up to first class which was nice) but he'll have to get a rental car then and drive to tampa from there. I had to refund my ticket, but im still out the $5 expedia charged.

Well now because we turned in the rental car, and even if i did have my truck we couldnt all fit in it, we had to rent another van just so we could get home and my dad could get back the next day. Of course they rented out the caravan we jsut turned in, all that was left was a 15 passenger chevy van that is freaking huge, at this point we no longer cared.

So here I am stuck in ohio for christmas sitting on my computer all by maself.Dont get to see the rest of my family that i was really hoping to see. Instead I just get to sit around in an airport, carry some heavy freakin luggage around, and waste all kinds of time and money.

On a plus note, i was fed up and cracked open a bottle of baileys at the gate and started getting tore up!

So merry F-ing christmas to all, and F U Northwest Airlines!

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